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Everyone gasped, Kevin got closer to her-“Lexy please baby, tell us you are joking. Please?”
Lexy looked at them, and shook her head-“I wish I was.”
Howie went out to get the doctor, while Brian explained to her what had happened. Nick walked back and forth covering his face. She looked around-“So, am I suppose to know who you are?”
Aj sat on the other side-“Ok sweety, I’m AJ, that’s Brian, Kevin, Howie went to get the doctor, those are your best friends Toni and Lisa, and Nick. We are in a pop group called the Backstreet Boys. You are one of our dancers, and you had just started recording your own album.”
The doctor walked in-“Ok, I see she is up, how are you feeling sweet heart?”
She winced as he checked her minor cuts on her forehead-“My head hurts. Doc? Why can’t I remember anything?” Her eyes were filing up with tears, she felt so lost.
Nick couldn’t stand looking at her like that, all confused and banged up he walked out of the room followed by Toni. She grabbed his arm-“Nick, calm down.”
Nick turned around furiously-“Calm down?? Toni I was soo close! WE almost had it then this? Am I even suppose to be with her? What if she stays like this forever and doesn’t feel about me the way she used to! I am too close, I can’t lose her now.”
Toni sighed, she knew he had a point but she needed to calm him down-“Nick, it’s gonna be ok, this could be temporary!”
He shook his head as he sat down with his face in his hands-“I can’t see her like that, she looks lost.”
In the room, the doctor was explaining to them that she had Amnesia, and it was not clear on wether she was gonna have it for a week or two or forever. They just had to tell her about her life, and show her pictures. Slowly work with her on getting back to the normal routine. He also explained her injuries, she had minor cuts on her face, a bruise on her head, few bruises on her arms, and a sprained ankle. The guys explained everything they knew about Lexy to her. Then she looked at AJ-“Ok, so I have an interesting life. One question though, do I have a boyfriend? Or am I talking to anyone? I don’t wanna see the poor guy then scare him by not knowing who he is.”
AJ sighed-“Actually you-”
Nick had walked in and interrupted him-“No, Lexy you aren’t.”
She smiled-“Oh good, don’t wanna be rude to anyone. So when do I get to get out of here?”
Kevin walked over to her-“Tomorrow, we will take you back to the hotel you can rest, and come to the shows to help you remember.”
She looked around and sighed-“I’m so sorry guys. I wish I knew who you were, you seem to care a lot about me. I hate this.” She looked away and let the tears roll down. The next two days were hell for everyone, Lexy was sort of distant she didn’t wanna be around anybody, she just wanted to sit in her hotel room and look through some pictures trying to bring back the memories. Seeing how that didn’t work, she turned on the television MTV NEWs was on, so she watched it.
Damien-“Well we have a big story for you guys, as you remember about 4 days ago Backstreet Boy Nick Carter was lost at see with, whom we hear is his future girlfriend, as if the boy had not suffered enough. Alexia was in a car accident two days ago and was injured badly. The boys will not say how bad it actually was but we got footage of her leaving the hospital in a wheel chair. The fans are concerned for her and send her the best of luck.”
Lexy turned it off then got up-“future girlfriend??” Nick had not talked to her much since the accident. He was trying to shut her out, praying it was all a dream. She walked over to his room and knocked on his door.
He opened it and forced a smile-“Lexy, wat are you doing?”
She looked him in his eyes-“Can I come in? We need to talk.”
He opened the door wider and helped her sit down as he took her crutches and put them on the floor-“What’s up?
She sighed-“Nick, why didn’t you tell me that you and me where about to date before the accident?”
Nick looked at her surprised-“Where did you hear that? Who told you?”
She looked at the television-“I saw it on the news on MTV. Why couldn’t you just tell me the truth?”
Nick ran his hand through his hair-“Why does it matter Lexy? You don’t remember! You don’t have those feelings anymore, I figured it would be much easier on you if you didn’t know.”
Lexy was shocked, he was right she didn’t feel anything for him but she was saddened because she was suppose to-“I’m sorry Nick. You don’t know how sad it is to be in here not knowing who you are or what happened to you before. Nick I have scars on my wrist but no one tells me about them they don’t know. Do you know what they are?? Please Nick if you know some more about me that I wasn’t told please tell me.”
Nick sat down infront of her and told her about her past with her stepdad and what she would do. Lexy cried as if it was happening to her again. Nick hugged her, he couldn’t help but want her to want him back. She pushed away-“Thank you. But I felt you getting attached and I have to stop you. I am not her anymore Nick. I can’t act that way with you if I don’t feel it for you. I’m sorry.”
She walked out of the room and went to hers to cry. Nick also cried in his room, he was starting to question whether this was suppose to happen. Maybe it was a sign, he thought, maybe I’m suppose to just let her go.