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It was the next morning and Nick woke up. He had forgotten where he was for a split second and realized he was in a motel room with Anna by his side. He turned over and lightly kissed her shoulder. She awoke turning over.

“Hey good morning beautiful,”

“Good morning what time is it?” she asked.

“Just after 10”

“Man, we must have been tired,” she giggled.

“Yea, I guess we were.” Nick smiled. “Should I tell her? It has been 24 hours since John has been looking for me. She should know shouldn’t she? I mean she is only fair. I already brought her into it. She should know right?” Nick pondered to himself.

“Nick what are you thinking? You look like you have something on your mind,”

“Just something.” He replied.

“Tell me. I am listening,”

“Anna I don’t know if I should even tell you! You might hate me or even leave me for all I know. I don’t wanna risk losing you over what I have to tell you,” Nick said.

“Nicky please just tell me! I want to know everything. I love you. I don’t wanna see you get hurt just as much as you don’t wanna see me get hurt. Maybe I can help you. Please just tell me.” Anna begged. She already knew of course what was going on, but she wanted to hear it from Nick and only Nick not from Rachel. She knew she had to tell Nick the REAL reason why she dyed her hair and got a new name, but he should know.

“Anna I REALLY don’t know if I can tell you. It’s really bad. What about you? You completely changed. Is there anything going on with you that I should know about? I saw the card Cynthia Banks? Why did you change your name Anna why?” Nick questioned.

“Nick….I ….alright. I am not who you think I am. Please you HAVE to trust me! Please say you will trust me?”

“Anna I trust you…”

“Remember when I told you I worked for Pearlman Inc. Well I don’t. I work for the police department. I am an undercover cop. I work for Jared Rossos. We have been following Mr. Larios for some time now. And when Brent came up you were there too. Nick I am sorry if you are angry you have every right to be mad at me,” she explained. Nick couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Anna lied to him? He was also lying to her, but all this time he thought she was being truthful.

“I don’t even need to explain myself. Anna I am soo sorry I even lied to you even though you knew everything. But why did you? Why did you lie to me?” he asked.

“Nick I couldn’t just tell you I was an undercover cop. Rachel is too. That’s why she went with Brent in the first place!”

“What? Rachel is one too? Why was she with John?”

“John? Who in the hell is John?”

“John Harrison? He is Mr. Larios’ right hand man for everything,” he replied.

“That’s who she was with the other day at the restaurant!”

“Yes, that was him alright. Anna listen….I am not mad at you really I am not. I wouldn’t blame you for lying to me. But I do have ONE question though. Why? Why haven’t you turned me in?”

“Nick, I love you. I can’t turn you in. I think you are innocent.”

“Innocent for what?”

“Larios is dead. He said you did it Nick.”

“I did no such thing. Anna we need to find Rachel and get her away from John before something worse happens,” Nick stated.

“You’re right Nick”

-Anna’s Apartment next day-

Rachel and John went over to Anna’s apartment bright and early. She didn’t see Anna’s car. She knew she wouldn’t anyway.

“So where is she?” John asked.

“I don’t know. She hasn’t called me!” she yelled.

“Don’t get that tone of voice with me where in the hell is she!”

“John! I honestly don’t know! She keeps a spare key under the mat,”

John walked over to the mat and lifted it up and there was a key. “Good girl now let’s go in,” John unlocked Anna’s apartment and they walked in. It was quiet no noise. John turned on the lights and he found a note written on the table.


If you ever come back here just to check on me I am gone. Nick came and we left together. I don’t know where we are going we are just going to be free. I have changed my name, but I am sorry I can not tell you. I don’t know when I will be back I will just come back whenever… I will miss you dearly


“What kind of shit is this? Where is she?” John yelled.

“Didn’t you read the note John? She is with Nick who knows where they could be now!”

“ Well you better fucking find them before I do!”