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Just so ya know, I'm using Avril Lavinge's Mobile, and just like with I'm With You, in real life it is not mine. In the sotry, it belongs to Felicia, but in reality it is Avril Lavinge's. FYI, you pronounce Levine like Lavinge.

Chapter 25

A week later, Felicia and Denise were on a plane to Germany to visit the guys. Felicia was still wary of planes and had Denise take the window seat. Felicia managed to fall asleep for the entire trip, and before she knew it, they were there. The plane actually landed early, so they were going to try to surprise AJ.

“Felicia, why don’t you go visit AJ’s room while I take our stuff up. I’ll meet you there,” Denise said as they walked towards the elevator.

“Okay. What room is he in?” Felicia asked.

“Room 319. We are one floor above,” Denise said. The elevator arrived and they got on.

“Cool,” Felicia said. I really miss the guys. I can’t wait to see them again. The doors opened as they reached the third floor.

“Okay, I will be there real soon,” Denise, said. “Don’t get lost.”

“I’ll try to,” Felicia joked and kissed her on the cheek before going off to find AJ’s room.

Denise sighed. “She’s becoming more like her brother each day,” she mumbled before the elevator doors closed.


After a few wrong turns (after all, she promised Denise she would try to get lost), Felicia managed to find room 319. She knocked on the door and waited for AJ to answer.

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” AJ said. It was slightly hard for Felicia to understand him because it sounded like there was an argument going on. The door opened and AJ looked at Felicia, not recognizing her at first. “Can I help…. FELICIA!” he exclaimed, seeing how much she grew up.

Felicia giggled. “Nice to see you too Al-“

Before Felicia could finish saying his name, picked her up and gave her a huge hug.

“Alex,” Felicia said in a whisper. “I need air.”

AJ sheepishly put her down. “Heh…sorry. I’m just excited! I thought you weren’t supposed to be in until much later.”

Felicia shrugged. “Our flight got in early I guess.”

“Well, don’t just stand there, come on in!” AJ said, stepping out of the way. When Felicia walked in, she saw Brian and Nick playing some type of video game.

“I’m guessing that was what all of the screaming was about.”

“Huh? Oh, yeah,” AJ said, shaking his head at the two guys. “Frick and Frack, their world is only made of video games.”

“Uh huh,” both of them said at the same time, not really paying attention to anything BUT the game. This caused everyone else, including Kevin and Howie who were watching, to laugh at their expense. Felicia went over to give Kevin and Howie hugs.

“Hey, you got taller,” Howie said as they all sat down on the beds.

“Yup, had a growth spurt,” Felicia said.

“I think you’re taller than Brian now,” Kevin said.

“Huh?” Brian asked, and then suddenly looked up. “Hey!”

Felicia giggled. “It’s the truth cuz,” Kevin said.

“I’m telling Aunt Ann on you,” Brian said and paused the game to go give Felicia a hug.

“Not cool man! I was winning!” Nick whined and saw Felicia was there. “Oh, hey,” he smiled.

Felicia returned the smile.

“Man, you are STILL winning. It’s not like I stopped the game completely,” Brian sighed and sat back down, ready to pick the game up again.

Nick stuck his tongue out at Brian as the game started and he started to win again.

Kevin turned to Felicia. “So, how is school going?”

Felicia shrugged. “It’s going. Still don’t like the kids. They started making fun of me cause I was already going on a vacation this early in the school year, but I don’t really care.”

AJ gave her a reassuring hug. “It’ll get better. And your still friends with Ian, right?”

Felicia smiled. “Yup, my only one. Better than none.”

“Hey, that rhymed!” Nick said, still very into the game. Only reason why he sort of paid attention was because he heard Ian’s name.

Brian smacked him on the back of his head. “And Nickolas Carter earned an A in poetry for the day class.”

Felicia giggled. “Oh, that reminds me. We had to write this poem for English class about our summer and we just got the graded copy back yesterday.”

“Whatcha get?” Howie asked.

“A B+. Mrs. Keys said I would of gotten an A, but since mine involved some non-words, she couldn’t give me an A. Doesn’t matter though, I still like it.”

“Sounds like a strict teacher,” Kevin said.

“Maybe you should go on a date with her,” Brian replied, still involved in the game. He earned a hard smack on the back of his head, while everyone else laughed at his expense.

“Ouch!” Brian said, letting go of his controls to rub the sore spot. Nick took advantage of this and won the entire game. “Man Kev, you made me lose,” Brian said as Nick did his victory dance.

“Sorry man, but you deserved. No way am I going out with a 50 year old teacher.”

“Um, actually, I think she is in her 30’s” Felicia replied.

Kevin rolled his eyes and laid back on the bed. “Everyone is out to get me.”

“Anyways….do you have it with you?” Howie asked.

“Uh, sure,” Felicia said, rummaging through her backpack. “Its in here SOMEWHERE.” By the time that she found it. Nick had finally stopped his almost-never ending dance, and he and Brian joined the others on the beds.

“Here we go. It’s called Mobile.”

Went back home again?This sucks, gotta pack up and leave again Say goodbye to all my friends Can't say when I'll be there again Its time now?I turn around Turn my back on everything Turn my back on everything

Everything's changing When I turn around I'm out of my control I'm a mobile Everything's changing When I turn around I'm out of my control I'm a mobile?

Start back at this life Stretch myself back into the light I'm waking up to say I've tried Instead of waking up to another TV Guide Its time now?I turn around Turn and walk on this crazy ground?Oh

Everything's changing When I turn around I'm out of my control I'm a mobile Everything's changing Out of what I know Everywhere I go I'm a mobile

I'm a mobile Hanging from the ceiling Life's a mobile Spinning 'round with mixed feelings Crazy and wild Sometimes I wanna scream out loud?

Everything's changing Everywhere I go?

Oh, out of my control Everything's changing Everywhere I go?

Out of what I know?Yeah, yeah, yeah?La la la la la la?La la la?La la la la la la?La la la?La la la la la la?La la la?La la la la la la

Everything's changing?When I turn around?I'm out of my control?I'm a mobile?Everything's changing?Out of what I know?Everywhere I go?I'm a mobile

Everywhere I go?I'm a mobile

“Wow, that’s good. What ‘non-words’ was she talking about?” Brian asked.

“The la’s” Felicia said.

“Makes sense.” Kevin said. ”I mean, they aren’t a noun, they aren’t an adjective, they aren’t an adverb, they aren’t a verb, they aren’t a prepo-“ before he finished, he was met by 5 pillows in his face. Gonna fix the formatting when i get home....gotta go to work....joy...rapsure lol....Happy July 4th!