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"Are you sure you're okay?" AJ asked me.

"I'm fine." I snapped at him, "God, how many times do I have to tell you?"

"Sorry, you just seem different." AJ told me.

"Oh yeah, and you would know how I act."

"I do know how you act. You've only been living with me the past three months... "

"Look, can you just leave me alone?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." AJ said, "You ready to go get something to eat?"

"I thought I told you to leave me alone!!" I screamed at him.

"I was just... " AJ gave up and shook his head, "Never mind!"

I sat down on the bed and turned on the TV. I was mad. Pissed off at Jared. He's chosen Christa over me! And I was supposed to be his best friend. But I guess now that he has Christa he doesn't need me to be his best friend. He can go hang out with the preppies and the jocks.

I mean, I know I'm all the way in Florida, but he should still be thinking that I'm still coming back. He didn't know about my mom and that now I'm going to be staying in Florida for freaking ever. So he should have been happier to see me. What the hell was his problem?

"Sudden interest in the Discovery Channel?" AJ's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I looked at the TV and sure enough, it was on the Discovery Channel. I sighed. "What can I say? The mating of dolphins facinates me." I told him.

"What happened today? You can tell me." AJ said.

I wouldn't tell him. I just stayed seated on the bed silent.

"Well if you're not going to tell me now, then I'll force it out of you while we go eat." AJ said, "Come on. Get up."

I stood up and followed him out of the hotel room. When we got onto the elevator, he asked me, "What'd you and Jared do today?"

I glared at him. How dare he bring up that jerk. "Nothing." I told him.

"Something happened between you two, huh?" AJ asked me.

Damn. He knows. How does he always seem to know? He doesn't know me!

"What'd you do to him?" AJ asked.

"What makes you think that I did something to him?" I yelled.

"It's just-"

I cut him off by yelling, "Don't talk to me!"


"What do you want?" AJ asked me when we got to the McDonalds.

"Whatever." I said, "I'm going to go wait outside."

I left the crowded McDonalds to go sit on a bench outside. I watched as people walked by. Drunk, drunk, tourist, drug dealer, tourist, tourist, tourist with their family, drunk, Jared and Christa, tourist...

"Why hello there Kelly Conner." Christa said, walking up right in front of me.

"Hi Christa." I said, glaring at her.

Jared came up behind her. "Come on, Chris. Let's go. The movie starts in 10 minutes."

The movie theater was right next to the McDonalds. That is where everyone went on their dates.

"But JJ, I'm talking to Kelly. I haven't seen her in forever." Christa told Jared, "So, where have you been?"

Right before I answered, AJ came out of the McDonalds holding two bags. "Kay, I got you one of those damn Big and Tasty meal things cuz there was nothing else."

"Who is this, Kelly?" Christa asked me in her stupid dumb preppy voice.

"Why do you care?" I asked her.

"Well because, Kelly, I am very interested in what has been going on in your life." Christa lied.

AJ spoke up, "I'm Kelly's dad."

"No one asked you." I snapped at him.

He ignored my comment and asked, "Who are you two? Friends of Kelly's?"

I laughed. "Yeah right!" I exclaimed.

"I'm Christa, and this is Jared, my boyfriend."

"Oh," AJ said. He looked at me and asked, "Jared, your best friend Jared?"

"Former best friend." I heard Jared mutter.

"What are you talking about, JJ? Are you and Kelly in a fight?" Christa asked, "What'd you do to him, Kelly?"

"I didn't do anything to him, okay?! God damn, why is it always me who's done something?!" I yelled.

Christa then turned to Jared, or JJ as he was now being called, and asked, "What'd she do to you?"

"She's just being a bitch, that's all." He answered.

I looked at AJ. He was watching with great interest. I had expected him to say something at that last little comment, but he stayed quiet.

"Well that's not very nice, Jared." Christa said, "I'm sure that Kelly had a very good reason for acting how she did."

That was it. I blew up. "Would you all stop talking about me like I'm not here! None of you know what's going on in my life!" I screamed.

And then I stood up and ran.