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Chapter Four

It was pretty late at night as Nick sat in the gym. No one else was there so it was deadly quiet. He sat there thinking of life and how it seemed so unfair sometimes.

Cancer was a cruel cruel reality that the world was not fair. He sighed letting out his breath that was being held by him and he tried to keep his emotions in check.

Sitting here thinking of what had happened to Anita made him feel like suffocating. How could this have happened to her? She was so young and special to the gymnastics world. She was supposed to be preparing for her gold medal at the Olympics, not for the endless testing and medication that she was going to have to go through.

Nick stood up sighing and walked around the dimly lit gym. Sounds of years of practice haunted him. He could hear the squeak of the bars, the pounding on the floor, the pants for breath.

In his eye he could see himself working hard for his dream, he along with all of his gym mates. Then suddenly the picture changed.

He stared at the floor mat. An image of Anita was there. He silently watched her move gracefully to the music of her floor routine, he watched as she went through the difficult tumbling that would wow the crowds. Then he watched as her last tumbling pass came up and she fell to the floor in pain.

Nick shook his head wanting the memory of what happened to her leave.

Tears pricked his eyes threatening to spill. When he realized this he became confused. Why was he focusing so much attention on her? He blinked thinking of her sweet face. His heart beat faster when he realized that he had special feelings for her.

This made him feel scared and confused. Because he had spent his entire life at the gym, he never dated.

*Flash back*

13 year old Nick stood in the food court watching the pretty red head. He felt a blush creep upon his face.

Slowly he walked up to her.

"Hi, I'm Nick." He said shyly.

She turned her large green eyes and stared at him.

"Melinda." She answered coolly.

"Um, could I uh buy you a drink?" Nick asked blushing deeply.

"Have one already." She said and turned back to her friend giggling.

Nick wished he could sink through the floor right then and there. He was miserable. Slowly he walked away.

*end of flash back*

Nick sighed thinking of how little experience he had in the girl department. Kevin wasn't that bad and neither were Brian, but he felt like a loser.

Then again, he thought, Anita wasn't like Melinda. Surely she wouldn't cruelly reject him or laugh in his face.

The only problem was how was he going to make her see that he liked her and wasn't doing this out of pity for her.

He decided that the only thing that he could do was go and show her that he supported her.

Squaring his shoulders, he got up and glanced one last time around the gym. Then he walked out to go see her.