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"Oh! I forgot to curl my hair!" I screamed from the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror.

Hey I'm Mary and I'm the main writer of this story...I've been in some serious relationships but none like my first love. Well it wasn't a relationship, but it was close enough. We were really good friends...I miss him. But his life-style, I eventually lost touch with him. But before that there was a HUGE blow-out with he and Sarah my best friend. It's something I'll never forget. Every night I feel like I'm in his house again. He used to let me stay over when he was off tour or he had a few days. I lost touch with Sarah after that fight. My heart went out to her, but I loved AJ with all my heart and I felt I had no choice but to get on his side, even if it was his fault. Leslie...no one knew what happened to Leslie, she wasn't friends with Sarah for the longest time. I think she was mad at Sarah for calling their friendship quits, and since Sarah was the reason she could talk to AJ. How we got back in touch? Well, I was looking through my phone contacts and Sarah came up...then Leslie. I missed them...they were in my HOMIES contact group. Then I saw a group I hadn't looked in for ages...BACKSTREET BROTHERS...I called Sarah and Leslie up and flew them out here ASAP.

"Mary we don't have time to curl hair! We have to get on the road now or might as well not surprise them!" Sarah yelled at me.

Sarah was a rebel. She had 6 tattoos now. One she talked to me about once. I didn't know she would get it she just did. I had one tattoo. One I regret I got but I did. When I was younger and was still friend with AJ he took me to get a tattoo. He had a nickname for me and it was Mar-bear. I got that with a DLF butterfly for Howie. So it was my nickname with a butterfly on the R in Mar.

"Yeah Mar she's right..." Leslie yelled adding to what Sarah said.

She's always been there for me. I just lost contact with her. We both didn't want to it just happened, I went to college and just went in and out of things. I hit a rough spot with my mom and I just never gained what I had lost from her back. But now that she's back and I really have someone to talk to it's all gravy.

"Alright." I grabbed my bag and purse...It was time to go see them again. Finally, maybe it will be worth seeing the look on their faces when we just show up.