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Anna let Nick come in.

“Oh gosh what do I do now? Should I call Rachel and tell her Nick is here or should I just keep him here?” she thought. So many things were running through her mind. She couldn’t even think straight.

“Will you help me Anna?” Nick asked.

“Okay Nick I’ll help you,” she replied,” What am I doing? Nick killed Larios! Maybe he didn’t? Shouldn’t be doing this, but just look at him? He’s so beautiful,” Anna thought again.

“Thank you so much Anna,” he hugged her, “You don’t know how much you are helping me,”

“Oh believe me I do,” she mumbled.

“What did you say?”


“I didn’t interrupt you or anything did I?”

“Well sort of. I was just about to dye my hair and look for a new apartment up town,” she said.

“Oh okay. Well I’ll let you go and do your thing first, then we can go. I’ll just hang out in your room,” he smiled. Anna nodded her head and watched Nick walk into her room. She knew what she was doing was wrong, but she liked him to much she just didn’t want to see him get hurt. She walked into the bathroom and took out the blonde hair dye and green contacts that Rachel had given her.

-Jive Headquarters-

“Sir Nick has ran. He’s no where to be found,”

“Well find him dammit! I want him here by Friday dead or alive. I don’t care!,” he yelled.

“Okay sir. We’ll send John out. What about that damn cop?” he asked.

“Ask her if she would like to join our little operation. We could use a girl around here,” he replied.

“Okay sir. We’ll do that. I am going to go and talk to John now. I am sure Nick is getting ready to leave the city. But we’ll have him by Friday Mr. Larios,”

“Good, good Mr. Taylors,”

Mr. Taylors walked into the other room. And saw John Harrison sitting at a near by table playing cards with some of their people.

“John Mr. Larios would like you to go find this man,” he pulled out a picture of Nick,” His name is Nick Carter. He owes boss money. You also need to find this girl,” he pulled out another picture from his pocket of Rachel,” Her name is Rachel Green. He wants her to join our little operation. You think you can handle this?”

“Yes I am sure I can. This is an easy task. When does he want Nick?”

“He wants him by Friday dead or alive,”

“Okay I am on by way,” John walked out of the headquarters out to find Nick.

-Police Station-

“Is Weathers going to be okay?” Sam asked.

“Yes she will be. Everything is going good. I gave her the stuff earlier today. She is also going to look for a new apartment we well,” Rachel explained.

“Okay good. I just hope we can catch Nick before he sells again,”

“Well I am sure Nick will come around Anna’s place sooner or later. Anna knows to call us id he is with her,”

“Okay good. We’ll have the bastard soon,”

-Anna’s House-

“Okay Nicky I am done with my hair. We can get going,” Nick came out of the bathroom and saw the now blonde hair green eyed girl standing before him.

“Ooo me like very much,” Nick walked over to her and lightly kissed her on the lips. Feeling Nick’s lips against hers made her want him even more.

“We better get going Nick,” Anna said pulling out of the kiss.

“Yea we should,” Anna grabbed her keys.

“Wait! Here wear this,” Anna tossed him a baseball cap.


“No problem,” They soon walked out the door and got into Anna’s car and drove off.