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Chapter Sixteen

"Nick!!!!!!!!!!!!" AJ screamed at the top of his lungs. His wide brown eyes darted across the room, hands balled into fists and teeth clenched. I am so gonna kill him!

"Oh no…What has he done now?" Kevin sighed as Nick quickly abandoned the play station he was playing with Brian and made a dash into the bathroom and locked it.

"Where is that little prick? I'm going to kill him for this!" AJ stormed into the hotel room. His pants were dripping with milkshake. Kevin, Brian and Howie had faces of utter shock and millions of questions directed to him. "Don't even ask!"

"Come on AJ, you know this is a typical Nick Carter prank." Brian tried to console him.

"That doesn't mean he's gonna get away with it!" AJ fumed, already banging on the bathroom door.

"AJ, you know we're in the hotel right? You're gonna get sued for that." Kevin reminded him.

"I'm not gonna let you go you know! Show your face you little punk! Don't be such a wuss!" AJ shouted, ignoring Kevin.

"AJ, don't get angry, get even." Howie said from the sofa he was sitting on. His face buried under some novel he had been reading.

It worked. The shouting and banging stopped. "Hear that Nicky? It ain't over till we're even." AJ stormed out of the room and banged the door shut. "So much for sharing a room with that asshole!"


Brian, Kevin and Howie rushed to the hotel room next door where the shouting and screaming was going on. Tony, their bodyguard was already unlocking the door using the extra card he had. They gasped at the sight that greeted them. Nick was grabbing AJ by the collar and his right hand, which was balled into a fist, was bleeding.

"No one, and I mean no one, ever touch it! You hear me? No one!" Nick was screaming. AJ was surprisingly scared of the little prankster.

"Nick, let go of AJ now! What have you done?" Kevin shouted from across the room. Nick didn't seem to hear him as he didn't move an inch.

Tony went over and separated the two of them, holding Nick back.

"Are you hurt AJ?" Brian asked in concern.

"I...I'm fine." AJ stammered, obviously in shock.

"What's wrong with you Frack? How come your hand is bleeding?" Howie asked. Nick was still fuming and his eyes kept staring at AJ.

"You want to get even, let me have it, but don't you ever dare go near it again. EVER!" Nick was shouting at AJ.

"What is he talking about J?" Brian asked. AJ had a guilty look on his face.

"I...I read his journal."

"Oh AJ, you know better than to do that!" Brian sighed.


"How's the hand?" AJ asked when he returned to their hotel room. Nick was sitting on the bed, staring at the ugly bandage around his palm.

"What do you think?" Nick scoffed.

AJ moved closer and climbed onto the bed, sitting next to Nick. "Look, Nick, about this afternoon, I'm sorry. I shouldn't hav-"

"No need to apologize, I guess I was way out of line myself." Nick cut in, sounding terrible himself.

"I crossed that line. I invaded your privacy and I of all people, should have known how that feels like. Anyway, I'm sorry I did that."

"I'm sorry I lost my temper like that. Heck, you used to carry me on your back! I can't believe I did that." Nick said.

"Yeah, that was the time of my life. I didn't have to worry about you messing with me. Anyway, thanks for smashing the wall instead of my face. I really need it for a living." AJ joked.

"Any time bro, any time."

AJ stopped and closed his eyes, refusing to let the tears flow. His shoulders were aching and his legs were beginning to cramp in many places as he hung on for dear life. He had only about a few more rings to go before he reached the top of the sewer and out to the highway.

Come on AJ, do this for Nick, he needs you! AJ kept telling himself as he made his way up. Flashes of memories he had with the four Backstreet Boys kept coming back to him. He wondered if his three brothers had made it to the Highway, if they had found help at all. Or would they be so stubborn as to come back for them. That would be a mistake. They might not get out alive and AJ would not be able to forgive himself for that. What if I got out and the four of them die?

He brushed the thoughts aside and continued to climb up the ladder. He could feel the light breeze rushing from above and knew that he was getting nearer to freedom.

Come on AJ, a few more and that's it.

The nauseous feeling came back and he prepared himself. Tilting his head to the side, he purged and threw up for the third time. He hoped that Nick was far enough as to avoid the mess.

Two more rings and he would reach the lid. He took another deep breath and climbed up. Yes, and now for the final step. With his left hand holding on to the ring for dear life, he gave his right hand all the force he needed to push the lid open.

Oh shit.

The lid didn't budge.

It wouldn't open.


"How much longer? My leg is bleeding again." Howie asked as he sunk down next to Brian on the ground. He shivered as his body came in contact with the snow.

"Any time now, just hang in there okay?" Kevin assured them. He had remained standing; afraid that the rescuers might miss them if they sat down. Brian was getting worse all of a sudden. He had his face buried under the palms of his hands.

"I think...I'm going to lie down for awhile...You guys wake me up if they come?" Brian trembled.

"No way! You can't sleep! I need you to stay awake!" Kevin scolded his cousin.

"But...I'm soooo tired Kev...Let me sleep, please?" Brian begged. Kevin knew that his cousin wasn't being himself, he seemed disorientated.

"I know you probably hate me right now but I don't care. You are not gonna lie down and sleep, you hear me? I'm trying to save your life so work with me here." Kevin hissed. He saw Howie smiling at his remark.

"How's your leg D?" Kevin asked.

"Not good, but I'll live."

"That's good enough for me." Kevin replied.

Suddenly, the sound of 'The Call' filled the air. Kevin realized it came from the cell phone.

"Heh, I saw the ring tone stored in it so I set it as default." Brian chuckled. Howie was giggling.

"Great, now I feel like AJ." Kevin smirked as he pushed the 'answer' button.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" Kevin shouted into the phone.

"Where are you?"Great, now he's starting to sound like the girlfriend!

"Are you help?" Kevin asked.

"I'm Michael, head of the rescue team. Is this Brian?"

"I'm Kevin."

"Okay Mr. Kevin, please tell us where you are." I wouldn't be lost if I knew that!

"We're somewhere in the North. About another thirty minutes to the highway. I think we're right at the end of the woods." Kevin replied.

"How many are with you sir? Could you tell me their status?" Like are they married or single?

"I have Brian and Howie with me. Brian has a bleeding head and he looks like he’s gonna faint anytime now. Howie was shot in the right leg and it's still bleeding." Kevin replied.

"Okay sir, hang on, we're not far from there. And sir, do not let Brian lie down and try to keep him awake. For Howie, please try anything to stop the bleeding until we get there. You can cover the wound with snow, that might stop the bleeding."

"Mr. Michael, two of my brothers are heading to the south, where the river is. Please get somebody there." Kevin said.

"How is their condition sir, if you know?"

"Nick has broken ribs and he’s coughing up blood. He is the worst among us. AJ had infected wounds on his shoulder and he has a fever. You have to get there fast." Kevin replied.

"My men are on the way as we speak sir."

"Thank you Michael."

"And sir?"


"How about yourself sir? Are you hurt?"

"I have bruises and my arm was burnt but I'm the least you need to worry right now. Please, come get us as soon as possible."

"Stay put sir, help is on the way. See you soon sir."

"See you soon Michael. Bye." Kevin pressed the 'end' button and slipped the phone into his jeans.

"Are they coming?" Howie asked.

"Yes, they're coming. And they're sending rescuers over to Nick and AJ too." Kevin smiled.

The boys stopped talking when they heard a roaring sound growing louder by the second. They realized it was a helicopter.

"See, they're going to get Nick and AJ alive." Kevin smiled.

"We're safe. It's finally gonna be over." Brian smiled.

"Yeah, but for now, we're getting that leg of yours under the snow." Kevin said.

"What? Are you nuts? I'm freezing!" Howie protested.

"Sorry, doctor's orders." Kevin replied firmly.

"I can lie down now right? Help is coming." Brian interrupted.

"No! You're staying put like that till help comes. Doctor's orders too." Kevin said.

"I don't like this doctor already."


I don't believe it. Finally, after three days without food, water and psychotic robbers chasing after us, we made it out of the woods and back to the highway. They had even set up little tents for the rescuers to seek refuge from the snow. It turned out that the town was suffering from a terrible blizzard. We didn't even know about it after spending three days in the cold.

They had cleaned my wound and I had an ugly bandage around my head now. Someone was still attending to Howie's leg and Kevin didn't seem to like having the bandage around his arm either. We were still waiting for news about Nick and AJ.

"Mr. Kevin, Brian?" A man approached us. He was covered from head to toe in blue. The sweater he was wearing emblazoned with the word 'POLICE'.

"Yes?" Kevin asked.

"I'm Mr. Michael; I believe we've talked on the phone."

"Yes, we did. Thank you for saving us." Kevin said, offering a handshake.

"Just doing my job sir. Sir, we have a problem." Sir? Did he just call me Sir? I feel so important now. But the 'problem' bit made me all humble again.

"What problem? You can't find them?" I asked in my panic.

"It's not that Sir. The paramedics, they're stuck in the blizzard. Apparently, a trunk had fallen in the path and their working to get it out of the way. And the helicopter sent to find Nick and AJ had to stop their rescue mission as the blizzard is making visibility almost zero. But we have rescuers on foot sent in about two hours ago."

Mr. Michael must have been very experienced. He looked to be in his early forties and oozing with confidence and calmness. I looked like a baby next to him. I was panicking inside and out.

"That's okay Mr. Michael. We trust you and your men are doing the best that you can. I think we will be okay for a while. Besides, we want to be here when they bring back our brothers." Kevin said.

"Thank you for understanding Sir. And sirs, if you feel any slight pain or you need our assistance, please approach any of my men, they will be glad to help."

"We will Mr. Michael." Kevin replied. I just sat on my stool and looked at them. I must not panic. Kevin wasn't. My head was spinning but they wouldn't let me lie down. I found myself more alert than ever before. I guess I was too anxious waiting for Nick and AJ.

Mr. Michael excused himself and joined the other men in their rescue mission to hunt the bad guys. So far, they had found none. I hope we hadn't imagined the whole bad guy stuff. No, of course not, Howie got shot and I held a gun. It's real. And the bad guys are still out there, with Nick and AJ.

"You okay Bri?" Kevin asked. "You looked spaced out."

"Just worried about Nick and AJ. You realize that they haven't gotten the bad guys. What if they get to them first?"

"Let's not scare ourselves shitless Bri. They will find them safe and sound."

"You guys want a cup of coffee?" Howie limped towards us.

"I had five already." Kevin said.

"I had my fair share too. I just don't want to have to pee here ya know. There are too many people around and too little private spots." I replied. Kevin and Howie chuckled. Glad I didn't lose my sense of humor after all this.

"You guys heard that?" Kevin asked all of a sudden. Howie and I froze. Oh, we learned the hear and freeze thing back in the woods. When one of you hears something, the others quickly freeze. It's not such a fun game but it helps to get over your boredom.

"What?" Howie asked.

"Listen." Kevin urged.

I heard it, it sounded like the pounding in my head.

"Sounds like the pounding in my head."

"Exactly. Sounds like someone was pounding against something." Kevin replied.

"Pounding what?" Howie asked.

"My head." I replied.

"Come on Bri, listen!" Kevin urged. "It's coming from somewhere..."

"Sounds like it's coming from under me!" I shrieked. Oh God, now that I realized it, I did feel the pounding from beneath me.

"What the hell?" Howie cried. Yeah, Howie who never cursed now did. See what the woods did to us? I think we needed to wash his mouth with bleach after all.

I got off the stool and looked down. There was a manhole beneath me. And someone was pounding against it.

"Oh my God, someone's down there!" Kevin cried. "Come on, help me open it!"

"Wait! What if it's the bad guys?" Howie stopped him. Good thinking D! Kevin needs his head checked.

"What if it's our brothers?"