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When we got to the school, the bus driver, Freddy, led Lindsay and I straight to the principals office. I got a lot of strange looks from people as I passed by. And why not? I was an unfamiliar girl who looked like she grew up in the bad part of town, trailing behind a fat school bus driver and a popular cheerleader with a bloody nose...Yeah, wouldn't you stare, too? One kid started to laugh at me and I flicked him off. He made a face and turned back to his locker.

What a dumb ass.

When we got to the office, Freddy told the principal exactly what happened. In his own words. "This young lady here hit Lindsay in the face for no apparent reason." He said, "She was standing there talking and she took a swing at her."

"Hey! That is untrue. She was talking shit about me so I hit her. That's a reason for me, dammit! And this fat ass is only sticking up for her because he likes to stare at her boobs and her butt all the time probably and he should be fired for being such an ignorant, shallow, superficial, uninformed..." I couldn't think of another word, so it was a good thing that the principal, Ms. Holmes, cut me off.

"Excuse me young lady, that is enough!" She said, "What is your name?" She demanded.

"Prudence Morales." I lied. Prudence Morales was the person that Jared and I used to make fun of all the time at my old school."

"Okay Miss Morales. Please call your parent." The principal told me, writhing down the name on a paper.

"Ms. Holmes," Lindsay said, her voice all funny sounding, "She's lying. That's not her name."

"How would you know?" I asked, glaring at Lindsay and then laughing when I saw her nose. I broke a cartilage or...a thousand there now didn't I?

"I know because AJ McLean would never name his child something like that." Lindsay said.

"But I thought he hated me...That is what you said, right?" I asked.

Lindsay thought for a second before answering, "He wouldn't want to embarrass himself in front of the people at the hospital!"

I rolled my eyes. "That was the stupidest excuse I have ever heard." I turned to Ms. Holmes. "Fine, my name is Kelly Conner." I said.

"McLean." Lindsay said.

"Nope, Conner. My moms last name. You know, the other parent who hates me." I said.

"Call your father." Ms. Holmes said.

I shrugged and picked up the phone. As I dialed AJ's number, Ms. Holmes took down Lindsay's information. The phone rang almost four times. I thought he had his phone turned off or something until his voice came on. "Talk." He said.

"What a wonderful way to answer, AJ." I said.

Lindsay squealed. I gave her a look of disgust. This child needs to get some serious help.

"Kelly? What are you doing calling me? And who's there with you?" AJ asked.

"Oh, I'm in the office and some preppy, obsessed girl is in here with me." I told him like it was no big deal.

"What are you doing in the office?" AJ asked slowly.

"I broke a girls nose." I told him.

"WHAT?!" AJ yelled.

I held the phone away from my ear for a second, and then upon replacing it said, "Jesus, AJ. I can hear ya fine without you yelling. Okay, so are you mad?"

"Of course I'm not. I could care less. All you did was disfigure a girls nose." AJ told me sarcastically.

"Yeah, that's all I did." I said.

"Let me talk to the principal." AJ told me with a heavy sigh.

"Okay." I handed the phone to Ms. Homes and said, "He wants to talk to you."

She took the phone from me and said, "Mr. Conner..."

"McLean." Lindsay and I said together.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. McLean. This is Jackie Holmes, the principal at La Mesa Junior High." She said, "Yes...If you could come down here, I would be very grateful...Okay, I will see you in a little bit...Thank you, Mr. McLean." That was the end of the conversation that I got to listen in on.

"Is AJ coming?" Lindsay asked excitedly, "Is he? Is he?"

How can she be that excited when she had a broken nose? I mean, it will ruin her chances of ever getting Daniel back. Though by the way he talked about her, it doesn't seem like he wants her back.

"Yes, Miss Johnson, he is coming. And so is your mother." Ms. Holmes said, "I'll get Ms. F to get her."

Ms. F was the secretary. I didn't want to ask what the F stood for. It was probably something embarrassing. Ms. Holmes got up and went to the door. She opened it and said, "Annette, can you get Ashley is here?"

Ms. F said she would, and Ms. Holmes closed the door and walked back to her desk.

I looked at Lindsay. "So, your mom works here?"

She raised her eyebrows at me and said, "Yeah. So?"

"My dad works...everywhere. Cuz he's famous you know. He's AJ McLean." I teased her.

"So what? I don't care." Lindsay lied. She so loved him.

"You know, AJ McLean, that sexy little bitch you worship." I teased some more.

"Miss Conner. Please watch your mouth! You?re in enough trouble as it is!" Ms. Holmes snapped.

"Sorry." I said, "So, am I getting suspended?"

"Most likely." Ms. Holmes told me, "After what you did, do you really think you could get away with it?"

I didn't want to get suspended of course. Why would I? "It's my first day. I don't know your customs." I said.

"Where do you come from?" Ms. Holmes asked me.

"Las Vegas," I answered, "Land of getting away with anything."

"Well it's very different here." Ms. Holmes informed me, "Very different."