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“Lost Souls”

“Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies, so i don't know what's real and what's not…always confusing the thoughts in my head…so i can't trust myself anymore” –Evanescence, “Going Under”

~**Chapter 9: Run and Maybe It’ll Go Away

Brian walks down the hall towards Ray’s room, he had seen her suddenly leave during rehearsals and not come back so he decided to come after her. He saw Nick looking almost stunned in the hallway so he put two and two together and came up with Nick probably made a move on Ray Anne. Not good. This had many possible consequences Nick just didn’t know about. He goes to Ray’s room and knocks on the door….no answer.

“Anne? You here?” He walks in and is surprised to find an empty room. He’d have thought for sure Ray Anne would come here. He sighs and walks out into the hall again, closing the door behind them. He had no clue of where his sister would go, so he heads back to the rehearsals, realizing there was nothing else for him to do.


Jamelet strolls down the hall, feeling pretty smug seeing the way the girls were treating Ray now. It served the spoiled brat right. See how it feels to be alone. She spots Nick at in front of one of his classrooms, talking to some teacher. A small smile curves upon Jamelet’s face. With Ray Anne out of the way Nick was open for him to see her since Kevin is out of the picture because of canceled date. Who says a little jealousy hurt anything? Maybe then she’ll catch Kevin’s interest, if not, she still had Nick. It was a win-win situation. She runs a hand through her russet locks as she comes up to him.

“Hi Nick.”

Nick blinks, turning around, having not noticed her before. “ Oh hi Jamelet.”

Jamelet tries not to frown when she spots the sad look in his eyes. Not much got to Nick Carter, he always kept his cool. What coulda happened to have him actually show he’s sad? Everyone knew he kinda had a low self esteem, you could tell by watching him but he was the most sought after guy around and he kept his emotions to himself.

“Are you okay? You look kinda sad.”

Nick nods, running a hand through his golden spiky hair. “Yeah, I’m fine, just tired I guess.”

“Oh, okay, if you’re sure.”

“Yeah, thanks though.”

“Listen Nick, if you’re not-“

Just then Anastay comes up at the worst possible time. “Oh hey Nick, what’s up?”

Jamelet frowns, who the hell was this girl?

Nick smiles a little. “Hey Ana, Jamelet this is Anastay, Anastay, this is Jamelet.”

Anastay smiles and thinks ‘And here’s another one of the seven, perfect.’ Out loud she says, “Nice to meet you.”

Jamelet nods, “Likewise I’m sure.”

Soon another girl comes up behind Anastay, 5’4” with dark, dirty blonde medium lenth locks and gray blue eyes under the glasses she wore. She grins at all of them as she comes up. “Hey Ana-banana, who are these guys?”

Anastay groans inwardly, ‘And here’s my bratty fake sister on this planet…perfect timing….’

Nick sees the girl and smiles at the girl who only looked to be thirteen if that. His mind though was still focused on the incident with Ray Anne no matter what bravado he was now trying to put up. ‘Why did she run? It figures she did. Why would Ray want me…’

“Guys this is my little sister Sam, she got skipped up a grade and is going here now. Sam this is Nick and Jamelet.”

Sam grins at them, tying her dark locks back with a scrunchie. “Hi, it’s great meeting you.” Yet behind the look of innocence Samantha Lorden wore lurked a secret darker than any of them suspected.


Ray comes out of her dance class with AJ and Julia. It was nice just hanging out with them, despite the worries she had for AJ running though her mind. Poor Kevin. Working to keep them going, it was too much strain and Alex was right, it would eventually kill him if he kept up. She only wished she could help AJ figure out what to do. But, she was also sworn to secrecy which complicated the situation. Julia’s voice brings her out of her thoughts.

Julia grins at them, “Ya’ll know the talent show’s next week right? I say we go out and do something crazy. Live up life a lil.”

AJ laughs, “Ya know the crazy life would do us some good.”

“So whatcha got in mind Jules?”

A wide grin comes across Julia’s excited tan face. “I say we go down to the beach and go skinny dipping today.”

Ray Anne’s sapphire eyes widen, “At night right?”

“Nah, we’re gonna haveta go in broad daylight. It’ll be more fun that way.”

AJ grins and chuckles, “Well we did say live crazy, you up for it Ray?”

She immediately shakes her head at the two as the walk through the school. “No way. You two are too crazy even for me. You’re on your own there.”

“Aww come on Ray! Please?” She pouts at her playfully, trying to get her to give in.

“Fine fine, we’ll go…but if we get arrested and my brother kills me, I’m blaming you.”

Julia hugs her grinning. “Great! So we’ll go down and maybe stay the night even in a near by hotel and then come back tomorrow in time for the show! Perfect.”

As AJ talks to Julia, Ray again lets herself get lost in thought. ‘Perfect alright, a chance to avoid Nick and everyone else…help find a solution for AJ even. Who knows, maybe I just shouldn’t ever come back.’