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Hey guys...
I know it has been like a week plus...but I am kinda in the middle of moving from one town house to another town house... and ontop of that I have finals...my mother called up my guidence councler yesterday and asked him to relay a message to me. So im sitting in 6th period its 2.30 and Snr. Null calls me up to her fone...and its my guidence councler...he tells me to go rite home because "your moving" i said "your Jokin" and he said that he is just the messanger....so I got home and apparently my mother needed the lease to change my records at school. so she went over to the new place signed the lease and then decided that we are moving this week. i wanted to kill her.. its bad enough that I am stressed because of finals but she had to make us move this week....I'm sorry I shouldn't burden you with all of this...I ll try and update chapter11 next week till then
hasta mis amigos,
Lorelai Rain