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I stepped out of the classroom, looking towards the rest of the day, just spending time at home. Maybe I can actually get some rest. As Jenn thought to herself.

I can see the brightness of the sun, reflect in my eyes. I slipped the sun glasses off my layered blonde hair and put on face. It didn't seem so bright. It was another sunny day in Tampa Bay, Florida. I attended Tampa University and my major is in creative writing. I just moved out here and I have been living with my best friend Diana for a while. She has lived here for her whole life and I thought it would be a great opporunity to go some where it's sunny. Florida was perfect. I have been born and raised in Michigan and it isn't like Fl. Warm and sunny all the time. I haven't met anyone recently here but have met a couple of people. Diana as one and the closest friends I have is Matt who is a good friend of mine. Also, Julie and Kerri. On the side of what I am doing, am model, been doing that since I was 12.

I walked to my black vw jetta and drove to home which where I wanted to be at the moment. I didn't know that I have ever excepted would happen when I got home.

I hope the front door to condo, and through my keys on the kitchen counter. I look unsuspecting at the pile of mail that was laying there. I grabbed the buddle of mail and went through. Just seemed to be bills and a couple of fam mails. Seems like that always happens. We constantly get bills.

I put the mail down and opened the refrigerator grabbing a Evian to drink. I walked into my room to change into more comfortable clothes. I grabbed a white tank top and black capris. As I changing, i heard the phone start to ring. I pulled my shirt down and quickly ran to the phone.

As I answered the phone, and I replied hello. Just this one call changed my life forever.