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Once more, Tesia had been sat upon the stupid wooden bench outside the principal’s office – and once more, her father was being called and told all about her behaviour – plus he unapproved phone call. She knew she was in deep shit once more – as per always – and that she would receive and even worse beating than last time, as this time she had decided to cross the limit and phone her brother. She just hoped they never found out that she had actually left him a message this time.

She sat there, thinking bitterly about everyone and everything, as she had lost all hope in all the things she had once believed in. by her brother not answering his phone when she called, she knew she wouldn’t ever be seeing him again anytime soon – and that hurt her more than anyone would ever know.

She wiped at her eyes in frustration, as she had begun to cry and not even realized it, until she felt tears hit the blue and yellow sundress she was wearing. She curled up the best she could on the bench, while still sitting up, and hugged her knees to her chest as she began to sob. She buried her face into her lap, and kept it hidden not wanting to never have to look out at the world around her again – not unless, by some miracle, she was with her brother. Then – and only then would she look and regain her hope that had been lost once more. Only then.

A.N.: Well, hope y'all liked this one too. As always, I've worked hard - hopefully it paid off. Lol. Please review! Thank-you!