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I hope he understands me. I hope he takes this amulet and follows me. If he loved me he would. I know he has a job, so do I. He was my job. Oh God what do I do?

I snapped out of my thoughts when someone pounded on my door. I knew it was AJ. I opened it and he came in and gave me a hug.
"Oh God don't do that again."
"AJ it's me. Take this wear it and believe in magic!" I gave him the amulet.
"Are you crazy? No!" He gave me it back.
"AJ please..." I looked deep into his eyes and he took the amulet and put it on. He closed his eyes. The amulet started to glow. I smiled. "AJ lift me." He wrapped his arms around me. I made him let go. "No, with your mind, just lift your hand." He slowly moved his hand up and I went up as well. He pulled back and I went back down.
"Did I just do that Chastity?"
"Yes!" I gave him a hug. I let go of AJ and he moved his hand in front of my couch and the couch moved across the floor.
"Oh that's cool." I turned AJ's head to me.
"Will you follow me out of this place? We aren't safe here AJ." AJ sighed.
"I can't just leave Chaz. I have a job."
"SO DO I! YOU ARE MY JOB!" He looked at me. I wasn't sure what he was feeling then but even if he said no I would take him anyway. Free-will is just better.
"Chazzy. I don't know..."
"If you leave with me, we can always be together and you don't have to worry about people knowing who you are, you can leave this world and enter a whole new one. AJ I can give you everything you ever wanted in your life. Freedom." He thought for a minute.
"What about my band?"
"They don't come back with such a bang this time...we will have to change our whole look. You won't look like you are now. I won't look like me, but we will be the same on the inside."
"Tell me something..." He grabbed me. "If we don't leave what will happen?"
"The man I was fighting...'HIM'...Will kill you and I." AJ stood up straight.
"You can keep your name, and your bank account, just switch it all over to another bank in another town AJ."
"Alright, let's go" He grabbed my hand and we left. We both got into his car and he started it. He drove fast out of the city limits. He had a serious look on his face and he would look at me and smile. He gave me one of his hands and I held it. He was going to be different. He wouldn't look the same, none of his tattoos, nothing...