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Madison tried to hold back the tears that welled up in her eyes, swallow the lump that formed in her throat, dislodge the dagger inside her heart. Don looked at her and a small smile of satisfaction pulled up the corners of his mouth.

"The question is...are you willing to risk any bit of your life that still exists to get it back?"

"The real question is, in what way?" Kevin's voice was cold.

"Does it matter? What is it that you have left? Don't you get it? You have no reason to live."

"Exactly, so why bother even risking it? At least this way we have awhile before the food runs out." Madison answered.

"Oh, what a way to spend out the rest of your days." Don rolled his eyes, clasping his hands on top of the table. His big blue eyes seemed beady, darting around the room.

"If you're not going to tell us how, then at least tell us why." Kevin demanded.

"I can't until you agree with th-"

"Why? Who in the great fuck of things are we going to tell?" Madison glared.

Don shifted in his seat, staring uncomfortably at the table. He sighed deeply, a man who didn't like to break the rules he lived by no matter the situation.

"It doesn't matter...?" Kevin began.


"It doesn't matter Madison. We have no choice. We either participate in this...situation. Or, they send our asses up onto land with the nuclear gas still floating around in heavy clouds." Kevin's voice was cold, his eyes were cold. His whole body was stiff and straight, his eyes never leaving Don.

"Kevin, you're a smart man. I expected as much from a Marine." The grin was sinister and Madison felt that dagger drive even deeper into her heart. "Basically, to lay it out on the table here...you have two choices. One, you say no and you die like the rest of them. Two, you do as we ask and gain the chance to live out your life happily until your old and gray. In option two, life is not a guarantee...but it's a possibility. Which is better then the first one."

"I though this was the land of the free. Wasn't that what I was fucking fighting for in Afghanistan?" Madison snarled.

"Lot of good that did ya." Don laughed wholeheartedly, his eyes squeezed shut and his head flung back.

Kevin's hand wasn't there this time to hold her back as she sprung up from her seat. She had almost made it all the way before Don yanked his gun out. She skidded to a halt as her eyes registered the barrel not half a foot from her forehead. Don turned the gun around in his hand, taking the butt of the gun and smashing it against her temple. Madison's body flung towards her left, throwing her against the wall face first. Black edged her vision and she felt herself falling, maps ripping from the wall with the weight of her body as the black closed all the way in.

The face was foggy when she opened her eyes, but she noticed the bright emerald eyes staring down at her and she breathed a thick sigh of relief.

"That's it. Come on now, Madison." The southern drawl floated into her head as she became slightly aware of the tapping hand on her cheek. More aware of another hand pinching her nostrils closed.

Pain suddenly roared up inside her head, banging against her brain like a hammer. She groaned loudly, letting her eyes roll up into head.

"Fuck." She muttered, feeling liquid squirt from her lips at the words. She wasn't sure if it was blood or spit, but she felt that cold metallic taste in the back of her throat that could only mean one thing.

She licked at her lips, her tongue flicking at the gash in the left of her lower lip. Blinking, she tried to clear her vision. Kevin wiped at her nose, tilted his head, and then let it go.

"You're all right." He told her loudly, letting his voice break through that fog. He gripped her shoulders and slowly pulled her to a sitting position. She tilted to the side before correcting herself, looking up at him with dazed eyes. They slowly cleared and anger replaced the confusion.

"That mother fucker." She spat, wiping the blood from her mouth and nose.

"Maybe you should try not come after me next time. Besides, I didn't mean for you to smash your face into the cement wall. That was just added bonus." Don snickered, looking at the blood that trailed down the wall. "Now, Kevin has agreed for this little journey. Do you, Madison?"

"If it gets me the fuck away from you." She growled, spitting blood out onto the floor.

"Good. We have a deal. Now, let me explain what this is all about. First, I'll get you some Motrin for your cooperation. See how nice that is?" He snickered as he walked from the room.

"Kevin, may I ask you a question there, big guy?" Madison asked as he lifted her off the floor.

"What?" Kevin grunted, pulling out a seat and sitting her down.

"What in the hell have we got ourselves into?"