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During the raid of Southern Darla Home, government officials discovered the various ‘torture chambers’ using the keys that were sent to Dawn Seymour in package through Leighanne Wallace. There were five hundred patients locked up in the home where living condition was poor. Southern Darla Home was completely demolished in 2001 to make way for new residential housings. Further investigations later discovered the list of people who helped the funding of Darla Foundation. The list turned out to be the Scandal that would forever be a part of Ebay Town’s history. The Northern Darla Home was turned into a hospital. Patients of Northern Darla Home were sent back to their family. In 2000, nine months after the raid, local scientists successfully introduced a formula that would help the public risk free from being infected by the disease when interacting with a victim. Five months after the raid, Kevin Richardson and Lisa Wyans set up Darla Support Foundation to replace the Darla Foundation set up by Max Coultron, gaining world wide support and the setting up of various similar foundations around the world. They were married in 2001 and have a daughter named Kristin. Leighanne Wallace still manages After Darla, which is now a partner to the Darla Support Foundation. Leighanne is engaged to be married to a respectable business man. She is still in constant contact with Jackie Littrell, who is a counselor with After Darla. AJ Mc Lean and Justin Timberlake used what was left of their parents’ wealth to open up Adventure For Darla Foundation, a support group for teenagers with the disease. They set up adventurous trips locally for the victims as well as able teenagers to interact and understand one another. Eric, Robbie and David tour around the world with the Darla Support Foundation and give speeches in various health clubs gatherings. Eric’s website about Darla is now the official site for Darla Support Foundation. Eric died in December 2001. Marcus Fisher was an active member of After Darla but stepped down in the beginning of 2002 due to poor health. He is now spending his time with loved ones. Brad Watts reunited with his family and became a full time father and husband. Howie Dorough lived with Jackie Littrell upon Brian Littrell’s request. He lived a private life and helped out at After Darla occasionally. In the beginning of 2002, it was reported that Howie lost vision to his right eye. Brian Littrell was warded for two days after the raid for poor health and was sent home on request. He died on his bed, in his mother’s arms with Leighanne by his side a week later. Nick Carter was reunited with his family. He gave talks in local schools and Colleges about the awareness of Darla. He helped in the making of this first documentary about Darla in 2001. He died in his sleep in June 2002, a free man. What man achieves in a lifetime, will be remembered for eternity. For these people, their sacrifices will always be remembered and passed down from one generation to another.

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