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The more I stayed with Aj the happier I got. I saw Sary and together and they look adorable but maybe hooking her and Howie together wasn’t the best idea. Aj was complaining that he was sick and told me to call Sarah. So I did. She arrived about fifteen minutes later with some Tylenol, and went in the room. Just as she arrived into the room, Aj sat straight up and smiled. She hugged him and gently laid him back down. He seemed fine but I think he likes Sarah, I don’t know. He took the Tylenol and Sarah gave him a kiss on the cheek. I know what ya’ll are thinking “How do I know?” well to be honest. I’m spying. Aj moved his face just as Sarah did and snuck a kiss on the lips! They kissed for like five minute.

I don’t want to tell D but I don’t want him hurt either. Howie then came into the house and said, “Where is sary?” I panicked, but not noticeable. “She is in the room with Aj. But dong go in he is sick.” He waved and said, “Oh, It’ll be alright. He’s such a baby.” He opened the door and Sarah and Aj pulled back. “Sorry didn’t mean to bother you guys.” He said sounding really hurt. He walked out and Sarah and Aj ran after him. “D wait!” Howie spun around, “I thought me and you had something. I mean I know I didn’t ask you to be my girl but I like you a lot!”

He ran his hand across her face gently and she enjoyed it I could tell. “Don’t you like me?” she nodded, “I do but Howie me and Aj…” Aj cut in and said, “I started it D. I kissed her first. I’ve liked her for the longest time and I don’t want her to leave me. I like her way to much.”

I was so shocked so I called the others and they came over. “Howie, Aj! Ya’ll don’t have to fight over me. Mary is just as single as I am. So why don’t one of you pick her.” Howie looked at Mary and smiled. “I don’t care I just want Sarah to be happy.” AJ smiled and said, “ Then D why don’t you and Mar-bear hook up?” Nick agreed and pulled Leslie to him and said, “Yeah ya’ll are adorable together!” Howie smiled and said, “Yeah, I’ve always like you to Princess.” He looked at Sarah and said, “Don’t worry babe. I’ll be fine. Go out with Mary. Im sure you’ll be happy.” Howie nodded and kissed me on my forehead, so gently and I loved it!

Howie then walked to Mary and said, “So Mary what do you think? Should we try to make it work for us since: Nick has Leslie, Brian has Leighanne, Kevin has Kristen and Aj has Sarah now. Plus I see you everyday because of work and everything else.” Mary looked Aj to see if he would say anything about it and Aj said, “Mar it is what ever makes you the happiest it will make me just as happy.” Mary then looked at Howie and said, “I guess we could give it a try to see if things work out for us and so I guess my answer is yes Howie I will go with you.