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Author's Chapter Notes:
Whoa i have been busting out chapters like crazy i just hope I can keep this up! Please enjoy and please, please review i would love to hear what you have to say :)



Weeks went by and then it soon turned into months and the twins are almost six months old and Kaylee still hasn’t told Nick about seeing Justin in the supermarket. At first she was going to but then she chickened out due to the fact they had a date that night and then they had their ‘alone’ time soon after.  She knew she had to tell him sooner or later but when? Or even why for that matter is wasn’t like he was going to take the twins or would he?  As Kaylee started to think more about the situation she more she wanted to tell Nick. Kaylee quickly got out of shower she dried herself off she was looking at herself in the mirror and she noticed that her body looked a little pudgy but she didn’t think anything of it because she still had some baby weight left to lose from the twins.  When she got dressed she went downstairs and she saw Nick playing with the twins on the floor.

“You know you look so sexy playing with the kids.” Kaylee smiled.

“Is that right? Well I am trying to teach them to roll over”

“Nick they aren’t dogs you know”

“I know that! But I was reading in a parenting magazine and it said they should have been rolling over from back to tummy by six months old and they will be six months old in 2 weeks!” Kaylee couldn’t help but chuckle just a little,” What is so funny?”

“Nick babe babies will do it when they are ready not every baby is going to be rolling over from back to tummy by then some do it early and some do it later and you have to remember they were born six weeks early and so they were not full term yet so they might be a little slower than other babies. You are going to drive yourself crazy reading all of those things yeah, its good but it might drive ya nuts!” Kaylee explained to Nick.

“Oh, well excuse me for paying attention to those kinds of things now come over here and give me a kiss” Kaylee walked over to Nick and gave him a kiss and then sat down next to him.

“Nick, we need to talk…I have been needing to talk to you for a couple of months now, but I guess I just never thought it was the right time. You remember when I went to the supermarket a couple of months ago right before we went out on our date night?” Nick nodded,” Well I saw someone I wasn’t expecting to and it just worries me that he might come back into my life and I really don’t want that to happen.”

“Who is it baby?”

“Justin…I saw him and I accidently bumped into his cart while going down the cereal isle. I was hoping he wouldn’t recognize me, but he did. He was so mad that I didn’t call him and tell him I was having twins AND when I had them.  It’s like now he wants to have contact with them after he saw me.”

“ And what did you tell him?”

“I told him that I didn’t think he deserves to be their father since he left me after I found out and then he went onto say that he has rights yadda yadda and then I told him that he doesn’t have any and that all he was going to do was skip out on me like he did before and the twins didn’t need any of that. Lets jus t say I don’t think he was very happy I am just worried that he is going to try and ask for custody or something and I don’t want that to happen,” Kaylee stated Nick sat up and gently kissed Kaylee.

“You guys are my world and I would never let anything happen to you guys just remember that and if Justin tries some bullshit like that don’t worry we will be ready so just leave it up to me ok?”

“Ok, I completely trust that you will.”

“Don’t worry babe I will have it under control when and even if that happens but for now there is no need to worry about it,” and just then while Nick and Kaylee were talking Emily had completely rolled over onto her tummy.

“Oh my gosh Nick did you see that!!” Kaylee excitedly said.

“See I told you I was teaching them and looked at least it paid off for one of them and go figure it was Emily,” Night laughed.

“Yeah, that is because girls are smarter than boys,” she smirked.

“You know when you said we had to talk I was so worried you were going to tell me something else like you were pregnant or something.” Kaylee giggled a little bit.

“Why would you think that? I can’t right now remember I am on the pill”

“I don’t know you seem a little different somehow but maybe its just because we have been in the studio what seems like forever and a day because since Kevin left the group we have been trying to find the right new sound I guess, but wouldn’t that be insanely crazy if that were true?”

“Nick shut up!”  Kaylee couldn’t help but wonder though what if she was and she didn’t know it? There would be no way she could be since she was on the pill, but then again the pill isn’t 100% effective. She couldn’t imagine having another one on top of the twins it was already hectic around at their house enough and another baby she wasn’t up for that, but apparently Nick sound pretty excited.


Later on that night as they were giving the twins their bath and Nick heard a knock at the door.

“You want to get that? I have things pretty much handled here,” Kaylee got up and walked to the door and opened it and saw a tall man standing before her.

“Is this the Carter residence?”

“Yes it is can I help you?”

“Does a Kaylee Wilson live here?”

“Yes, that would be me again, what do you need?”

“You have been served.” All Kaylee could do is wonder who was serving her and why,” Thank you.” She quickly shut the door and opened the letter as she read down she saw that Justin was petitioning the court to give him full visitation rights not custody but only visitation Kaylee didn’t even want Justin to see them let alone all alone with them . Kaylee walked back upstairs to the bathroom.

“Who was at the door?”

“Someone from Justin’s attorney’s office…he has petitioned the court to have full visitation rights for the twins not custody but visitation which means he could even take them over for a weekend right? I don’t want that to happen Nick I don’t think he deserves anything he was never there why does he want to be in their lives all the sudden?  This is just like him to do something! Damn you Justin.” Kaylee angrily said.

“I guess you were right hun don’t worry though we will fight it all the way to the end. I don’t think deserves to have any rights either but unfortunately he IS their biological father and he DOES have rights whether we want him to or not.”

“So there is nothing we can do?”

“I am not sure baby, but I will call my lawyer in the morning and see what he says to do because I don’t think we will ever get out of him having any contact with the twins’ because again he is their biological father, but maybe there is a way we can work something out ok? I don’t like this just as much as you do Kaylee again don’t stress over it ok?” Kaylee nodded in agreement but she still couldn’t help but wonder why he chose now instead of calling throughout the entire pregnancy with the twins her phone number never changed until just recently so he had all the time in the world, but he didn’t. Kaylee and Nick took the twins out of the bathtub and got their diapers and pajamas on and they went downstairs to rock them to sleep,” You know I have been thinking about this a lot lately myself why don’t we go and get married?” Kaylee looked at Nick with a puzzled look on her face,” Yeah, I mean its been what almost six months since I purposed so why not? I mean lets just go to Vegas or something and then we can have something fancy later if you want too and we could even go to the court house too, but I think we should just do it what do you think?” Kaylee sat there with Ethan in her arms and was amazed.

“You serious? You want to get married now ? What about Justin?”

“Fuck him! He can’t the way I feel about you and the twins. So what do you say Kaylee should we get married?” Kaylee smiled and leaned in and gave Nick a kiss.

“Of course! We could have Brian and Leighanne take care of the kids for a weekend and fly out there I want this to be a total shocker you know? Might as well and then have something later on just like you said. I can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner Nick, and look I think Ethan thinks it’s a good idea too he is smiling at me.”

“Ok then its been decided we are getting married tomorrow morning I will call my lawyer first and see what are up against and then I will call Brian and see when they are free and we will get the first flight out to Las Vegas.” Kaylee flashed Nick a smile she almost felt relieved knowing that everything was going to be taken care of and she couldn’t wait to finally be Mrs. Carter!