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Author's Chapter Notes:
A little help please. I'm looking for someone to assit me with my story. I don't want to go into too much detail and a lot is not needed at all. I'm looking for someone who is usually online either Sunday or Monday evenings and is on for a few hours at a time. I need someone who is willing to spend probably about 15-20 min with me on this particular thing. Like I said, it's not anything huge or whatever. I do ask that if you are interested, not to leave me f/b, but to email me directly through my bio page on the site here and let me know. I'll make my decision in a few weeks or so depending on if I get responses or not.

Thanks everyone!
Chapter 139

Veronica’s eyes widened as Nick pulled into his driveway and cut the engine. She stayed in while he got out, staring in amazement at his home. It was the kind of house you saw in movies and on those shows on E!, it never seemed believable that people actually lived in those kinds of houses.

Slowly she made her way out, shutting the door blindly, just standing there staring.


“Veronica? You ok?”

Veronica tore her gaze from his house to stare at him blankly.


“Umm, yeah I’m fine, sorry…your house is…” she started, looking back over at the house.

“Eh, it’s nothing really. C’mon, let’s go inside,” Nick announced, hauling her bags up the long driveway. Suddenly he felt a bit silly with this huge house, not that he thought much about it anymore, it was kind of enlightening to have someone who wasn’t used to this way of living, suddenly be thrust into it. He found himself a bit worried about what would happen when she saw the inside; he didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable. Clearing his throat, he deactivated the alarm and unlocked the door, making his way in.

“Here we are,” he smiled, hurrying in and making his way off to the side.

Veronica made her way in and was immediately assaulted with the scent of lemon and oranges. Looking around, she tried hard not to look like the freak she was acting like. Turning, she watched as Nick shut the door, not really sure of what to do. She was afraid to touch anything or to even walk.

“This way, I’ll show you to your room,” he winked as he started up the winding staircase.

Veronica followed him up, looking around the whole time, stifling a nervous giggle. They made their way down the hall and over to the last room on the left. Nick turned the knob and swung the door open.

“Here we are, I hope this one is ok, if not I have a few other rooms you can choose from. I thought this one was the best though, it’s got a nice view of the ocean,” Nick smiled.

“No no, this is fine, really. Wow this room is amazing,” she sighed, making her way in.

Nick nodded, setting her stuff just inside the door. “Thanks. Hey, why don’t I let you get settled in and then when you’re ready, come on down and I’ll give you a tour, show you were everything is. Oh, there’s a private bathroom right off of this room. Feel free to put your stuff in the dressers and whatever, you don’t have to keep it in your suitcase or anything, I know it’s rough to have to keep riffling through your stuff looking for a change of clothes.”

Turning to look at him, she gave him a small smile, “Alright, thanks. I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

“Cool, I’ll be waiting,” he winked again before leaving, closing the door softly behind him.

Walking over to the bed, she slumped down, letting out a breath. The room was huge and spacious and really nice. Looking around, she noticed there was a TV and DVD player and a Playstation 2. Chuckling, she stood and headed into the bathroom.

“Holy shit,” she muttered, staring at the full sized bathtub and shower. Making her way inside, she took in the large bathtub, two people could fit in tub easily, blushing at the sudden turn of her thoughts, she cleared her throat, looking over at the sink. Everything was gold plated and expensive looking. She quickly made her way out of the bathroom and over to her suitcase, lugging it up onto the bed and opening it.


Nick could hear her moving around upstairs and grew more and more antsy. He couldn’t wait for her to come down. Heading into the kitchen, he poured them each a glass of iced tea; he hoped she found everything she needed in her room. He’d tried to put some things in there that would seem kind of familiar to her, which was hard in that most of the things in a room were familiar to anyone. He’d bought a Playstation 2 to put in along with a DVD player incase she ever wanted to watch some movies alone or whatever. He’d also made sure he’d bought some of her favorite movies to go along with it.

He took a long drink of the tea, wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand, staring up at the top of the stairs. Suddenly he heard the door to her room open, clearing his throat; he whirled around and pretended to busy himself with wiping the counter down as he heard her make her way down the stairs.

“Ok, I’m all unpacked. That room is really cool Nick, that bathroom and the tub…wow.”

Turning to look at her, he held out the glass of tea.

“You’ll have to try it out sometime.”

“Believe me I plan on it.”

“Good. So, are you ready to get started with this tour?”

“I am, thanks for the tea by the way,” she smiled as she took a sip.

“No problem. I guess we’ll start here. This of course is the kitchen, pretty self explanatory. Feel free to take whatever you want, eat whatever you want. I took the liberty of…”

Veronica watched as Nick reached into one of the cupboards and pulled out a couple of boxes.

“Poptarts and Cheez It’s, even though it goes against everything I believe in, I got Cheez Its instead of Cheese Nips just for you.”

“Well I appreciate it Nick, thank you,” she chuckled.

“Mmmhmm. C’mon, lots more to show you.”

Nick showed her all around the ground level and then they made their way up the stairs.

“Most of the rooms up here are just spare bedrooms and stuff. My room is right across from yours actually and yeah, that’s about it.”

“Well you have a beautiful home Nick.”

“Thank you. Look I was thinking, how bout we go out for lunch.”

“Ok yeah, sounds good.”

They headed out and Nick drove them to a restaurant where they ate quickly and were now driving around, Nick showing her different places he liked to hang out and different clubs he went to while on their way back home.

“So I was thinking that some time this week we should go to either Busch Gardens or Disneyworld.”

“Wow really? I’ve never been to Busch Gardens and let me think, the last time I went to Disneyworld, I was about five or so. I don’t really remember it.”

“Well damn, we’ll do both then.”

“Wow really?”

“Well yeah, it’s been too long since ya been to Disney, and since you’ve never been to Busch, we have to go there.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“How many times have you been to Florida?”

“A few, my Dad was from here originally, and we came that one time when I was five, then my Uncle passed away when I was in junior high and we came for the funeral and that was it.”

“I didn’t know your Dad was from here, you never really told me anything about your extended family.”

“Well there’s not much to tell. My Dad’s family was never very…open to me and my brothers…well my brother Bryan hung out with our cousins and I didn’t really. They never came to the house when my parents were together or anything. I don’t know them and they really don’t know me. My Mom’s side of the family wants nothing to do with her because of the relationship with her parents, long story. Needless to say I don’t know any of my extended family.”

Nick frowned, “Oh, sorry. That sucks.”

“It does, but don’t feel sorry for me. I’ve got my Mom and Brothers and they’re the only family I need. No problem.”

It was something else they kind of had in common, the issues with family. It seemed that it was kind of how their friendship had started in a sense. They had more in common than he originally thought, and the more he learned about her, the more he liked.