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Chapter 7

After checking at the post office for her boxes, Felicia, AJ, and Denise made their way home. Her boxes didn’t come in yet, but would be coming in a day or two. Luckily, most of her clothes fit into her suitcase. Felicia sat in the backseat of the car as she wrote in her journal. Denise checked on her from the rearview mirror.

“Whatcha up to back there?”

Felicia was startled. She was really into her poem and almost didn’t hear Denise. “Huh? Oh, I’m writing a poem.”

“She has like, a gazillion of them. Trust me I packed them,” AJ said, sticking his tongue out at her.

Felicia returned the favor and Denise laughed. Well, at least they are already acting like brother and sister. “What do you guys want for dinner?”

“Pizza’s cool for me,” Felicia said, still writing.

“That’s a good idea, that way we can bribe the guys over with food,” AJ said.

Denise and Felicia laughed. “Okay, call them when we get home to ask what kind they want.”

Felicia yawned. She took out Corky out and cuddled with her. Denise and AJ started talking about rehearsals as Felicia dozed off.


Even though it seemed like an eternity, Felicia woke up just a few minutes later. But it was not on her own, AJ opened her door and was shaking her.

“Wake up sleepy pants,” AJ said, now poking her.

“I’m up, I’m up,” Felicia yawned and got out of the car with Corky in hand.

AJ laughed to himself at how little she looked. He swore when he first saw her, he thought she was nine at the most. And now with her holding onto the raggedy bear she still looked like a baby. “Mom took your stuff in and brought it to your room. I’m going to call the guys, then do you want to go swimming?” he asked as he shut her door.

“But I don’t have a pool pass. Will they let me in?” Felicia asked as they walked to the house.

AJ laughed. “Don’t tell me there aren’t backyard pools in Ohio.”

Felicia blushed. “No, I just forgot. I never saw one in a backyard though.”


“Serious!” Felicia exclaimed, mocking AJ.

AJ pulled her close and gave her a noogie. “Come on, lemme show you to your room. Mom will help you after that so I can make sure everything is on for tonight.”

“Cool,” Felicia said. ”Lead the way, Mr. Tour Guide.”

AJ smiled, wrapped an arm around her, and took her inside. “Straight ahead is the kitchen, next to that is the dining room. To the left is the living room. Right past the kitchen is the patio and the outdoor pool,” AJ said all in a fake British accent.

“Oooooo,” Felicia said and giggled.

“I know, isn’t it amazing?” AJ asked in his normal voice. “If you couldn’t tell, the stairs are right next to us. Make a right, and your room is the third door on your left,” AJ pointed upstairs. You could easily see it from where they were standing. “What kind of pizza do you want?”


“Okie dokie…actually…. I have another question.”

“Shoot,” Felicia said, turning to him.

“Um, when I introduce you to the guys, what do you want me to call you?”

Felicia had a feeling what he meant, even though it was pretty vague. “You can call me your sister if you want.”

AJ was glad she was the one who said it. He didn’t want her to be uncomfortable. “Cool. Remember to change into your bathing suit,” AJ said as he went to the kitchen to make his phone calls.

Felicia sighed. I’m a sister again. She headed off to her room to get ready for tonight.