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"So you and your dad are close?" Kayla asked me as we walked towards the courtyard to eat lunch.

That made me laugh. "Me and AJ? Close? No way."

"Really?" Chad asked, "You two seem pretty close."

"Did you even hear me call him Dad once? No... Only when I told you he was my dad." I told them.

Jamie shrugged. "I don't call my dad Dad." She said, "As a matter of fact, I don't call him anything at all. I don't even talk to him."

"So you lied to us yesterday? When you told us that you two weren't really related?" Jena asked.

I shrugged. "I didn't want to make a bad impression on you." I said.

"I found out that he really was on the bus when you told everyone he was." Kayla said.

"Yeah, what was with that?" Chad asked.

I blushed. "Uh, Daniel and his asinine friend were pissing me off about it so I just kinda snapped and... yeah." I answered them.

"Oh, well that's okay." Kayla said, "Daniel does have a tendency to piss people off."

The others nodded in agreement. We all sat down under the tree and they all started to take out their lunches. Oh God... I'm with the cold lunch people. Damn. The ones I used to make fun of. I didn't have any lunch so I just sat there and watched them eat.

But I was cool. I had a Pop-Tart for breakfast.

We talked about how much of a jerk Daniel was and how much of a slut Lindsay was. It turned out that they really had gotten back together and they were now the "Cutest Couple" in eighth grade.

After the bell rang we all headed back to class. My next one was PE and I had it with Kayla. So we walked together as the others went off to their own classes.

I got through the rest of my classes without any controversy, though I had to try very hard to prevent it. When a guy passed by Kayla and I in our PE class and said, "Hey fatty, Goth." I had to hold myself back because I was about to start a fight with him. Instead I settled for throwing a basketball at his back as he was running back to his friends and almost knocking the wind out of him. Hey, you can't expect me to be totally saintly.