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*Okay here goes nothing lol*


Howie approached the neatly pressed secretary quickening his pace before he felt anymore eyes on him. Surely Nick hadn’t managed to disappear in the space of a few minutes. Not without kicking and screaming at least. That’s why his confidence was up when he approached the desk; he wasn’t as nervous as the last time the same thing happened at Jive.

“Excuse me” The woman turned her gaze towards Howie and smiled, “Yes?”

“I was wondering if you saw my friend out here?”

“Oh Nick you mean?” Howie nodded.

“Yes…he left” Now his confident feeling left him, confusion taking it’s place, “He left?”

“Uh huh”


“A few minutes ago, he ran out of here as if his pants were on fire” She chuckled but Howie didn’t find it funny.

“Was he alone?”

“I believe so, but I have to admit I wasn’t really paying much attention”

“So he left without even leaving me a message or anything?”

“Maybe he’ll be right back. You’re meeting wasn’t very long…perhaps he thought it would take you longer besides it looked like he was meeting someone…”

“Mr. Dorough what seems to be the problem?” Dorothy asked when she noticed that Howie was still lurking around the lobby; happily interrupting the conversation taking place.

“You tell me! Nick is missing!!” She seemed put off by the accusatory tone he was using.

“He must be around somewhere…but for now I must be going, Maria, I will be gone for the rest of the day” She said and then smiled at Howie as she walked past him towards the front doors. Howie was soon to follow, “Wait you aren’t just going to leave…Nick is missing! Where is he? What did you do to him?”

She ignored him and hailed a cab. When one stopped right in front of her she opened the door and jumped in, Howie tried his best to stop her, “Wait” He said but she pushed him away and closed the door. As she drove off he was left confused and now scared for Nick.

Howie paced a few times in front the main entrance before once again entering, he wasn’t going to leave without Nick. No more people were going to be in danger on his watch.

“Excuse me again…I’m sorry to bother you but….”

“He left with a woman” She said making sure no one heard her.

“He what?”

Once again Maria looked over her shoulder and then repeated, “Your friend…I saw him leave with a woman. She waved at him from the window so he went out there to meet her than they both took off.

“A woman?” She nodded.

“What did she look like?”

“I don’t know she was pretty bundled up but I think she was a blonde. Not totally sure though”

“He seemed okay to you though?” He realized it was a dumb question but one that really needed to be asked. He had to make sure that Nicky was okay because despite everything, Nick needed babysitting; it was kind of an unspoken rule that the four older members had with each other. He probably would until he was thirty. To leave Nick alone was just an awful mistake. One that he was forced into.

Now he had no idea what to do. None at all.

AJ stood right behind his door as the first bing announcing visiting hours were soon over came on. Taking a few deep breaths he carefully slide the key into the lock and clicked it open. Peering his head out the door he looked down the hallway before stepping outside, he didn’t have much time, if he was caught now he was done for. So he trotted towards the door with his head down. In front of him there was about ten people saying goodbye to loved ones all hugging and kissing. AJ tried his hardest to blend in with them, not even allowing himself to look up or make eye contact with anyone.

In his right hand he rubbed the key card trying his hardest to conceal it from view.

It wasn’t really a long walk to the door considering the place was not really that big but it felt like the hallway was getting bigger and bigger and the faster he pushed towards the door the farther away it got.

The second bing announcing that visiting hours were now over blared through the ward and AJ seeing a gaggle of staff congregating by the door decided to turn a corner for a minute. He had forgotten that they watch the people leaving, to make sure he guessed that they weren’t taking anyone with them.

“Okay…okay calm down you can do this” He said to himself as he once again peeked over to the door. Most of the crowd had now left; once the two nurses standing by the door left, he would make a break for it. Of course one of them was the same bitch that framed Brian. His thoughts temporarily drifted to his friend and his safety, but he shook those thoughts away. To be able to get out of this he had to concentrate on escaping.

After about three minutes and a few suspicious looks later, the nurses finally left their post. “Now or never Mclean…go now” he started his brisk walk towards the door. Looking back he saw no one was paying any attention to him so he placed the key card into the slot and the door popped open.

A shot of adrenaline hit him just then as he managed to get one foot out of the door, he was almost free…almost.

Unfortunately because it was a ‘special’ wing of the hospital the only place he had to hide once outside of the locked area was the small space where the elevator was. A group of people stood around waiting as the lighted numbers showed a slow climb up to the floor he was held hostage on.

He smiled at one of the women who was waiting. She seemed like a nice enough person, except when she glanced down at his feet. He had forgotten all he had on was slipper socks. The woman instantly become uneasy as she shifted her gaze quickly away from him and to the door that was securely locked behind them. He knew his time was running out as the woman casually walked over to the door and rang the bell. AJ’s pulse started to race knowing it was because of him. He frantically searched the area for another escape route. Happy to see the red Exit sign by a window. A flight of stairs would have to do. He ran towards it, not even caring if it made him look completely guilty.

Shouts were heard as he closed the door and started his rapid descent down the steps.

Kevin looked at his cousin making sure he understood what exactly he was supposed to do. “So you understand the plan?”

“Yes I understand the plan! How many times are we going to go over it?”

“Brian, sorry I know you’re not stupid but this is important. One wrong move and we could be dead”

At that Brian looked over and nodded, what exactly could he respond to that? He was terrified of what was going to happen to them.

“The next time someone comes in Bri…and if for some reason it doesn’t work, don’t even look back…do you understand me?”

“Kevin don’t be stupid…” Kevin grabbed his cousin by the shoulders, “I said do you understand me?”

“I won’t leave you here Kevin”

“I hope you don’t have to” He said, looking grim. Truth was he had no idea what would happen at all. Everything had been very quiet ever since Brian made his appearance in the room, no one seemed like they were even keeping watch outside anymore.

Kevin wasn’t sure which of the scenarios in his head was worse, them coming back or them never coming back.

“Do you think the others are okay?” Brian asked from his standing position by the door. The place where he was assigned to stand when the time came to tackle whoever it was that walked through the door.

“I hope so…but Brian; we can’t think about that right now”

“I know…sorry”

Before Kevin had time to rehearse the plan once more…footsteps were heard outside the door.

“It’s time are you ready?” Brian nodded at his cousin, knowing full well he wasn’t ready for what had to be done. He had never attacked another human in his life. Not even his brother. Not even in jest.

There was a little commotion at the door as a few voices spoke, then it opened up. Just as Brian was to jump on the man who walked through the door, he stopped when he recognized the familiar voice.

“Hello boys” He said as he entered the room with Johnnie walking in behind him.

AJ got down about one flight before he heard the door swing open and a bunch of quick footsteps climbing down the steps. He quickened his pace as well.

“Stop!” The man yelled to AJ, definitely a guard, he could tell by the sound of the walkie talkie shouting commands. Not totally paying attention to what he was doing AJ missed a step and went flying down about ten steps landing on his back and rolling over on his side. He heard the footsteps fast approaching him and even though he was in pain he forced himself up and continued his climb down the steps.

Than another walkie talkie was heard. This time it was moving up the steps towards him. They were coming at him from both ways He was trapped. Unsure of what to do he stood by the doorway of the landing he had stopped on and tried to scream when he was pulled through the door.

Howie had given up hope; he decided to wait around for Nick just incase, like the receptionist said he were to come back. An hour had passed and time was precious. Nick was not coming back; that thought alone sent goose bumps up and down Howie’s spine. As much as he didn’t want to do it, he had to leave. Go to the Lions Den and talk to this Bolten guy. He walked out the door and heard the garbage can before him ringing.

It was his cell phone. He walked over and picked it up out of the garbage can to read the number on the caller ID.

This time it was an unknown number but a very familiar code; 911. He hesitantly clicked open the phone anxious to see who it was and shuddered when he heard that familiar voice.

“Times running out Howie” Than a click; before Howie could even say anything.

He put the phone in his back pocket and hailed a cab of his own; “Lion’s Den” He said to the driver as he took one last look at the Inquisitor building before zooming off.