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Two more days were left till Brian had to travel to L.A. to start recording the newest BSB CD. He was somehow excited and somehow worried how recording would went without Kevin. His older Cousin had been the one getting them all back on track when they used to fool around or had the feeling that nothing worked out right. Or when they had another stupid fight.

On this morning two days away from his departure from home. He still was sound asleep but now was woken by a sound coming from his and Leighanne’s bathroom which had a direct connection to the bedroom they shared.

He sat up in bed noticing that his wife wasn’t at his side anymore. He went to the bathroom to see what had caused the sound that made him wake up. While he headed to the bathroom, he took a quick glimpse at his alarm clock telling him that it was 5:00 a.m.

As he entered the room he found his wife kneeing in front of the toilet vomiting.

“Honey what’s up?” he asked sounding concerned

After some moments Leighanne finally managed to answer his question.

“I woke up, felt sick, and here I am” she explained, getting up and walked over to the sink.

“ Do you have a fever? Are you sick?” Brian walked to stand behind his wife observing her in the mirror to see if she somehow look ill.

“No Brian, I’m fine. I just….I think…” she finished cleaning herself up and then went back to the bedroom.

“ What?” What do you think?” Brian followed her, confused.

Leighanne sat down on the bed, tapping the place next to her for Brian to sat down. He sat down as she requested. Leighanne put her head down on Brian’s lap lying down on the bed.

“What is wrong baby?” he asked softly caressing her hair.

“Brian, do you remember the last time I used to throw up in the morning?” she asked closing her eyes.

“That was when we were pregnant with Baylee…” Brian remembered.


“So…” suddenly realisation hit him, “you mean…you are…we are…?”

“I’m not sure, yet. But this wasn’t the first time I had to throw up in the morning. And I’m overdue…if you know what I mean.”

“But…that’s great!” Brian exclaimed.

Leighanne sat up. Brian immediately took her in his arms.

“You really think that that’s great? I mean…you’ll be gone in some days and after recording the new album, you guys are going to tour. And…I thought you might be…”

“I might be what? Angry? Are you crazy. I'm happy. I’m excited. Why should I be angry?” Brian looked at her as if she had grown a second head.

“Because it’s going to ruin our plans…your plans.” Leighanne actually had tears in her eyes.

“Baby, I don’t care about plans. I care about you, and Baylee, and whoever might come…” he said pointing at her belly.

“I love you Brian”

“I know, everybody does!” he said seriously.

“Oh save it, Littrell” she smacked him on the head.

“Ouch…soooo…are you going to do a pregnancy-test?” Brian asked rubbing the back of his head.

“Sure, I already bought one yesterday” she told him. “I wanted to tell you when I'm sure that I'm really pregnant”

Brian smiled at her sheepishly, looking at her from head to toes.

“What’s up? Are you going to tell me that I already gained weight?” she asked pretending to be angry

“No…I think we should make sure that you are pregnant…I mean, if you are not already…we could….” He winked at her.


That next morning Leighanne and Brian got up together to do the pregnancy-test. Brian waited in front of the bathroom while Leighanne was inside. When she opened the door, Brian looked at her questioning waiting for her to tell what the test had shown.

Leighanne simply nodded and seconds later found herself in the arms of her husband and up in the air as he had lifted her up.

“When do we tell our parents? And not to forget Baylee?” Brian asked when he had sat her down.

“I want to take Baylee to the doctor with me this afternoon. I want him to see what is happening with his mother. He is our only child, and soon he’ll have to share us with another kid. I want him to learn this trough the whole nine month.” Leighanne said seriously.

“ I think this is a good idea, honey. I’ll come aswell.” He smiled.

“You can’t. You have to pack you stuff for L.A. and you need to call Johnny and tell him. Maybe you’ll be able to come home more often then. And I think Baylee and me should go alone…you know, like a mother and son thing” she explained.

“You don’t want me around” Brian said pouting, but smiled seconds later “I totally understand. Plus…you are right, I need to pack.”

Shortly after lunch Leighanne and Baylee left for the doctor. Brian helped buckling Baylee up in his children’s seat and kissed his wife on the check.

“Bye baby. Tell the Doc I said hello!”

“I make sure to tell him why you are not around. I know you are afraid he might think you are not caring enough to come to the Doctor with me. Nobody thinks something like that, but I know you think that…don’t worry honey!” Leighanne smiled as she read the expression on his face.

“I read you like a book!” she explained.

“I should be around. What if something wrong?”

“Brian, nothing is going to be wrong. And even if so, they would not discover yet.”

“Okay, bye baby. See you later!” he said giving her a final kiss on her mouth.

“Be a nice boy!” she smiled and climbed into the car.

Brian waved both of them a watched the car disappear onto the streets of Atlanta. He turned around and walked into the house making a mental note of what he needed to pack for L.A.