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"You ready to go?" AJ asked me, standing in my doorway.

I nodded and tried to stuff all of my things into one bag. Two weeks in Nevada and I had to pack light. What a deal, huh? It's not like me to pack light.

"Okay, I'll wait for you downstairs." AJ told me.

"Kay." I agreed. Whatever, man, whatever.

A few minutes later I finally got all of my clothes into the bag. Before I left my room, I grabbed my CD player. I had to have something to do on the plane. And in the hotel. And then the extra 12 damn days we're going to be there. Plus, I need it to block out the voices of everybody as they try to talk to me.

Yup, so this CD player is like a godsend. I got it on my birthday from AJ cuz my old one broke. Throwing things against the wall is not good...

I ran downstairs with my bag. AJ was leaning against the open door. I sighed. He was probably smoking. He has to stop that. He looked back at me. "You ready?" He asked with a smile.

"Yup, let's go and get this whole fucking trip over with." I said.

AJ nodded. He knew that I didn't want to go. He knew that it was hard enough for me already and the last thing that I needed was to have to go to a funeral with a bunch of people around me crying and saying how much they'll miss her. Half the people haven't seen her for years.

Honestly. I can tell you who, too. AJ, of course, Nick, Howie, Kevin, Brian (Don'a ask me why...My grandparents invited them. I guess that they were actually friends back in the day.), my uncle whom I've never met, and my grandparents on my moms side. They disowned her because of, well, me. Yeah, I know, I screw everything up. Oh, and Jonathan's going to be there. He should burn in hell.

AJ walked out behind me and then unlocked the doors of the car. He instructed me to put my bag in the backseat. I did so and then circled around the car to the passengers side.

He got in and said, "Okay, let's go and, like you said, get this whole fucking trip over with."

"Damn straight." I said, "I didn't even wanna go in the first place."

"Come on, you knew that you had to come." AJ told me.

"I know." I agreed, "But it doesn't mean that I wanted to."

"Yeah," AJ said, "I wouldn't have wanted to go, either, if it were someone I really cared about."

"You don't care about my mom?" I asked him. Well that was a bit rude!

AJ looked uncomfortable. "Well, uh, of course I care about her. But if it were somebody like... you or something that it happened to, then I just wouldn't have wanted to go, ya know?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, I guess."

"Cuz you are one of the people who I really do care about." He told me.

"What about Natalie? You care about her?" I asked.

Please say no.

"Yeah," He told me, "We're hitting it off, Kel. I know you don't really like her, but she's nice."


"She tries too hard." I told him.

"No she doesn't. She just acts like herself." AJ told me.

"Oh, and 'herself' is a try-hard... " I searched for another word, "Fool?"

AJ looked at me and shook his head. "You're weird, you know that?"

"Hell yes I do." I told him, "I'm the fucking weirdest person in the world."