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A/N: Well ,it’s gonna be rough week for me, finals are coming, and so is the ending of school. I don’t know if I should celebrate or freak out cuz the exams. Anyways, here is the next chapter, Enjoy, and please try to review when done. You readers rock! Thanx!

“Day Walkers”

**~Chapter Three- Boys Night Out~**

Trudging up the stairs, the tall man collides with his four friends at the top of the stairs. Staring at his friends faces, he smiles still feeling the wetness of the blood in his mouth.

“We were about to leave you” A.J. says smirking at Nick’s grin revealing the dry blood around him his mouth.

“You should clean up before we head out, I’m giving you five minutes, if you not out here then we’re leaving you, K, go!” Shouts Kevin, pointing to the door. The blond man nods and races to his room for a quick change.

Many wonder what runs through such people’s mind. Nick thinks of the pass day’s event and the girl that died the other day. He, like the other four of his friends were born half human, half vampire. All carry the ability to make their prey come to them. Their powers are all the same, all equally strong and all enchanting. Hunting has never been difficult since there is always food around them. Their food literally falls into their hands. Funny, they don’t carry a conscience and so don’t feel the guilt of taking lives.

Nick slips on a black silk long sleeve blouse and stares at the mirror watching his tattoo of the red dragon in the black circle on the back of his neck. Noting he was running behind, he quickly grabs a black jacket to throw onto his all black attire. He joins the other guys all wearing all black, their color for going out to party and then hunt. He grins and slams the door behind him. Wearing his best party clothes along with the other men, he smiles and whispers loudly, “Let’s go!”


“I can’t believe we are part of this race” mutters A.J. staring at the drunken scene at the nightclub. A large amount of people all either to high or drunk to even notice who entered the club, dance around laughing erotically.

Rolling his eyes, Brian searches the dance floor and smiles. Already he found his next victim. Kevin let his eyes scroll the club and a smile rises onto his face.

“When I give you the cue, we attack” whispers Kevin to the others. Nick walks over to Kevin, asking what the cue will be.

“When they play “Crawling” by Linkin Park, we begin our own little partying with these people” Kevin says quietly and sternly. Brian heads over to the DJ to request the song and they all waited by the bar for the song to begin.

A.J. casually walks over to a half drunken woman in her mid-twenties. Wearing a tight lace red dress, the woman stands with her back on the wall. A.J. approaches her with a smile on his face. Leaning on the wall besides her, he touches her arm gently.

“Miss, I notice you seem to be by your self” A.J. says seductively. Giggling the grey eyed woman turns her head to him. Her long black hair cascades pass her arms and she stares drunkenly into A.J.’s chocolate eyes.

“Sir”, she slurs slightly, “I’m not here alone, I have you.” She giggles lightly and leans back on the wall for support. A.J. stares around the club and noting the others were talking with people, decides to have a little fun with this female. He leans on the woman pressing his weight on her.

“My, sir, I don’t even know your name. Your kinda quick aren’t you? I like that in a man. You seem to know what you want”, she slurs horribly grabbing his arms with her hands. A.J. waste no time, he quickly runs his fingers through her hair and traces her lips with his fingers. All the while the woman seems to be enjoying it already squealing with delight. He kisses her tenderly on her cheek and slides his lips to her lips. Biting her lip tenderly, blood tickles into his mouth.

Suddenly as if time was on his side, the song begins playing.

Crawling in my skin, these wounds they will not heal…

The guys look at each other each filled with excitement through their bodies. They spread out taking lives along the way. Nick sees an older woman and grabs her neck tearing into it. Taking no pity on the men in the club, Howie and Kevin grab the drunken men along the dance floor tearing into their neck, ripping the flesh off their victims bodies. The once black marble floor begins changing into crimson red from the blood.

Brian reaches for a young woman and pulling her by the hair reveals his fangs and sinks his teeth into her throat. A.J. looks at the woman he has on the wall and smiles. He goes for her throat and feels his fangs emerging. The woman not noticing anything around her waits for his touch. He bites into her neck savoring the taste of her blood mixed with a ting of alcohol due to her excessive drinking earlier. They killed everyone in the way and by the first hour everyone, even the employees were killed. A rush of acceleration was running through the men as they kill off the useless lives there. The five men stare at the scenery and take a deep breath at their mastery. More than ninety bodies were strewn across the club and the men smile. Taking off their leather gloves, in case of leaving behind fingerprints, they step over some of the bodies and exits the club. It was a day of celebration, that occurs every so often to help feed the relentless craving of blood.

“Well, I don’t know ‘bout you guys but now that I’m full, I feel tired. Let’s say we head back to the hotel for some shut eye. We got an early appearance tomorrow to promote our new single and I wanna be bright eyed and well rested” A.J. says. The others nodded and laugh softly leaving behind the tombstone of the bodies in the club.
