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Written by Veronica...

Anna paced back and forth. She knew Nick wasn't capable of doing that. He couldn't be.

"Anna, I'm sorry if I upset you." She heard Rachel's voice from behind.

"You didn't. It's just..." Anna wanted to tell Rachel about what she felt for Nick, but just couldn't. "...I guess all we need to do is arrest him."

"You have feelings for him don't you?" Rachel asked.

"No, what would make you think that?"

"Damn, Anna. You know better."

"Rachel, listen to me. I don't feel anything for Nick. Dating him was just a cover, that's all. Nothing more."

"Ok." Rachel said, not really believing Anna. "Anna, you don't have to worry about arresting Nick. Rossos went himself as soon as he found out about the note."

"That's great. We finally get our bad guys." She smiled faintly. "How did they find the note?"

"We received a call from a male victim. He said he was attacked but never gave an address. When we pinpointed where he was, we rushed but he was already dead. It was Larios. I assume he must have written the note after Nick was there because, as you saw, it was bloody."

Even though all the evidence pointed to Nick, Anna didn't want to believe that Nick would do something like that. Maybe Nick was desperate. Brent had said they had been threatened by Larios. If he didn't get his money they would both be killed. Maybe Nick just didn't want to die. Still, that reason didn't justify the act.

"Weathers, Green!" Sam called from behind them. "Rossos is looking for you two."

"Now, what?" Anna though to herself. She and Rachel made their way to Rossos' office, with Sam right in front of them.

"Big problem." He said as soon as they walked in. "Nick escaped. We got there and he was no where to be found.

Anna was shocked to hear the news. She couldn't doubt it anymore. Nick had to had done it, otherwise why would he run.

"What's going to happen now?" Rachel asked.

Rossos responded quickly. "We're diving the case into two parts. One will be to track Nick, the other to infiltrate the drug ring. Now that Larios is dead, I'm sure someone else will take over." He looked at Rachel, "You and Sam will do the infiltrating. I'll get a team set up, you two are in charge."

"I can't."

"Anna, Rachel can't do it. They saw her arrest Brent. You and Sam are the best canditates."

"But I was there when she arrested Brent. I was seen too."

"Anna, you were far away. I highly doubt they got a good look at you. Brent doesn't know you're a cop. We had a talk before he was interrogated. Told him that since you went out with Nick, we needed to ask you some questions."

"We'll get you a new name, die your hair wear contacts. Alter your image." Sam said. "They guy following Brent, his name is John Harrison. Mr. Larios right hand man for 10 years. He never followed Nick, so I'm sure he doesn't know who you are. It's him we need to go after. We go to him, saying we're interested in buying."

They continued going over the details about the case. Anna was reluctant about the whole situation, but it was her job, she had to be professional about it. After the "meeting" in Rossos' office, Anna coud only think about Nick. She hoped he was okay. Anna knew that the cops weren't the only people after him. Usually, if someone in the drug business is killed, their "people" would go after the one who did it. She could only hope that Nick would try to contact her, just so she's know he was alright.

~3 Hours later: Anna's house.~

Rachel had been knocking for a long time, but Anna never opened the door. She finally got the spare key from under the matress and went inside. Anna was on the floor, sleeping with her headphones on at full vloume.

"Anna, Anna, wake up." Rachel shook her awake. Anna's eyes were puffy. "You were crying weren't you?"

"No." Anna said defensively but Rachel knew it was a lie. She aslo knew the reason and that reason was Nick.

"Ok. Anyway, here I bought you this." Rachel handed her a bag which contained blonde hair dye and green contacts. "Do this today and remember you have to look for an apartment. Gotta go, I was being followed. I lost them but they might find me here and I don't want to blow your new cover. We'll only be able to contact each other by phone, so call me whenever you can."

"I will." She gave Rachel a big hug. "Let's get this case closed, I can't be away from my best friend for too long." They both smiled and Rachel left.

Anna was left alone with her thoughts. She still couldn't believe Nick would do something like that. At least not out of pure evilness. "It could have been self defense.But why would Larios write that note. Out of spite? That has to be it."

Anna knew that if Nick ever got caught, his best choice was to say it was self defense. She also knew that the note could be what would chose his fate. That one piece of paper could put him in jail for the rest of his life.

There was a violent knock on the door. Anna grabbed her gun from fear it might be one of the drug people, but it was Nick. She opened the door and Nick surprised her with a hug.

"Thank goodness you're here. I need help, I need to get out of the city, help me Anna. I did something stupid."