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[ Chapter 10 ]

(Fiona's POV)
I had woken up and, seeing how deeply Nick was sleeping, I decided not to wake him up. I wandered around our hotel suite, not being able to do so last night. It was large and more than enough - I made a mental note to thank AJ for this. There was a small refrigerator with drinks and some food, a luxurious bathroom, a livingroom that contained a home entertainment system, a couple of sofas, and a dining table, and the bedroom which had a glass window overlooking the city and a dazzling view of the sun rising over the blue waters of the Hudson river. It was so beautiful that I couldn't move myself from the window and just stared. I realized how high we were because the people down there looked almost as small as dots. For a while, I just took in the breathtaking scene until I felt the familiar arms wrap around me and soft lips brush my cheek. I looked to the side to see Nick's blonde head resting on my shoulder, his sparkling blue eyes looking out the window.

"Wow - this rocks."

"Yea, it does."

"You can see so much of the city from here. By the way, I'm hungry. Wanna get something to eat?"

"Ummm . . ok. But we can't go out to eat breakfast - it's freezing outside and, apparently, we don't have jackets or anything like that for this kind of weather." Nick nodded and reached towards the phone.

"Well then, I'll call room service. And I think they have a mall on the ground floor, so we can buy some stuff from there."

While Nick ordered breakfast, I decided to take a shower. I was feeling slightly tired, so I decided that this was the best way to refresh myself. When I was done, I realized I had forgotten some clean underwear. Great, something like this had to happen now. I wrapped myself in a towel and opened the bathroom door. I heard Nick, still on the phone, and tiptoed to the livingroom, where the bag that contained our clothes lay on the sofa. I quickly zipped it open, frantically searching through its contents. I pulled out a bra and panties and was about to dash back to the bathroom when I saw Nick standing in the hallway. He eyed me mischievously and began to walk towards me.

"So, are we gonna have some early morning fun?"
He began to move closer and, just in time, I distracted him, pointing towards the bedroom.

"Oh my God, look!" As he spun around to see what I was talking about, I ran to the bathroom and shut the door. I was about to lock it when the doorknob twisted and Nick prevented me from locking the door. I had to use all my strength to keep the door closed.

"Aww, come on! We can kill some time while room service gets here!"

"I'd rather not!" He was much stronger, and while putting on my bra, I struggled to keep the door closed.

"Ok fine! I give up!" I felt the doorknob untwist. I locked it and put on the rest of my clothes with ease. When I was done and got out, Nick was sitting on the edge of the bed, arms crossed and a sad pout on his face. I laughed.

"Wow, you're no worse than Daniel." He began to grin mischievously again.

"Yea? Well, you haven't seen my tantrums yet." Then, the doorbell rang, and Nick suddenly ran to the door, his thoughts switched to the delicious breakfast that lay ahead.

(Nick's POV)
Throughout the day, I was in a really playful mood. Even while we were shopping, my happiness had complete control over me. We both decided to take a walk to 5th Avenue. The city streets were bustling with people and lined with millions of stores. Eventually, I got noticed and the amount of paparazzi increased, with flashing lights around every corner. I began to feel annoyed and I guess Fiona noticed that. She tugged my sleeve and pulled me into a crowd. We soon spotted a Sam Goody store and got inside, finally escaping from the cameras.

"Woah - close one, and thanks for getting us out of there."

"Your welcome, but do you mind if we hang here for a while?" I shook my head. I followed her into an aisle and she stopped there for a while, looking at the shelves of CD's, DVD's, and Video Games. We both busied ourselves, roaming around the store.

About an hour later, we were sure that the coast outside was clear and we went back out. This time, I had a hoodie and dark sunglasses on. I probably looked really stupid because Fiona couldn't stop laughing.

"You know, it's weird that someone would wear sunglasses in the middle of January, and especially in New York." I realized that she had a point. We continued walking until we reached the huge Loews Imax Theatre. We had some time on our hands so we decided to watch a movie. There was nothing of real interest playing, except for the Ring Two, but I have nightmares like hell and I really didn't want Fiona to know that.

We ended up watching Hitch. I, at first, thought it was going to be a really stupid movie - but it actually turned out to be quite funny. The movie ended with a few good laughs, but I realized how tired I was and let out a yawn. Fiona noticed me and seemed surprised.

"You didn't like it?"

"What - the movie? Yea, it was actually pretty good. Better than I expected."

"Oh, well I just thought -" I realized what she was talking about.

"So, is it a crime for a man to yawn?"

"No, I didn't mean that."

"So, what did you mean?" She looked at me with sarcastic anger on her face and threw a popcorn ball at me.

"Oh, so now you're getting physical!" I grabbed her neck with my hands and kissed her hard on the lips. With every second, I kissed her harder. She squirmed under my weight and, then, I felt her stuff a handful of popcorn into my shirt.

"Woah woman! What was that for!" I jumped up, trying to get all the popcorn out of my shirt.

"For trying to suffocate me!" I grinned.

"All I wanted was a little bit of lovin-" I lunged towards her, but, this time, missed.

"Hey! How about a kiss?" I yelled out to her. Laughing she ran towards the exit as I dashed after her. The exit led us outside and, still trying to run away from me, she bumped into a guy wearing a suit.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I didn't realize where I was going and-"

"Don't worry ma'am. It's fine." Then, as he got a better look at Fiona, a look of surprise spread across his face.

"You're-" I finally caught up with her and grabbed her by the waist.

"So, you tried to run away from me, ey?" The man then looked at me strangely.

"Ma'am, is this guy bothering you?" Fiona seemed confused and then, as she realized what the man meant, broke into a fit of laughter. I actually didn't seem to be amused. The nerve of this guy to tell me I was bothering Fiona!

"No, no, he's my boyfriend." I smirked at what she said.

"Yea! You heard that!" He silently nodded and walked away. Fiona turned towards me and punched my shoulder.

"Ow! Now what did I do?"

"Why were you so rude to that man? He was just being polite!"

"To you! But did you hear what he said to moi? I would have shown him!" Again, I didn't realize what was so funny because Fiona started to giggle. She then put her arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek.

"I think we should get back to the hotel - it's almost 10:00." I nodded, the dreamy look still visible on my face.

"Whatever you say." We walked back to the hotel, hand in hand.

"So, since I'm your boyfriend-"

"Oh my God, don't start!" I grinned mischievously, pulling Fiona closer to me. I loved her so much and I never wanted to leave her side. Walking back to the hotel, a wonderful thought came across my mind. Maybe I should take our relationship further, so that it would be eternally bound by our vows. I wanted to marry her.


"Yes, Samuel. You were saying?"

"Sir, I am pretty sure that I saw her today."

"Saw who?"

"Her, the one you talk about so much . . . Fiona Locke."

"What? You can't be serious! Have you actually seen her?"

"Yes, I bumped into her today as she was coming out of the theater."

". . . Samuel . . I'm speechless. You know how long it's been since I've seen her."

"Sir . ."

"I can finally marry her! She will become my wife and, besides being the head of this corporation, I'll have the most beautiful woman in my life beside me."

"But Sir-"

"What is it Samuel?"

"Sir, I don't mean to tell you this, but I saw her today with another man."

"What?! What do you mean?"

"When she bumped into me, apparently, she was followed by a blonde-haired man, who she claimed to be her boyfriend."

". . . She claimed him herself?"

"Yes, sir. And he is not any ordinary guy, but he's a singer. He's one of those Backstreet Boys."

"Are you sure of this?"

"Completely sir."

"Well, then . . . She'll still be mine. After all, he's just a boyfriend, and I have my ways. Anyway, Thank you, Samuel."

"Of course, Sir." As Samuel walked out of the office, the other man sat quietly on his chair, his head resting upon his hands, his mind deep in thought.

After, such a long time, I've finally found her. My dream will come true - Fiona will become my wife. She will be only mines, and no other can do anything about it. I'll make sure she will become my wife, even if I have to pay whatever cost - I will succeed.