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Chapter 47

“I can’t believe you got me to do this,” Felicia said while sitting on top of a surf board on the Florida coast, Nick right next to her on his own. Nick wanted to learn how to surf with Felicia, and after promising he would clean the house for a week, Felicia consented. They also managed to convince Howie to come along, but he just stuck to taking pictures of the two.

Nick chuckled as the instructor helped him stand up. “You know you want to do this,” he said as a wave went underneath them causing Felicia to hug her board for dear life.

“No, I just wanted you to clean the house, this was just the consequence of it,” Felicia mumbled.

“Okay, I think your ready to go back to shore Nick,” the instructor said while sitting on his own board. He looked out to the ocean, trying to pick out the perfect wave. “When I say go, do what we practiced, alright?”

Nick nodded and laid flat on his board, ready to paddle out.

“Okay…GO!” the instructor said, helping to push Nick off back to shore.

“Good luck!” Felicia called out as Nick was far enough out to stand up and although he swayed a bit, he didn’t fall down.

“Are you ready Felicia?” the instructor asked, taking his eyes away from Nick who made it back to shore safely.

“Even if I say no your going to make me do this, right?” Felicia mumbled, starting to stand up, but tottering a lot more than nick did until the instructor helped her up.

“Pretty much, yeah,” he chuckled. “Now stand like that once you paddle ten times, alright?”

Felicia gulped but nodded and laid back down, waiting for him to tell her to go.

“Okay…GO!” the instructor said again, giving Felicia a big push.

I can do this, I can do this, Felicia thought to herself as she paddled out. She looked behind her once she did that ten times and quickly stood up, trying to keep her balance with her eyes closed.

“Your doing it!” the instructor called out from behind her, smiling proudly.

“I am?” Felicia asked out loud in shock. “I am!” she smiled as she continued to hold her arms out. But her success didn’t last long as it started to get windy; too windy infact, causing her to fall down, off the board and into the ocean.

“FELICIA!” Nick called from shore, watching this take place. When she didn’t come up right away he started to run to the ocean, but Howie held him back.

“Let the instructor get her. you could get hurt too, he’s a professional,” he said as looked out to the ocean as the instructor searched for her.

Please let her be okay, Nick thought as he watched the instructor go down as well.


When Felicia went under, she started spinning every way possible, much like when she went under in the pool when she met the boys. Soon she got pulled even deeper by a current and she tried to swim up, but the current was too strong. She ended up hitting her head on a rock, then felt someone pick her up as she blacked out. She was soon lifted above the water and laid on her surfboard.

“Felicia….Felicia….wake up!”