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When they arrived at Alabama, they stayed in Mobile. They were off that night, but their concert was the next day, so when they settled down everyone went to Nick and AJ’s room to figure out what they were gonna do. Lexy was sitting in front of AJ, with her head resting on his leg. Maggie suggested going to the movies and everyone said that was a good idea. Kevin walked in late, with Kristen at hand-“Ok! I just talked to the guys downstairs and he said that a little bit out of the city, there is a small small town carnival. Not many people that would recognize us, but he said they usually are fun.”
Lexy looked over at Maggie who were both smiling really big. Nick was sitting on the floor next to Lexy, laughing at their huge smiles. She pulled on AJ’s pant leg-“We have got to do that! I have never been to one!! Please!!”
AJ laughed at her plea-“I dunno, what do you think Nick?”
She looked over at Nick and put on her best puppy face and he smiled-“Oh I can’t say no to that face!” Lexy squealed and threw her arms around his neck. Everyone laughed, but were puzzled with the new found friendship between those two. While Brian called downstairs to have a big van brought over for them, everyone questioned Nick and Lexy. Nick looked over at her with a smile-“We just decided to put our differences aside and just enjoy this tour.” Lexy looked at him, as he winked at her, she smiled and nodded.
On their way downstairs, they ran into the other dancers who were going to find a club. Lexy looked at Maggie-“Are they always doings something on their own? Not into hanging out with the guys huh?”
Maggie shook her head-“No. They feel like if they work with the guys they don’t need to be with us ALL the time.”
Lexy laughed-“How could you not wanna be with these guys all the time?”
Maggie laughed-“I know!!”
The bus ride was interesting, it was Kevin(driving), Kristen, and Adrianna in the front seat. In the next seat it was Nick, Lexy, AJ and Howie. The last row was the one that was crowded, it was Brian, Leighanne(Baylee in her lap), Maggie, Michael, and Pollyanna. It was about an hour and a half away from the hotel, but it was worth it, because they actually felt normal to be driving. It was like a group of friends going to have fun. When they arrived, there were many cars there, but no one panicked. Lexy walked with AJ-“Oh this is soo exciting!!”
Aj laughed-“You seriously haven’t been to a carnival?”
Lexy shook her head-“NO! But I have always wanted to go because it just seems soo fun! Eating Cotton Candy, playing games, riding the Ferris wheel! Oh man AJ I am soo excited!!” She jumped up and down as she walked infront of AJ facing him.
Nick laughed as he caught up with them-“Woah! Calm down there Lexy! We haven’t even given you an candy yet!?”
She looked at him-“Funny!” The first thing they did was play the game where you through rings on bottle tops to get a crazy looking hat. AJ succedded and got A pinkish hat, Lexy was walking doing a pimp walk around Nick and AJ. Nick leaned over to AJ-“Wow! She looks like such a little kid!”
AJ laughed-“Yea she does, it’s cute!”
After a few more games, Nick went over and bought Lexy some cotton candy. Maggie and Lexy were having so much fun! They got on some teacup look alike and the Ferris wheel. It was a blast for them two. They caught up with Nick and Brian as they were shooting a basketball to get a medium size bear. Nick made it and picked a very pretty white one with a huge heart, he smiled at Lexy, who was standing next to him-“Here, this is our new friendship present.” She smiled as she took it from him, looking into his eyes.
Maggie and Michael watched them and looked at each other then both said-“NAH!!”
In the middle of the area, there was a small place to dance(like in Sweet Home Alabama). The group found it’s way to it and decided to go out there and do some line dancing with the towns people. Just then the guy on the mic laughed-“Ok, here is a song to honor our special guest.” The band started playing Quit Playing Games. The guys looked around and started laughing.
Kevin looked over at the gang-“Wow, I didn’t think they saw us!”
Brian looked over at the guys-“C’mon guys let’s do this song for them. They have totally been respective towards us by not stalking us!” The other guys agreed and they went on stage and did a 4 song concert for the crowd, taking pictures and signing autographs. The girls just stood on the dance floor singing along and dancing. The night was a total success, they all were tired by the time they got in the van. When they arrived at the hotel, it was around 1:30 am. Nick carried Lexy up to her room, because she had fallen asleep. AJ opened the door for him and they set her in her bed, both boys looked down at her as she peacefully slept. Nick removed a strand of hair that had fallen on her face and smiled. AJ sighed as he saw Nick also watching her and thought, ‘Could this be turning into a small love triangle?’ The boys left her room and went to their own. Nick went over to his lap top to check in on the fan club site, he looked over the message boards and the chat room. He never said anything but loved hearing what the girls had to say about them. AJ lay in his bed thinking about Lexy, and how she had so much fun tonight. He was trying soo hard not to fall for her, he had told her he did not want a relationship, and she agreed. He can’t just come out and say he was wrong he wants a relationship wit her. He sighed as he continued to picture her in his mind, dancing and laughin with Maggie and the gang.
Nick continued reading the threads in the message board, but he wasn’t really paying attention. For some strange reason, he couldn’t take Lexy out of his mind. There was a picture of her stuck in his mind of her smiling when he gave her the bear. He put his head down and continued to think, ‘I can’t feel this. I see the way AJ looks at her. I see their friendship. Ugh, why can’t I shake her off? It might have been better when we were fighting. Then I wouldn’t feel so confused.’
Both guys sat there in silence now knowing that they were both falling for the same girl.