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Chapter Six

"Tell me again why we are in the woods?" AJ asked as he tried to catch up with the rest. Thankfully for him, Nick was staggering at the back too.

"It's the only way to go." Kevin said.

"Why can't we wait at the crash site for help?" AJ asked.

"Did you see any cars pass us by the whole time we were on the road? I don't think so." Kevin pointed out.

"Okay then, but at least slow down, my shoulder is killing me. I think Nicky here needs a breather too." AJ whined. Unlike the others, AJ could only sling his bag on his left shoulder.

"Don't call me that, bonehead." Nick hissed. AJ took no notice.

"You okay Frack?" Brian asked as he stopped to wait for them.

"Yeah." Nick replied unenthusiastically.

"Did you hurt yourself when we pull you out?"

"Nah, just a little scratch I think." Nick replied.

"And he cried like a baby." AJ added.

"I did not! I didn't cry!" Nick protested.

"Yeah, but you screamed like one." AJ said.

"Try having sharp things poking at your stomach and then you tell me!" Nick fumed.

"Try having your skin torn off and bleeding like hell!" AJ said.

"Guys, shut up!" Howie shouted at the front. "I'm tired and I don't need to hear you two bickering like grannies!"

Nick and AJ fell silent immediately. They knew it was a stupid argument, no point protesting against it.

"How deep are we? What time is it anyway?" Brian asked, panting. His head had begun to throb.

"I think we're in the middle. We should find a spot to spend the night; it's going to be dark soon." Kevin replied, staring up at what little sky he could see beyond the tall trees.

"It's gonna be cold, I hope we have sweaters in the bags." Howie said, looking at the muddy ground. Edges of puddles had turned to ice.

The guys walked on in silence for the next fifteen minutes before Kevin stopped under a very huge tree. The clearing was dry and free from grass, a perfect place for them to stay the night. The guys didn't protest and started searching for twigs and small branches to start a fire.

"We would be warm if we stayed near the bus." AJ whispered to Nick. He couldn't help but let out a small laugh. It hurt but he couldn't help himself.

The fire was up thanks to AJ's lighter. The boys wanted to ask what he was doing with it but were too tired to even talk. Kevin had done a great job at nursing AJ's wound and Brian had not complained about his head, although it was bothering him. They had found a bottle of anti-septic in the first aid kit and had treated Kevin's burn fairly well. Nick's bleeding forehead turned out to be a minor cut, much to everyone's relief.

"Look, we can't go on with these bags, they're slowing us down. I suggest we take only those that are necessary." Howie suggested.

"Okay, let's start digging shall we?"

"You guys have sweaters?" Kevin asked.

"I have one." Nick said, waving a white Nike sweater.

"Me too," Brian said, pulling out a blue one. Howie, Kevin and AJ already had theirs on.

"I have some new socks, another pair track pants and…two chocolate bars." AJ claimed.

The boys looked at him quizzically.

"Erm…snatched em' from a hotel room, somewhere." AJ grinned.

"I've got some bath towels too." Nick grinned.

"You guys do this often?" Brian asked sarcastically.

"Anytime we can bro." AJ smirked.

"Anybody got drinks in there?" Nick asked. All shook their heads. "My throat is getting dry."

“Hey D, your bag comes with a compass!" Kevin cried.

"How come you didn't use it just now?" Brian asked, irritated.

"I forgot I had one." Howie grinned sheepishly. Brian rolled his eyes.

"Did anyone else bring food with you?" Brian asked.

"I've got sweets, if that counts." Nick replied, showing them a packet full of assorted flavored candies. Sugar rush, that's him.

"These things will only make us thirsty." AJ sighed.

"At least chocolate’s good. Peanuts and all." Howie remarked.

"Yes, Mr. Calorie." AJ teased.

"Why are we so concerned about food? It's not like we're gonna get stuck in this place for days, right?" Nick asked innocently.

"Who knows Nick," Kevin sighed. "We can't even remember which town we're in right now. If I can even call it that, in the first place."

"You're making me nervous. I can't stay here for days, I won't last that long." Nick frowned.

"Hey, don't say that. We are going to find our way out, trust me." Brian assured his buddy.

"How come none of us remembered a cell phone?" Nick sighed.

"No use, it's not going to work here." Kevin replied. "We're too far out."

"AJ, I don't think you should be carrying any bags on your shoulder, so put all of the useless stuff, in his. J, you can put yours in mine." Howie suggested.

Nick took out his Linkin Park CD and some tissues he had used earlier during the interview to blow his nose.

"You sure about that?" Brian asked, knowing that it was one of his favorite CDs.

"Trust me; if I had a choice, I wouldn't want to." Nick replied. Brian just nodded.

Howie took out some small gifts fans had given him after the interview and reluctantly placed them in AJ's bag. "I wish I didn't have to do this."

"I hear ya." AJ sighed, as he left behind gifts from fans too.

Kevin took out a mini camcorder and placed it in AJ's bag.

"You sure 'bout that Kev? We could be the new Blair Witch if you run that thing." AJ joked.

"Those kids didn't have a happy ending." Howie reminded him.

"Oh…yeah, never mind." AJ muttered.

Brian took out his PDA organizer. "Spent a fortune for that one."

"Hey, you're rich, you'll buy another." Nick teased.

"Don't get emotional now guys, who knows, maybe after all this is over, we could come back and find this bag." Kevin said, trying to boost his brothers' morale.

"Like a treasure hunt?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, like that." Kevin smiled.

"After all this? I don't think so." Nick cringed. "Let's just call a search party for it."

"To find the damn bag? We are such spoiled superstars!" Howie laughed.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm beat. I'm going to go to sleep before the cold gets to me." AJ yawned.

"Don't sleep too far; we should share body heat in this kind of weather." Howie said.

"Have you been camping lately D? You seem to know every survival tip there is." AJ joked.

"It's called general knowledge, moron." Howie retorted.

Howie and AJ ended up sleeping next to each other. Nick saw Kevin warming himself near the fire and he offered him a candy.

"Orange?" Kevin asked, straining to look at the wrapper.

"Got to have your vitamin C." Nick joked. Kevin nodded with a smile and took it. He saw Brian lingering in the dark, looking for twigs and decided to join him while Kevin sucked on his candy in peace.

"Are you throwing stones so we won't get lost?" Nick giggled. He was caught halfway with a light cough. It hurt his abdomen but Nick tried his best not to show it.

"Very funny Nick, remind me to laugh later." Brian retorted. "Your throat is definitely dry and your flu isn't helping."

"It's just too cold out here, come on, let's go warm ourselves, enough with the twigs already." Nick said.

"They're all wet anyway." Brian sighed, as he walked back to the others.



"Your head, it's bleeding again."


When Nick told me that I was bleeding, panic rushed in me all over again. I ran my fingers to the cut and it was covered in blood, my blood. That was when I felt the faint. Everything just seemed to be dancing around me, making me dizzy. Before I knew it, I blacked out again.

When I woke up, I found AJ, Kevin and Howie huddled up to my left. AJ's body heat helped to warm me a little. I think he's getting a fever. Nick was wide awake, sitting up and leaning against the tree trunk. Nick told me that I was shivering in my sleep and so I got the extra socks that they found in AJ's bag and the towels, which were used as blankets.

"It's freezing, you shouldn't be sitting alone." I said. My head throbbed in protest. I shouldn't be talking?

"Not cold." He said, staring up ahead.

"Thick skin." I teased.

"Hey, not fair." Nick laughed.

"Come on Nick, lie down, there's no use keeping watch. You need sleep. It's not like there's going to be bears or something." I said as I offered the towels to him.

"No, you need them, I really am not cold. And please don't feed my imagination; it's already wild as it is."

"I'm joking all right, trust me, there's no wild animals here. Come on, we'll share the towels." I offered. Nick nodded and lay down next to me. I thought I saw him wince, like as if it took immense energy just to lie down. But it was dark and I'm suffering from a 'terrific' headache, I might be seeing things.

He took half of the 'blanket' and just as soon as his head reached the ground, he fell asleep. I couldn't help noticing the heat of his body when his arm accidentally brushed against mine. I sat up (with great difficulty) and placed my hand on his forehead, it was warm.

"Nick, I think you have a fever." I whispered.

"Sleep Bri, I'm okay." Nick mumbled with his eyes closed.

"You're lying! You're shivering for God's sake!" I whispered loudly while touching his hand. "Come on Nick, I'm serious, you're burning up."

"I know…I need some sleep, I'll be okay. Just sleep kay." Nick yawned.

I wanted to argue some more but the throbbing in my head made me lay back down. Soon, the dawn will be breaking, and we will have a tough day ahead trying to make it home safely. I am sure the other bus has reached New York by now. They will start to worry that we aren’t there this late. They will definitely send a search party out soon.


"Bri, wake up." Brian woke up and found Howie hovering above him. "You all right? You look like shit."

"Good morning to you too." Brian retorted. Howie smiled guiltily.

"How's your head doing?"

"Headache’s killing me, other than that, I'm fine." Brian noticed that Nick was already up and was helping Kevin change AJ's bandage.

"Nick okay?"

"Yeah, why?" Howie asked. "It's AJ who isn't looking good."

"Yeah? He's body was burning up last night."

"He looked tired but he didn't complain. As long as he is strong enough to walk on his own, he'll be fine." Howie said.

"How's AJ holding up?"

"His shoulder hurt like hell. Luckily for him, the wound isn't infected. Thanks to the first aid box we found." Howie replied.

"You know, I think we should bandage that head of yours too."

"I'm okay, don't waste the bandages, AJ needs them more than I do. Just clean the wound for me and I'll be all right." Brian said.

"You girls ready, lets get moving!" Kevin called from their place.

"Who are you calling girls?" Howie shouted back. Brian laughed.

"Come on, we have to get back now, I'm hungry!" Nick beckoned.


It was an hour or so of walking in the woods and we still couldn't find a way up.

My head was still killing me but at least I could walk. Nick's little 'episode' last night still bugged me. I swear he was burning up but today he looked fine. I mean, he staggers like AJ does but he didn't look sick to me. I don't know, something tells me there's more than meets the eye.

Kevin stopped and I almost ran into Howie. "Wassup?" AJ asked, annoyed.

"You guys hear that?" Kevin asked, motioning us to stay still.

"Hear what?" I whispered.

"Sounds like footsteps." Kevin whispered.

"Why are we whispering? It could be help." Nick asked.

"Or it could be a bear." AJ replied. We looked at him in alarm.

"Just a suggestion." AJ shrugged.

"Your suggestion sucks!" Howie whispered loudly.

Just then, I heard the first sparks explode. It sounded like firecrackers at first, but after a second and third shot, I realized it came from a gun, or two, I don't know. Someone was shooting at us!

In our panic, we ran to God knows where and were separated. I found myself with AJ and Howie, hiding behind a huge trunk. Howie told us to keep still. Like I can do anything else.

"Yoohoo…guys, come on out…where are youuuuuu?" I recognized that voice. It was the son of a bitch who had hit me. They are back!

"It's them! Why are they after us?" AJ whispered loudly.

"I think they want us dead." Howie replied.

"You think?" I retorted.

"Why would they want us dead?" AJ asked, still confused.

"Cause we didn't die in that bus. We're witnesses to their crime." Howie explained.

"Damn! This trunk won't do it. We have to get going before they get any closer." AJ said.

"Where's Nick and Kev?" I asked. I hate it when we get separated, especially right now, here, in these woods.

"I saw them running that way, we should go there too." Howie said. I wonder how he managed to see where the others were going while bullets were flying in our direction. I didn't bother to ask.

"Wait, are we just going to run for it?" AJ asked and Howie nodded.

"What? No plan from Mr. Howie?" I added.

"No time boys, we need to get going now!"

We ran like we've never run before. We looked like three athletes on a relay race. Howie was in front of us, AJ in the middle and I was struggling to catch up at the back. I heard bullets speeding past us, missing us by margins. I think I started to mumble some prayers. If I did, I sure as hell don't know what they were. AJ's was much more recognizable though.

"Oh shit, shit!" AJ shouted as he saw the bullets racing past him. See, his prayers kind of work.

"Watch out for the hole!" Howie shouted at the front.

"Wha…ahhhhhhhhh" It was too late. I didn't see it coming. It wasn't that deep a hole. Big enough for a body to fall through and trust me, deep enough to cause you problems. I fell, and my world entrapped me in darkness. Again.


Kevin couldn't believe that they got separated. Thankfully, Nick was with him, hiding behind a gigantic boulder. He was obviously in pain and he secretly prayed that it wasn't the bullet.

"Are you hit?" Kevin asked while still keeping an eye on their surroundings.

"No." Nick whimpered, clutching his stomach.

"Then why is your face contorted like that?"

"It hurts, okay?" Nick hissed. Kevin was about to ask what hurts but went silent when he heard the voices calling out to them.

"Oh no, it's those men again." Kevin said, recognizing the voice.

"They want to kill us?" Nick asked, more to himself than to Kevin.

They heard urgent footsteps running and then suddenly they were reunited with Howie and AJ. Kevin felt safe. But then he remembered Brian. Where is he?

"Where's Brian?" Nick asked, as if he could read his mind.

"He fell…into some kind of a hole. I…I don't know what happened to him." Howie stammered. Kevin thought he saw tears in Howie’s eyes. Yes, he was crying.

"Is it deep?" Kevin asked, trying not to let his emotions get in the way.

"Looks like it." AJ said. "They saw us Kev, they saw B fall." AJ cried.

"We have to help him!" Nick whispered loudly.

"They will kill us Nick!" AJ cried.

"Wait, shh! Listen." Kevin interrupted. "He's dead. No one can survive that fall. Especially after what I did to his head in the bus." It was Brad.

"He's gone. See, he hit his head hard, there's blood everywhere." Matt said.

"Let's not waste our time with him, we should find the others." Ted agreed.

"Wait, maybe he's got some good stuff in his bag." Matt said, already tempting to get into the hole. Brad hit him on the shoulder and Matt's gun fell into the hole.

"You idiot, stop fooling around!" Brad hissed.

"Fuck man! You don't have to do that. Now I've got no gun!" Matt cursed.

"You don't know how to use it anyway." Brad said as he moved away from the hole.

"What's that supposed to mean? I shoot well!" Matt argued.

"Oh no, Brian, he's dead!" Nick cried softly.

"Shh! we can't let them know we're here." Kevin said as tears fell from his eyes.

"We have to help him." AJ cried.

"They are looking for us; we have to get out of here." Howie stammered.

"We're leaving Brian behind?" Nick asked, furious.

"No. We will come back for him." Howie said. "But we can't do that now, they will find us and kill us off."

"They're fighting; it's the best time to escape." Kevin said.

"Promise we'll get him back, no matter if he's already dead?" Nick asked.
