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-Hey I'm trying a new idea here, I hope you all enjoy. This is more deep emotional story and I hope I can take you into my crazy imaginary world for this story. Thanks for reading and if you can review please. Thanks.

"Love Can Save"

-Proverbs 18:24, "A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

**~Stained Friendships~**

Love is a funny thing. It's one of the most strongest and powerful emotions around. Even the Bible is a written love letter from God to his loved ones. Love is an empowering emotion controlled blindly by the heart, soul and mind. How many songs are written about lost love, falling in and out of love and stepping into love: it's an endless list. As well as how many crimes are committed with the intentions of love as the prospect. It's quite remarkable, how it can control a person in so many ways. There are so many cliches with love but all seem true in one way or another.

The pencil rolls off his fingers as it crashes onto the floor with a quiet clatter. A.J. sits up and snaps open his eyes, confused and dazed at where he was at.

"That's wrong man. You weren't listening to a word I said." Nick mutters annoyed, staring at his sleepy friend who tugs on the hood of his black baseball hat to cover his eyes away from Nick.

"I heard ya Nick." A.J. clears his throat as he slides further into the uncomfortable hard sofas in the lobby the university provided.

"Yeah, sure you did Jay. Sure you did." Nick mutters, picking off lint from the edge of the velvet sofa.

A.J. adjusts the hood of his hat and sits up, rubbing his tired eyes, "Whatever man."

"I said do you know if Yasmine knows we're here to pick her up?" Nick whispers as the quiet conversations of people walking pass them cleared out.

"Nope, not a clue. It'll be a surprise for her alright." A.J. grins as he settles back into the sofa, gazing around the revolving doors and hallways.

"J, you sure you have the right place? I mean its been over four years since the last you've seen her. What if she doesn't even want to talk with you?" Nick tries to reason, anything to get him out of this place. He was never much fond of the school institution for school was never much his forte.

A.J. smirks and pats his jean-clad thighs with his hands, "Yeah. Don't worry about it. She'll be here. I know her, her mom states she always head to the lobby to do some studying before going to work. She'll be here Nick."

"Oh right. Can we at least wait outside? I don't like sitting here thinking Howie is out there by himself left unprotected in the Benz." The tall broad shoulder blonde states: anything that can get him out of sitting in the lobby where someone might recognize them.

"Howie's a big boy, he can care for himself. Yo Kaos, chill out man. In a few, Yasmine will be here and we can get the hell out here. K?" A.J. whispers, locking eyes with his friend.

Nick inhales slowly and nods his head, "Oh, ok then." And he slowly leans back on the sofa, nibbling on his lip cautiously.

A.J. smirks and shakes his head when Nick speaks out suddenly as an idea hits him, "Hey just curious, you think she'll still be mad at us for the prank we pulled on her years ago? I mean she looks like the type of chick that holds grudges."

"Dude, I'm sure she's over it and besides it was Brian who pulled the prank, if anything he'll be hearing lip from her later on when he sees her." A.J. whispers, a smile creeping on his face.

Nick gulps and settles back next to A.J. "Oh, cause you know she stood indoors for three days for what happened to her. She couldn't go out cause she was too embarrassed with her hair painted in purple."

"Hey, that was her favorite color." A.J. smiles, setting his eyes up at his friend: not noticing a young woman carrying her backpack heading towards their direction.

"I'm sure not anymore with what happened back then." Nick chuckles as he watches a petite curvy woman walking towards the next vacant desk, a few feet away from them.

A.J. follows Nick's eyes and smiles, "That's her! She hasn't changed at all."

Nick shakes his head, "Oh yes she did. Damn, where those curves come from? She had that body hidden underneath all those clothes when we meet her years ago?" He whispers tracing Yasmine's figure with his eyes.

A.J. snaps his fingers in Nick's face, "Hey man! Don't say that about her! Respect her." A.J. comes to her defense as the woman watches them curiously and places her back pack on the desk.

A.J. takes the opportunity and jumps off the sofa placing his palms on Yasmine's shoulders. The woman jumps in fright as she turns around to crash into A.J. She looks up as she sees a familiar face. Gasping, she breaks into a giggle and throws her arms around A.J.'s shoulders.

"Oh My God!" She squeals, her golden tan cheeks lit up. "Alex! Oh my God, I haven't seen you for years! And Nick!" She yells out, her eyes averting to the tall golden haired man standing inches away from the couple.

"Hey Yas. I guess you ain't mad at us then huh?" Nick grins.

Confused, Yasmine raises her eyebrows, "Why? Should I be mad at you?"

A.J. nudges Nick on the ribs and shakes his head, "Don't pay no mind to him, he was just curious how those wonderful black long curls you have now turned out after the purple dye."

Yasmine pulls away from Alex and stares at him seriously, "That's right. You done messed up my hair, I should be mad at your behinds. I can't believe you put Brian up to that dare. That was my hair that was suffering. But you know its never too late for payback."

"Brian! Hold on, he wasn't the innocent one in the mess. He was the one responsible for doing that." Nick states, feeling the boring of both A.J. and Yasmine's eyes on him. "Ok, fine. I know when to shut up." He mumbles, backing away from the two.

Yasmine breaks into a big smile and leaps at Nick, giving him a hug, "Oh boy just hug me already! You guys have got to tell me how everything is going? What it feels like to be famous and all that good stuff!" Yasmine squeals out, her light green eyes glittering happily.

Nick chuckles and wraps his arms around her, picking her up and twirling her in the embrace.

"So what's with the visit? You remember the little people that got you to where you at now?" Yasmine teases, poking A.J. in the ribs after Nick releases her.

"Couldn't have said it better Yas." A.J. replies, "Actually we were in town and decided to drop by and see how things are with you. So how are things with you?" He asks with a grin on his face.

She giggles and nods her head, "Going good man. Trying to complete my major. I got the intern job for writing at the prestigious Daily Journal." She squeals, jumping up and down in glee.

Nick smiles, "That's right! You wanted to be a writer for a newspaper! That's hot man, you get the chance to show off your talent."

"Thanks Nick. Its about time too! I was working hard, killing my behind to type up a hot article and now I get the chance to print it on a national newspaper for others to read! Couldn't have asked for nothing better!" Yasmine smiles as the trio exits through the glass doors. A.J. holds the door as Yasmine and Nick go through. They walk pass the grassy fields with Nick leading the way towards a parked black Benz at the corner of the street. They keep their heads down in case someone recognizes either of them.

Sure enough, the calm peaceful front lawn was broken by a cry of a young woman who screamed out she loves Nick. A.J. looks around in time to hear a few gasps and whispers.

Giggling, Yasmine tugs on his blue sleeve and both quickly walked down the block out of the frantic cries in time to walk towards their awaiting vehicle. Nick reaches the car first and sighs.

"Close call." Nick whispers, pulling off his hat and nervously glancing back to see no one chasing after them.

"Yeah." A.J. sighs, as he smiles gently at Yasmine.

"I was looking forward to the excitement of being chased down, but I guess its not happening today huh?" Yasmine giggles, teasing the two men. Nick raises his eyebrows and smirks.

"Next topic. Don't need you to get all hyped on getting run over by insane fans, its not a fun thing, you can ask Howie." Nick chuckles as Howie smiles and waves from inside the Benz, not noticing Yasmine yet.

"Poor Howie. Where the other guys?" Yasmine asks, changing the topic as they approach the vehicle.

"Howie as you already saw is in the car and Brian and Kevin are at the hotel waiting for you." A.J. states with a smile.

"Gosh, I feel so popular to be picked up by you guys." Yasmine giggles as the driver side door swings open with Howie leaping out.

"Howie!" Yasmine squeals as Howie races around the hood of the car and picks Yasmine up in his arms. Both laughing, they embrace and give each other a peck on the cheek. "I can't believe it. You guys all came for me?" Yasmine asks in shock.

"Si, y por que no!" (Yes and why not!) "We never forgot you pequeñ¡®” (little one) Howie chuckles, ruffling her black curls. "Man, you've grown. When was the last time I saw you?" Howie asks as the four boards the vehicle.

Yasmine grins and raises her dark eyebrows, "Oh well that was a while ago, a little more than four years ago, I was eighteen."

Nick smirks, "Ahh, so you're very legal now." He leans forward from the back seat with A.J. and places his arms on the edges of the camel haired seats with a grin plastered on his face.

"Yes and Nick, she ain't interested." A.J. answered for her as she breaks into a sweet laugh.

Nick rolls his eyes and settles back on the back seat as Yasmine shakes her head with glee. "Thanks Alex, but I can do the talking my self and Nick who knows? Maybe if you're good, you might be a possibility."

At that remark Nick nods his head and pokes A.J. "Yo, you heard that? I'm a possibility."

"She said might Nick, don't get your hopes up." Howie chuckles as he pulls the sleek black vehicle into the busy streets of New York.

"So guys where we heading?" Yasmine speaks up, as she adjusts the radio knob to find a music station.

"The hotel, I gotta pick up Brian and Kevin." Howie states, his eyes never losing focus off the busy streets.

"Oh, ok cool. You know you guys don't leave me in suspense, what's the deal with being famous?" Yasmine asks curiously, her light green eyes twinkling as she lands on a hip hop radio station, the speakers blasting a song.

"Weird. Sometimes I forget that there are people looking at you either for the good or the bad." Nick mutters, his eyes staring at the window besides him.

Yasmine smirks, "Right of course. That's the benefit and fault of the business you're in. So ahhhÂ… How was the whole arrest thing Nick? You can tell me. What really happened?"

A.J. laughs and claps his hand watching Nick grate his teeth on his lower lip, "Yas, you know what happened. I called you that day when it occurred remember?"

Yasmine beams and nods her head, "Right, but I forgot. Remind me Carter."

Nick annoyed at this point, rolls his tongue over his top teeth as he tries to maintain control of the situation. Yasmine always had the knack to get beneath his skin since the day he meet her through A.J.

A.J. and Yasmine grew up next to each as children down in Miami and were bonded like blood siblings. It was incredible how strong their friendship remained especially since her sudden move up north to New York over five years ago. She wanted to study out a media major and believed New York was the step up she needed to succeed in such a business. And she was right on that. As for A.J. he would always talk about her like a proud brother, beaming at the thought that she will achieve her dreams like he did his.

A.J. recalled the day he got signed onto a record deal with the other guys and began getting antsy at the thought that he will have to travel and leave her behind. He remembered it was a sad farewell more than four years ago when he knocked on Yasmine's dorm after she had recently arrived to New York for her studies and broke the news about how difficult it would be for him to visit her often. Of course by now, Yasmine already knew how famous he was and understood perfectly. She simply shrugged it off and smiled, like she always did, "It'll be a time of testing I guess. If it's meant to be, then so be it." A.J. recalled the words and kept it in his heart, he didn't want to miss out on a great relationship he had. A lot of times, the other guys teased him saying he went through great length to maintain the friendship only to see if he had a chance for something more. Of course A.J. never thought that way about her, sure he thought she was very attractive, in fact more than beautiful surpassed her looks, but he wanted her friendship and wouldn't think about seeing her in any other way. He cared for her too much and figured a dating relationship would only strain the emotions and feelings they have for one another.

He recalled over four years ago, the last time he saw her, how they discussed their feelings. He told her he cared for her and would do anything for her and she in turn felt the same way. They both agreed that although possible feelings of wanting to seek further within the relationship will arise, they decided to talk about it the moment one of them started feeling in such a way and decided not to go on from there. Though they never talked further about it, A.J. thought about it more than he intended to. It wasn't that he wanted to be in a dating relationship with her, it was just the fact that he didn't want another man dating her. Maybe it was a brotherly instinct in some aspect. But right now wasn't the right time to express himself in front of the other guys cause then he would never hear the end of it from them.

A.J. tunes into the conversation at hand as he hears Howie laughs and pulls into the hotel driveway they were staying at.

Yasmine smiles and winks at A.J. as they get out the car door. They walk side by side as Nick and Howie lead the way towards the side entrance.

"Shhh, we have to be very quiet, we're hunting for wabbit, hahahahahaha." Nick turns around with a silly face.

"Well I see some things don't change." Yasmine remarks receiving a daring glare from the tall blonde as Howie and A.J snicker.

A.J. smirks and laughs, "Oh well that's just Nick, he never really understood the whole concept of being an adult."

"Hey well maybe you can show me sometime?" Nick teases, blowing a kiss to Yasmine.

Howie chuckles as they quickly checked into the hotel suite and race towards an awaiting elevator. They board the elevator, its metal doors closing softly behind them. The fresh mahogany smell lingered in the elevator as the recently brightly polished walls gleam. Howie pushes a button to take them to the fourteenth floor and a small jolt ascends them towards their destination.

"Wow. This place is incredible. Wonder how much it cost to stay in a place like this?" Yasmine whispers in awe, examining the gentle florescent light boring down on them from above as the buttons plays a counting game: its numbers glowing red as it passes another floor.

"Too much. Actually any one can afford it depending on the room that is." Howie whispers, leaning back, his tan complexion glowing in the lights. He smiles as he runs his hand through his short dark brown hair.

Yasmine smiles and nods her head, "I know but I can't."

"You mean to tell me you've never been in a hotel before?" Nick asks interested, rubbing the golden spikes on his head with his hand.

Nodding her head, she responds, "Oh yeah Nick. Why do you find it a surprise? I don't have money growing out of my butt like some people I know." She whispers out in a slight agitated voice.

Nick lets out a small growl of annoyance as A.J. jumps in and starts a new conversation. A.J. shakes his head and decides its best to talk about anything else before Nick leaps down her throat. A.J recalled the day she met Nick and the meeting didn't go well. It seemed they were two peas in a pod, they were eerily similar in so many ways yet they couldn't handle each other or be around each other long enough before one of them snaps. And recently it seemed Nick was the one catching the lighted end of the friendship candle.

"Hey Nick remember that time when Kevin and I decided to trap you inside the bathroom." Yasmine giggles as the memories flooded her mind.

Nick growls and nods his head, "Yeah. You left me in the bathroom for over an hour and I had to escape through the bathroom window. I was late for the meeting with our producers and I was getting yelled at how irresponsible I was being, coming in tardy."

Howie chuckles and waves his hand, "Oh yeah, you were stuck in the window and the hotel janitors had to pry your big behind out of there."

Nick gulps and fakes a laugh, "Yeah, well I lost the weight." His azure eyes burn in hidden embarrassment.

"Oh yes, and I noticed. You look good Nick." Yasmine remarks, calming down the uncomfortable feeling between the two.

Nick smiles as the faint blush subsides on his cheeks, "Thanks girl. And I started working out too. Wanna see what I can do with my pecks?" He grins seductively at her as she burst out laughing.

"Wow I didn't know you knew what pecks are?" Yasmine whispers innocently yet a tinge of teasing was found within her voice.

Nick smirks and rolls his eyes as the tinge in the elevator lets them know that they reached their floor. The metal doors open allowing the group to exit. The four walk down the beautifully carpeted hallway with the soft yellow lights hung on the hallway caressing them.

Brian nibbles on the end of a toothpick in his mouth as he watches Kevin peering through the peephole in the door.

"Shhh, Brian I hear them. They're coming. Go get the cake out now." Kevin whispers, his emerald eyes lighted up in glee.

Brian snorts and shakes his head, "Relax Kev, wait till Yasmine gets in here. Then we'll surprise her with it." He states calmly as he chews on the withered end of the toothpick.

Kevin sighs and smiles, slumping into a leather black sofa across from his cousin, "Yeah you're right. I can't wait to see Yasmine, she and A.J. are like siblings, if anything I can get the low down on what's bothering A.J. lately."

Brian smirks, "And you think she'll talk, I know she'll probably wanna hurt me after that stupid bet A.J. and Nick put me up too."

Kevin chuckles, "That's right, she'll kill you before Nick will, how nice." He whispers calmly, fiddling his fingers. Suddenly the hotel suite door swings open and in steps Howie, Nick, A.J. and Yasmine.

At the sight of the young woman, Brian and Kevin gasps and chuckle, racing towards her and engulfing her in their arms. Giggling, Yasmine hugs the men and beams brightly, "My goodness, if I get this kind of reaction every time I step into a room, I'd be a happy camper."

"Look at you Yasmine, you've grown so much." Brian says proudly, petting her black locks tenderly.

Yasmine burst out laughing, "Guys, I'd doubt I did much growing, I'm still only five feet and three inches. Not much a growth spurt there." She giggles, her eyes glittering in glee.

A.J. laughs and throws his arm around her shoulders, smiling like a proud sibling. "Yup, did she tell you that she's gonna be writing for a local city newspaper? Her articles will be published."

Yasmine narrows her eyes and lets out a low growl as A.J. ruined the news.

Kevin raises his dark eyebrows, "No she didn't, she just got here. You didn't give her a chance to break the news, but thanks J for saying that." He whispers annoyed.

A.J. smiles and shrugs his shoulders, "No problem Kev. No problem." And he walks towards the kitchenette the suite has.

Brian shakes his head and gently clasps his hand in Yasmine's, tugging her towards one of the sofas. "I'm sure you wanted to tell us in more detail what A.J. mentioned about right?"

Waving her hand away, she shakes her head, "Oh forget my life for a moment, I wanna know about yours! How's Leigh and baby?"

Brian chuckles as he pulls out his wallet. There was a groan coming from the others as Brian unfolds a pile of pictures in his wallet, showing him with his son and his wife. Laughing, Yasmine shakes her head and gladly examines the pictures, "Brian, don't pay mind to them, they're just hating."

A.J. snorts and collapses besides her on the sofa, swirling a Pespi can in his hands, "Its not hating when he talks about them all the time, its just annoying." And he ends the sentence with a big grin sprawled on his butter pecan face.

Yasmine giggles as Nick leaps over the sofa and plops himself besides Yasmine. "Hey now, forget this Brian thing, I have a great idea, Yo Yas, you have to go to work today?"

Yasmine shakes her head, "Na, its my day off today and a good thing too. Why?"

"Na, just curious, where you work at?" Nick asks as Howie joins the couch across from them.

"Oh, I work in Macy's on thirty fourth street. Not the best place to work, but hey it gets me by for now right?" Yasmine shrugs as A.J. hands her an apple to snack on. "Thanks, but yeah I work five days, get the weekends off due to me volunteering at the local hospital helping care for the elderly and at my local church."

"Yo seriously girl, come on tell us where you work at for real?" Nick teases her as Yasmine glares at him.

"I just told you at Macy's and the local hospital- The Presperterian Hospital." Yasmine mutters and shifts in the couch uncomfortably.

A.J.'s burp breaks the odd silence that littered the atmosphere as Yasmine stands up and heads to the bathroom in disgust as the guys break out in a chuckle. Once she disappears into the facilities and closes the door, Howie sucks his teeth and smacks the back of Nick's head. "Why did you have to say that?" He whispers as Brian chuckles.

Nick looking innocently, shrugs his shoulders, "Since when does she bother working at a retail store, she always used to say how tacky that was. Plus she was never the churchgoer type, she had the mouth of sailor. She was no where near innocent as I am guys." Nick grumbles, rubbing the spot on the back of his head where he was struck at.

A.J. rolls his eyes and tosses his empty soda can into the trash bin next to the couch.

Kevin scratches the side of his raven head and sighs, "Well Nick, if you didn't know, times get hard and if one needs the money, they'll work wherever they have too."

"Besides Nick, her mom mentioned how much Yasmine loves helping and being part of a ministry in her school. She seems happier and her attitude changed for the better." A.J. adds on as he rubs his left arm with his right hand calmly.

"So what your saying is she is all innocent and sweet. Ha! That's bull, watch. I'm sure she's just as bad as the day I met her." Nick states, rolling his eyes, "Dude, whatever, Yasmine seems the same to me. She can still aggravate me just like she did before."

Howie smiles, "Well Nick, that's part of her charm." The other guys chuckle softly as Yasmine steps out of the bathroom.

Brian yawns and flings his toothpick out of his mouth as it sails into the air landing on top of Yasmine's hair. The others watch on as Yasmine completely disgusted, yanks out the wet object that lied tangled in her dark locks.

"Not again! Brian, don't you get enough of putting things in my hair?!" Yasmine mumbles as she makes her way back to the couch.

"Ok, ok, I'm so sorry. I had no idea it would land on you. But real quick, I'm sure you're wondering why we wanted to come pick you up and have you chill out with us? Cause today is the anniversary of when we: me, Kevin and Howie met you. Minus A.J. cause he's known you forever as well as Nick. And we all wanted to say, at three." Brian counts to three and all shout in a gleeful voice, "Happy anniversary Yasmine. We're so lucky to have you in our lives." Brian beams as Yasmine blushes deeply.

The guys surround her and each embrace her tightly as Yasmine giggles. Kevin goes into the silver refrigerator and pulls out a cake box with a beautiful lilac icing and real pink petals sprinkled around its perimeter. In the center of the rectangular shape cake was a drawn picture of her and the guys. He walks back over to them as A.J. turns on the stereo and starts nodding his head to the hip hop song blasting through the speakers. After receiving a glare from Kevin, A.J. grins and lowers the volume on the music.

Aghast, Yasmine places her palms over her mouth and shakes her head, "Oh my God! Thank you guys so much. I had no idea you guys even remembered or cared about this."

"Oh girl, we remembered. We can't forget you." Brian squeezes her shoulders and wraps his arms around her neck, pulling her close to him.

"Oh guys this is too sweet. I say let's party!" Yasmine giggles as she pulls Howie onto the center of the room to dance.

"Guess we'll have to take turns cause I ain't dancing with you Nick." A.J. teases, causing Nick to laugh and plop on the sofa.

After an hour or so of dancing and talking of the good old times, A.J. jumps up from the sofa and pulls out a bottle of golden sparkling apple cider from the fridge, closing the door behind him. In his haste, he didn't realize that he instead grabbed the liquor that the hotel provided for those that stay in the large suites. Not noticing the mild taste of alcohol in his drink, he passes it out to everyone as they all chuckle and chat. Soon after two hours, A.J. sitting on the edge of the sofa: begins to feel a little upset in his stomach and a minor headache was developing from the drinks. Yasmine, sitting besides him with a scowl on her face, nudges him on the side. She noted the empty glass liquor bottle that held the drink that made her friends all a bit ditzy at the moment.

A.J. feeling dizzy, smiles and chuckles as he realizes he was feeling too nice, drunk couldn't capture the way he felt at the moment. "I can't believe you. Do you know how far I live and not one of you can take me home cause you're all too drunk off your behinds to do it. A.J. I can't believe you! I thought you were over this!" Yasmine yells, standing up, grabbing her purse. She glares at him and stands up to head to the door.

A.J. grabs her hand and chuckles, "Whoa, baby come on. The party just started. Don't leave. Look, I'm ok. I, I guess I picked up the wrong bottle by mistake."

In complete anger, Yasmine snorts and shakes her head, "Sure you did, J. Sure you did." And she reaches for her backpack lying on the carpeted floor besides the sofa. Yasmine noted the taste of alcohol on her tongue from the first sip. She wasn't a drinker and she quickly tasted the sour bitter taste the suppose 'cider' left in her mouth. It seems that A.J. had a different way of celebrating that Yasmine was against.

Nick in a fit of giggles due to the effects of the alcohol in his body, reaches out and yanks Yasmine's arm towards him, "Please stay, don't gooooo." He sings out, his sapphire eyes in a daze. Yasmine gulps and swipes her hand away from him angrily as she walks over to Howie who stumbles towards her. Practically falling into her arms, Howie looks at her.

"Yas, listen. I know this looks wrong and stuff but its not that bad. Can you wait for another hour? I can sober out faster than the others." Howie states with a smirk on his tan face, his eyes dull as he gazes at her. She pulls away from him in disgust as he embraces her. The strong smell of alcohol in his breath practically made Yasmine's stomach lurch.

"NO! NO I can't! I can't be here with you all like this!" She states, emphasizing with her hands at the men in disapproval.

Kevin does a burp as he laughs, "Yasmine, D's right. We're so sorry." He stops as he begins hiccupping, placing a hand over his chest. "A.J. must have gotten confused and picked up the wrong one out the fridge. No harm down right?" Kevin smirks, his emerald eyes crashing into her light ones.

Feeling extremely uncomfortable with the situation at hand, Yasmine sighs and shakes her head as she stares at the five men, who for a hour or so have been in their own little world with the liquor. This wasn't what she was expecting from them. She wanted to enjoy herself but somehow her instincts were acting up. Its like she can almost feel that something will go wrong. And sure enough, the moment she saw Nick burst out in laughter and A.J. wobbling over to the stereo swaying to the beat, she knew she lost them. She watches Brian who was feeling extremely ill as he clutches his stomach look up at Yasmine in pain as he races towards the bathroom to release the contents of his earlier meal.

"Don't be a party pooper babe. Chill out with us. Its not a big deal, grab something to drink and we can all chill together like the good old times." Nick slurs out as he places his long legs on the coffee table in front of him. In the process, he knocks with his feet: a half filled plastic cup filled with the hard brown liquor onto the floor.

"Oopsie, Daisy." Nick chuckles out as the other guys join in the laughter.

Growling, Yasmine couldn't take it anymore and grabs the cold golden knob in her hands. She opens the front door and steps out the suite, slamming the door behind her. The guys would need to give her a big apology later on for their behavior. She walks quickly down the carpeted hallway and reaches the elevator bank. She sniffs as she presses the soft button of the elevator. "Don't cry girl. Come on. Don't cry." Yasmine whispers to herself, leaning on the wall, waiting for the elevator. She could already feel the stinging creeping its way towards her eyes as she was blinded by tears. "Stupid tears. I won't cry. Fine. They think that was funny getting all drunk on me and what not. I'll just remind them how embarrassing that was for them. Make them feel horrible for their actions." Just as the tinge of the metal elevators doors opens, she hears one of the suite doors open up. She won't look back, she couldn't see any of the guys faces at the moment, she was too upset and angry at their behavior. The guys disappointed her and she really didn't want to talk to them now. Not turning her head around but still staring at the opening elevator doors, she sniffs as the footsteps approach her. "I don't want to talk to you right now. Call me when you're sober." She hisses out, running a hand down her tear streaked cheeks.

Suddenly she could feel large arms wrap around her waist as she sighs and tugs at the long sleeve arms. "Don't touch me A.J. I'm not in the mood." Never turning around, she grumbles and tries to pull away from the one that grabbed her.

"Don't move and don't turn around!" The voice seethes out in anger. Yasmine gulps as she fidgets, feeling the person push her towards the open elevator doors. Who ever it was, surely wasn't one of the guys. Yasmine turns her head in time to receive a slap across her face. Stunned, she looks up to see a wool masked man shove her into the elevators. The man growls and slams her onto the elevator mahogany wall, pushing the emergency stop on the elevator. The elevator doors close and make a jolt as it stops midway between the thirteenth and twelfth floor. The metal doors close shut as the masked man screams out, "See what happens when you don't listen!" The man growls at her. "I told you not to turn around! You didn't listen. Now you gotta pay."

Yasmine gulps and screams out as the man clasps his gloved hands over her mouth. "Shut up! You hear me! Shut the hell up! Make any more noise and I'll kill you right now!" Yasmine couldn't identify the voice, her body was failing her as she shudders in pure fear. She was scared beyond believe, this couldn't be happening to her. Her heart slammed against her chest as she feared she might die tonight. This man was serious, he could kill her right now and she wouldn't have a clue. Why didn't she just stay with the guys in the room? She was safer with them than right here. Why did she leave the room anyway? 'I'm sure one of them could have taken me home later on. Heck I could have stood the night if it got that bad." Yasmine bites her tongue as the masked man pulls out a black pistol and points it at her. "Get undressed, Now!" He pulls away his free hand from her mouth as he holds the pistol inches away from Yasmine's face.

Yasmine shakes her head and cries out, "Please no, Please! Look, I have money, I'll give you what I have." Right now she regretted leaving her cell phone at home today.

The masked man laughs and shakes his head, "I don't want money. I want your body!" The man seethes, his dark eyes penetrating into her. "Now take off your clothes or I'll shoot." He tugs on her silk blouse to show her he wanted her to hurry up the process.

Yasmine closes her eyes and whispers out a prayer, this can't be happening to her. Not now, not like this. She was saving herself for her future husband. 'This can't be right.' Yasmine thinks to herself. She prayed that God would somehow protect her from such a thing, but her faith was wavering as the man inches closer to her, ripping her green blouse off her. Screaming out, she gets down on her knees and clutches her body, wrapping her arms around her legs which was pulled up to her chest. She won't let this man hurt her, she can't. 'God will protect.' She whispers to herself as the man chuckles and lifts her up by her hair. Only wearing her black pants, shoes and a lace brassiere, she quivers as the man lurches for her. The only thing she remembers before passing out from her fear was her screams for help.

A.J. watches the swirling water in the toilet get swallowed up as it flushes down the drain, taking along with it his lunch and snack.

"J." Nick's voice croaks out as he leans on the bathroom doorway. "I feel like sh..."

"Shhhhh. I'm on the phone." Kevin interrupts, cutting Nick's sentence off. Kevin punches in Yasmine's dorm phone number again as the busy tone was all that answered him. "Damn, nothing. I can't get through. It has to be her room mate on the phone."

"Man, its my fault Yasmine is so pissed off with us." Brian mutters from the living room as Howie rubs his temples.

A.J. stands up from the toilet and rinses his mouth with cold water from the sink. Stepping out the room, he sees Brian and Howie looking glumly on the couch while Kevin aggravated: dials some other phone numbers that might inform him where Yasmine could be.

"It's my fault." A.J. whispers painfully. "All this is my fault. If I was careful with what I got and served to all of us, we wouldn't have gotten drunk and upset her."

"Don't blame yourself J. You didn't know. You picked up the wrong drink. It's not like we were never been drunk before." Nick states as a pounding headache pulsated through his temples.

"I don't know why she got jumpy when we were drinking though?" Howie mutters, sitting on the edge of the velvet black sofa.

"Her brother was an alcoholic and he died while taking her home one night. It was so long ago, but I remember she never got over it. Drinking was something she had agreed that she would stop doing since then. And not just 'cause she's all religious now either. Its just something she doesn't want any of her loved ones having to fight for." A.J. explains slowly as the peaceful silence answered back.

"Wow. Like you huh?" Brian whispers, dropping his head in guilt. A.J. gulps and nods his head.

A.J. glances wearily at a small golden bracelet that must have slipped off Yasmine's wrist before she left the room. Kevin notices it and hangs up the phone, briskly grabbing the small jewelry in his hands. Handing it over to A.J. he raises his eyebrows. "A.J. I don't know if she's personally mad at you. But when she walked out of here she seemed disappointed in us, especially you."

A.J. sighs and nods his head, "I know. If looks could kill I'd be six feet under now with her glares. I'm sorry guys anyway. I just feel responsible. Maybe I'll call her tomorrow morning, give her some time to cool off."

Howie manages a smile, "Yeah that and she probably won't beat you with a bat tomorrow 'cause she'll be better at taking the news. Or knowing her maybe calling her isn't the right thing. We're all responsible. I tasted the alcohol but I didn't say anything. How about you go see her in person and apologize."

A.J. sarcastically smirks, "Yeah, oh great idea D. Thanks, I'll just go over to her dorm so she can slam the door right in my face and not listen to me."

Kevin shakes his head, "I don't care what you do, just do it fast. I can't stand it when women get mad. I know from experience. A woman's wrath is no joke." He whispers out, pointing his finger at A.J. knowingly.

A.J. sighs and shakes his head, "Fine, I'll go see her after I feel better." And with that, races back to the bathroom and leans over the cold porcelain savior.

Kevin sighs and glances at Brian who lets out a deep breath. Knowing Yasmine, she was probably throwing darts at their faces on a poster somewhere.

**~To Be Continued...~**