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Tesia lay upon her bed in the darkness, as the power had been shut off in her room, and the sun had long since gone down. She hated the dark, and was terrified of it – but, obviously, no one in the household cared – they all could’ve cared less if she was afraid of her own shadow – which, she kind of was.

She continued to sob her heart out, unable to stop – as every time she’d come close to stopping, she’d think of something that would cause her to start up all over again. She sniffled every so often as well, for her nose kept running on her, then plugging up making it harder to breathe.

Soon enough though, she had managed to cry herself to sleep – her prized picture clutched dangerously to her chest. For should her parents find it in her possession, she would be in so much shit, she’d never be able to get out of it – for at least a month – maybe more.

She snored softly, as she rolled to her stomach, her picture getting shoved under her pillow in her sleep. She had done this before, and it had worked – hopefully – for her sake – it would work again.

A.N.: Well, hope y'all liked this one too! This one was actually a bit harder for me to write. More to come soon - I hope. Please review! Thanks!