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A powerful storm, dark clouds cover the sky as far as the eye can see, rain drops down like water falls from the sky, thunders roar louder then hundreds of Imperial super star destroyers, lighting as powerful as the sun lit out the sky

a mix breed of condor/lion (ligal) fly's through the heavy storm on its back a female Jedi to looking for a strange flying star ship hiding under the never ending storm.

" look over there my friend, there it is, fly closer "

with difficulty the Ligal fly's and lands atop the strange ship

" good boy " with a soft pat on the head, " my friend if its to dangerous for you please leave " the Ligal shakes his head indicating he will stay

through the strong wind the young warrior runs quickly to a spot where she since great power coming from, quickly she takes out her light saber and rips a hole on the ship to force her way in.

she lands in a small corridor, she looks around and makes sure no one is around, she turns off the light saber and walks confidently towards the power source she felt

" Strange, the ship is empty, maybe the crew abandoned it "

walks around and tries to figure out why they would leave this ship

she walks in the control room. she checks in the ships video log

" This is an sos to any one who sees this message, we have picked up a man with equipment to transport, he turned out to be some sort of monster he is killing every one, we cant abandonee the ships he has fully control of the ........ " blank screen

confused she continue looking in the ships logs what's there cargo was and who was that man, maybe a shape shifter

" Damn the ships cargo logs are deleted, strange the ships is not in autopilot some is in controlling it "

a thick voice " yeeessss I knooooowww "

she looks behind her and there he was standing on the entrance, a very unusually large man dressed in black clothes his face is covered in shades of green heavy scales like the skin of an alligator, his eyes has a bright yellow color could almost light the room

with confidence she looks back at him " strange I couldn't feel your presence "

" yooou willlll not feeeelll allot of thinnnnngss whennn im donnnne withhhh yoooou jjjjeeedddiiii "

she takes out her light saber " let me give you a listen on who am I, perhaps it might fix your speech problem "

he gives a loud laughs and takes out his double sided light saber

" YOUR A SITH LORD !!! " at first she couldn't feel any power coming from him, but now she feels his powers are slowly increasing as he was Darth Vader or Yoda

he took of his clothes to show a very muscular monster with his entire body covered in scales his left arm was mechanical, she noticed a tattoo on his right arm J'Buco in a language almost extinct, she new that of her former master spoke that language

" Immm reeeaaadddy fooor mmmy lesssssson "

with a fast attack she quickly turns to the defensive, her control of the force gave her the ability to levitate for a few seconds, she manages to find an opportunity to counter strike

J'Buco wasn't slow he was extremely fast, its like he had lighting speed with the saber, and that made it much harder since he was not a master but an artist in fighting skills with a double sided light saber

She to had a talent in handling two light sabers at a time, she quickly pulls out her second light saber to even the odds a little

but J'buco was still a little stronger and a little faster, his power kept on increasing on a steady rate as the fight goes on, she quickly uses her powers to rip off a few chairs and sends it soaring towards him, it hit him and sends him flying across the room, she quickly with her powers rips of what ever she can move from control panels, chairs, debris in the room and sends it crashing over him

she quickly runs out of the room looking the door and destroying the controls for it, she quickly runs down the corridor, she could feel his powers increasing and following her with an unnatural speed

she reaches the hanger bay area where she is surprised by finding him waiting for her there

all she could see in his eyes was the hate, anger, intention to kill

" yyyyooouuu wwwiiilll dddiiiiiieeeee "

" no no you first, I incest " from her high platform she jumps and glides down with her two light saber aimed at his nick

he quickly manages to avoid, then the combination of quick high speed attacks she manages to put him in a defensive, and with one opportunity she cuts of his right arm

a loud screeching scream shouts out from him, his acidec blood splatter every where, she jumps very far so the blood wont burn her

" tttthhhhaaaatttt hhuuurrttt jjjjeeedddiii hhhoooorrrreeee "

" I was just warming up, lets see you stop my 32 saber hit " as she prepared to for her next attack

" ssssuuuuurrrrrpppprrriiss " a new arm is slowly growing back, that really scared her, in all her life she never seen any thing like that before

but she goes on with her 32 saber hit attack and he manages to stop block all of them and with a counter punch he sends her soaring to a corner

she knew she would die if she continue the fight, with her powers she deactivates the hanger shields and runs jumping from the ship into the storm

J'Buco looks at her not moving a muscle as her friend the ligal with his large wings spread fly's down and picks her up and fly away

" Thanks my friend, that was very close " he sends out a roar agreeing with her

" his powers are like no other sith nor Jedi, its like he is the dark side of the force morphed into this monster. maybe he is looking for the temple, we have to get there before he does, hurry my friend fly as fast as you can "