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Paper Flowers

Summary: I mean look at me, what’s so threatening about me? I’m just a girl.” She said innocently. “Besides the face that you beat the hell out of a grown man 5 time bigger then you.” Chad said as Asher gives a cheerful chuckle.

(I am still editing. So do not tell me to use the spell check and to fix my grammar. I am working on it. And it is a lot harder for me to do that then for most people. I'm putting it up to see how other people react to it.)

(AN: I am turning this story in to a comic)

Prologue * The Dark Beginning

The country of Harada use to be a peaceful land. Everyone was happy and demons were in peace with humans. The king was the kindest, who ruled this vast land.

He was an elderly man with a lovely wife, three gorgeous daughters, Jessenia, 13, Keeya, 7, Ziya, 5, and a son, Medwin, 10, who one day become king. Harada was almost perfect until one day a black cloud hung over the kingdom.

An army of demons charged the palace in Amalia. The royal guards held the demons back while the family and servants evacuated the palace. Eight years old, Chad, who worked in the kitchen with his parents, had noticed the youngest princess was not present. He ran off to find her. He headed straight to her room.

“Ziya!” He called as he entered the room.

“Chad!” He hared the whimper from the far corner of the room.

“Let’s get out of here.” He said as he helped her up off the floor. He leader her back the way he had came. They were on the stairway when they heard gunfire and screaming. It was coming from right under the window in the stairway. Chad looked out of the window to see the guards standing over the dead bodies of the royal family and the servants.

“What was that?” Ziya asked. Chad did not answer her just tightened his grip on her hand and ran down the stairs and head for the kitchen. The kitchen entrance was hidden from the outside. “Chad, what are we doing? Aren’t we suppose to meet my mommy and daddy?”

“I don’t think we’ll be meeting them any time soon?”


“I’ll tell you later?” He dragged her to the kitchen. Chad looked out side to see if it was clear of demons or traitorous guards. “Cost is clear.” He tugged her out the door and across the garden to a large tree, that was taller then the palace’s walls. He pushed her up the tree.

“What’s going on? Why do we have to climb a tree? Why can’t we use the front gate?” She asked as the got to the top.

“We just can’t.” They got over the wall. They ran through the village. There were demons and solders (ones the did not betray the family.) fighting each other. Villagers, mostly children, were running towards the train station, which is where Chad and Ziya ended up. They boarded one of the trains, as it was moving.

They sat quietly as the train sped past the war torn countryside.

“Chad,” He looked at Ziya across from him. “Are we ever going to see my parents?” He thought for while. How was he going to tell her that she was never going to see her family again because they were dead?

“Ziy, we’re never going to see them.”

“What do you mean?”

“Your…” He felt his throat get tight. “Your parents are dead.”

“What?” She squeaked. “What about Jessenia, Keeya and Medwin?”

“Them too.” She pulled her legs to her chest and buried her face into her knees. She made herself smaller then she already was. She begins to cry, which cased Chad to realize that he was alone to in this world too. Tears fell from his eyes as he looked out the window.

Two days later back on Amalia. Rider, a cat demon, and Starla, a fox demon, waited in the palace throne room for Kita, Rider’s twin sister, to declare if the plane went off without a hitch to their master. They were both around the age of 7 years old. Finally Kita showed up all tensed up.

“We have a problem.” She said quietly looking around.

“What happened?” Rider asked.

“Princess Ziya’s body is not among the other bodies.” She said.

“What?” Starla squeaked. “Are you saying one of those idiot guards took the little princess’s body.”

“No, I investigated further it turns out that one of the guards had seen a 5 year old girl and an 8 year old boy running from the palace. I think that might have been her.”

“You know the Duke is going to punish us for this.” Starla whined.

“He can’t punish us it’s not our fault!” Rider yelled.

“What’s not your fault?” Starla gave a startled scream and grabbed on to Kita. They turned to the entrance to see Duke Malory standing there.

“Master!” They hollered in unison. They coward back as he approach them.

“What were you three talking about just now?” He asked them darkly.

“Don’t tell him, he’s too close, don’t tell him, he’s too close.” Starla repeated in a harsh whisper as she clung to Kita.

“Master, the youngest princess…” Kita stared to say but stopped to think of how to say it so her master will not take his anger out on them.

“What about her?” Kita bit her lower lip, as Starla continued to cant ‘don’t’.

“She not among the dead.” Rider blurted out. Starla gasped into silent. “We think she maybe still alive.” He and the girls held their breaths waiting for a response but it did not come. Once they did exhale Malory grabbed Kita and Rider around their necks. Starla let out squeak of surprise and scampered away and hid behind one of the broken sculptures. Kita and Rider gasped and choked as Malory held them up on to their tiptoes.

“Master, please.” Kita wheezed as she tried to loosen his grip from her neck.

“You need to get a hold of yourself, Master.” Riders said then feeling Malory’s grip tighten on his neck. They let out a stifled cry.

“You’re killing us!” Kita squealed.

“You and I both know it will take much more then this to kill you two.” Malory said as he lifted them a little more. “You all messed up.” Starla jumped out of her hiding place.

“It’s not our fault!” She screeched.

“Shut up I’ll deal with you later!” She ducked back into her hiding place.

“But it’s not our fault! It’s those stupid guards fault!” Malory’s grips loosened a little on Kita and Rider enough that they could talk.

“Yeah, they were in charge of killing the girl not us.” Rider said.

“We were just had to make sure the demons got into the palace, not kill the royal family.” Kita pointed out.

“Plus she’s only 5 years old what kind of problems could she cause?”

“She could comeback here and take the throne away from me when she gets older.”

“That’s only if she remembers.” Kita said. “I like to point out to you again she’s 5 by the time she’s 16 she probably won’t remember ever being a princess.” Malory paused for a while.

“I got it.” He said. “I will closed down the trains so there’s no way she can get back here.” He let go of Kita and Rider. Kita crashed to the floor clutching her neck and coughing hard. Rider kneeled down bowing his head while rubbing his throat and gasping for air. “After I stop the trains I want you three to head to the Kellan Mountains pass and block it up so no one can get through.” He took a deep breath and looked around the room. “Looks like I can’t use this place any more. I guess I’ll build my palace in the middle of Jericho.” He left the room in a good mood. Starla stayed in her hiding spot to make sure Malory did not remember to punish her and come back. Once she was sure he was not coming back she crawled back over to her friends.

“Are you two Ok?” She asked as she rubbed Kita’s back.

“Yeah.” Rider said in a raspy voice.

“I don’t get it.” Kita said while rubbing her neck.

“What, that he did not kill us?”

“No, why is he so worried about this little girl? I mean she’s just a little girl what kind of trouble could she be?”