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Chapter Three

I don't know what hit me but it was definitely one hell of a ride. Stars circling my head or so it felt, I just didn't want to open my eyes. But the voice that lingered, urging me to wake up made me do so. Kevin was always our morning wake up call. Only that it wasn't morning anymore.

"What happened?" I asked, trying to get up but the sudden wave of pain that spread through every vein in my head made me stop.

"Don't get up; you were hit on the head. You're bleeding." Kevin whispered. Why is he whispering, I asked myself and that was when everything came back to me. The four men, the hijack. We've been hijacked! Now that's new.

"Hey Bri, nice to have you back." Howie smiled.

"Got a nice dream to share? I'm having a nightmare right now." AJ said. That's typical AJ, making jokes at a time like this. Then I remembered Nick. What happened to him?

"Nick, did they get to him?" I asked softly.

"No, I bet he's still asleep with his Discman on." Kevin whispered.

Just when I was trying to take my second attempt at getting up, the bus bumped wildly on the road. It felt like we hit something big and hard. The bus started to sway uncontrollably. My mind was losing it, what happened?

"What's going on up there?" The man who had hit me shouted to the front. The bus still swerved dangerously. Ted came to the back with an alarmed look on his face. "We hit something sharp back there, the tires are flat and the fucking driver can't control it!"

"This is fucked up man, we're going straight for the edge, its' a dead end!" Matt shouted. "We're going to plunge to our deaths!"

Plunge? Deaths? No, this can't be happening. He might as well have shot me then. I don't want to die like this. Nick. He wouldn't even know what hit him. Well, maybe it's best for him, less painful. But, we can't die. Not now.

"We are not going to die. Grab your stuff; we'll take a hike before this damn bus falls!" Brad ordered. The other two men quickly grabbed their things and went straight for the door. "Well gentlemen, thanks for the ride, have a nice way down. Break a neck."

I have to say that Brad sure sucks at humor. He jumped off the bus with Ted and Matt, leaving the fourth guy behind to grab all the cash that he was counting.

"Hey Brad, wait for me!" He shouted, but the three had already jumped off.

"We have to get out of here!" AJ screamed.

"There's no time." Howie said to himself.

I saw Kevin rushing up to Joe, trying to help him control the bus but Joe was freaking out. So this is how we die. True to our words, brothers to the end.

"We're going down; grab something to break your fall!" Kevin shouted. In my panic, I registered what he said and quickly held on to a leg of the table, which was fastened to the bus. I saw Howie next to me and he gave me a weak smile.

I saw Kevin and AJ in front of me, holding on to each other and to a pole. That's a sight you never get to see often.

"Hold on Cous!" Kevin shouted at me.

The bus swerved violently and I saw the fourth man frantically trying to grab something. I don't know if he managed to and to be honest, I don't care.

A loud crash, a bang and Joe screaming and all the way down was like a roller coaster ride. I hate heights and this is how I'm going to die.

Nick, I didn't get to say goodbye to him. Poor Nick, he won't know what hit him. I hoped the bus wouldn't burst into flames cause Nick would be right at the back with the engine. I can't even begin to imagine the state we'll be in when they finally find us. Dead.

Leighanne baby, I love you. I'm sorry it has to end this way. The bus nose dived all the way down, crashed head first and then landed on the side. I hit my head again, didn't even scream. Blackness engulfed me. Dying sucks.