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For a brief moment it felt as if the bomb shelter would explode. As if the ceiling would simply crack and fall down on them, and the ones still alive after would surely die from the burning pieces of the White House falling through.

But after a few breathless seconds, after a few frozen minutes, silence was all that pierced the air. Madison let out a shaky breath, the Bush family suddenly aware of her presence as all of their heads turned towards her.

"The fifth one hit at about the same time." Unnamed announced.

"There's no more heading for DC, Sir. But...there are hundreds of others," Henry tapped the screen. "They are headed towards a few country places, the Poconos and such. Others are headed towards amusement parks. More are headed towards suburbs all over the country. But the most of them are heading to all the major cities. They'll hit Pittsburgh, Scranton, and Philadelphia first. After that they hit St. Louis, Cleveland, Chicago, LA, Malibu, Orlando, Miami, Tampa, Atlanta, Boston, NYC...everything, Mr. President. They're destroying America."

Madison now had tears streaming down her face, thinking of her friends in Manhattan. Hoping they get out in time and find somewhere to hide. She saw them all in her mind, a sob escaping her lips. She wiped the tears away with anger, turning towards the President.

"How come you didn't see this coming? How come you didn't know until the last second? The last three fucking minutes? Shouldn't you have seen this hours ago when the fucking things came into our radar's? We could have actually fucking did something then! We could have saved peoples lives!" She shouted, the tears she willed back still coming like a rainstorm.

"Sir, we're lifting a scope to land level." Unnamed announced, taking Madison's arm and yanking her towards the tables and desks. "Calm yourself, Soldier. This is no fucking time to be kicked out of a bomb shelter, do you understand? Calm the fuck down and shut your mouth." He hissed in her ear, swinging her down onto a chair.

A cold rage settled over her heart and she was thankful she didn't have the gun that was normally equipped with the uniform she wore. If she did have it, she felt sure she would have blown everyone in the room to pieces. Her heart pulsed quick in her jugular, her teeth grinding as she tried to cool her blood.

The screen was black at first as it began to escalate from the air tight seal it had been held in so long. Madison's hands tightened on the arms of her chair, her knuckles turning white as she pressed her fingers into the hard rubber. Her lips moved in a silent prayer she was hardly aware she was making, her toes curled with hope inside her boots.

The screen turned a shade of neon green before darkening, the color slowly draining out towards the edges. The screen wavered, broke apart, ran diagonally, came back again. Not a mutter or a single breath ran through the dimly lit shelter. Madison's hands slowly released their clutch, her eyes brimming with tears.

"My God." It came out in a mere breath of words.

The screen showed nothing. Where buildings stood and people walked, the world was simply nonexistent. There was dirt, there was bits of torn away sidewalk and street. Scattered metal and debris...bodies. All the bodies.

Washington DC had been flattened to nothing more than a city in the history books.

"Sir, in the past ten minutes, half of The United States has been hit." A radio man whispered, not daring to turn to face some of the last remaining citizens.

"Jesus...Jesus Christ!" The First Lady screamed, jumping up from the couch. Tears streamed down and she slapped them away from her face, looking down with rage upon her husband. "Did you know about this, George?"

"No, Laura! If I had known! My God, don't you think I would have done something?" He exclaimed, jumping up from the couch with astonishment written all over his wrinkled features.

"Mr. President?" Henry asked, a whisper that shuddered the room.

"What?" He yelled.

"Mr. President...we've been destroyed." Henry whispered.

"What do you mean, we've been destroyed?" The First Lady asked, her knees giving out as she fell back onto the couch next to her daughters.

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Bush asked.

"Well, just that, Sir-" Henry began.

"Basically, Sir," A radio man turned, tears streaming down his plump cheeks. "Sir, America has been wiped from existence."