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A/N: This is the final part of this story. Please leave a review and let me know what you thought! Thanks...

Chapter Three

The ride down to the station was a long one, mostly in silence. Brian didn’t know what to say, but his heart was still pounding fiercely. This was going on a little too far to just be a big joke, wasn’t it? He didn’t know. All he did know was that nothing was making any sense. The world was whizzing by him, his life stuck in slow motion at the moment. It wasn’t a feeling that he particularly liked, wishing that it would go away.

“Is Ashton going to be waiting for me at the station?” Nick asked, the smile still not gone from his face.

He got no answer, and Nick just sat there in silence, deciding that if the officer spoke, it would give everything away. He tried to wipe the smile off of his face so that he could look shocked once he got to the station, completely oblivious and as if he hadn’t figured it all out yet, although he in reality had. Ashton was, after all, working hard to really scare him this time. The least he could do was play along, right?

Once there, Brian was let out of the car while Nick was escorted in to the station by two other officers. Under normal circumstances, he would be able to just follow them back, however beings he was acting like a nut case, Officer Liezak felt it necessary that he be held on to so he didn’t do anything crazy. Or was this still part of the evil Ashton’s plan, which Nick was still confident about.

“Where are they taking him?” Brian nervously asked Officer Liezak as he followed the man in to an office.

“A prison cell,” Officer Liezak replied simply, “He hit a human...he’s going to need to stay here until we know more...overnight at least.”

Brian nodded, his head still swarming with so many questions. When the officer told him to take a seat, Brian did so, trying his best not to bite his nails, a nervous habit he’d developed and held for as long as he could remember. It didn’t work, for after a few seconds of the man shuffling through a stack of paperwork, Brian found his thumb in his mouth, gnawing at the already short nail.

“So, you said that Nickolas’s eyes were not on the road at the time of the collision?” Officer Liezak asked, breaking the silence.

“Um, yes...that is correct.” Brian replied.

The officer nodded, writing something down. Brian wondered what it was, his fear suddenly coming back. This was a little too real to be a joke, wasn’t it? Not even the producer of the famous show had blood that cold to keep things going for this long. Most people would have had a heart attack by now. That much he was sure of.

“What caused Mr. Carter to take his eyes off of the road?”

“Well, he isn’t the brightest bulb in the batch...in fact, he would be the broken one,” Brian chuckled nervously, “He was arguing over the radio, and...took his eye off of the road. That’s when we felt it..” he swallowed a lump that had formed in his throat, “The man must have walked out in front of us...or maybe Nick ran a stop sign or red light...as I said, we were arguing, so...” his voice trailed off, unsure of what to say next, as the rest had happened so quickly that it was difficult for him to put a finger on any of it.

“Okay...that is all of the questions that we have for now,” Officer Liezak told Brian, “We will have another officer escort you to your home.”

Brian nodded, wondering if reality had struck Nick yet, or if he was still smiling in a dingy prison cell, waiting for something that very likely wouldn’t come. It figured that this would happen, as Nick had just been in trouble with the police after a driving under the influence mixed with medication stunt he’d pulled. The poor boy had just gotten his license back too, after a three month suspension. Brian sighed, shaking his head. What was he going to tell the others when asked just why he and Nick hadn’t made it to the meeting, or had they seen it on the news already? One way or another, they would find out...

Meanwhile, in the Prison Cell

Nick sighed, looking at those around him. They were all dressed in orange, including himself now. This all looked so real, and if he hadn’t been in this situation before with the Punk’d set, Nick would think it was real. Sure, he’d been in prison before, but this time wasn’t real. It just wasn’t.

A prison guard walked by, and Nick perked up, getting up from his bench and walking over to the doors, expecting to have it unlocked, and the expected prankster to jump out from around a corner with his camera crew. When the man continued to walk though, Nick raised an eyebrow. How much longer was this going to go on for?

“Excuse me?” Nick called out, and the man stopped and turned around, “Is Ashton Kutcher going to be here soon?”

The guard just stared at Nick for a moment before shaking his head in bafflement, turning around and continuing his way down the long, narrow hallway without answering Nick’s question.

Ashton’s still coming...I can feel it... Nick thought to himself as he stared through the metal bars of the prison, holding on to them with a smile still plastered on his face, It’s only a matter of time now...just a matter of time...