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The feisty nine-year-old was sat upon the hard wooden bench that sat outside the principal’s office, just as she had decided to put up a fight again. She muttered swear words angrily, as she was left to sit upon the bench alone – like always. She was well known in the office as well, as she was there more often than the rest of the students. Out of all the children in the school, she was the one sent to the principal’s office the most.

She rubbed the cheek that had been illegally slapped, and knew the principal would just believe that the girl she had hit twice had decided to try and fight back. She also knew for a fact, that should her parents be called, she would be in some deep shit when she got home, and that they neither would ever believe a word she said. The only thing they would believe was that A.J. McLean of the Backstreet Boys was her brother – as they knew it to be true because Bob McLean was her father too.

She grew quite after a while, and just sat there staring down at the floor, swinging her legs aimlessly – and missing her brother dearly, and wishing that he were there to save the day like he always had before. Well, almost always – he did travel the world frequently, and couldn’t be there for her as often as they both would like. And she knew her mother and father would blow a gasket if he were to show up anyway, so she just sat there silently wishing it with all her heart instead.

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