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Brian sat down on his and Leighanne’s bed looking around in the room as if to see if there was anything he forgot to pack. He mentally checked the things he would need for his two weeks stay in L.A.

“I’m going to need Leigh and Bay…” he thought while getting up checking if he had already packed the ticket he would need.

Still he wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to continue being a Backstreet Boy. Doing the small thing as his solo record had been fun, and his family had been with him almost all the time. There wasn’t so much hectic and the schedule was more flexible and easier to handle.

“Maybe I should have left before Kevin did” Brian thought while walking down to his office to pack the papers he would need.

“I can honestly understand him…But now that he quitted first, the situation is much more difficult for me” Brian absently sat down behind his desk starring at nothing but thin air. No, he couldn’t leave the Backstreet Boys now. If he would leave as well, the group was over with. He knew he couldn’t live with that. Neither would he be able to see his friend continuing without him. This was his life, his profession. The way God had chosen for him.

Brian knew that Leighanne understood his decision to continue. Although they had a long talk after Kevin told him about his leaving-plans. Schedule would be more crowded for Brian know, they both had known. Since Kevin had been “the head” of the group, the spokesman, now someone had to take over his part. AJ could not do it, it meant to much stress for him, the risk or AJ to drop back to old habits was too high. And Nick? No Nick needed to get his life back on track, dealing with his family and his never-too-good relationships. Howie? Yes, Howie was capable of this task, but Brian knew Howie wouldn’t want to be “the leader”. Maybe he and Howie could share that task.

Brian’s gaze felt onto the phone which was located under a pile of music magazines and catalogues Brian had read because he wanted to expand his private record studio in the basement. Should he call his parents before he would leave? Maybe tell them the good news about Leighanne being pregnant with their second grandchild? But then he thought that maybe Leighanne wanted to tell them herself. Or maybe they could visit him when he came home while recording took a break. He hadn’t been to Lexington for quite a while.

Half an our later Brian was sure he had packed absolutely everything he would need in L.A.

He didn’t really know what to do now, since Baylee and Leighanne still hadn’t returned for the doctors appointment. Brian took a quick glance at the kitchen clock while supplying himself a glass of cold ice tea. It was 6 p.m. now. He drank, sat the glass down and headed for the phone. He dialled the familiar number of his wife’s cell phone and waited for the dial tone.

At the sixth ring, Brian began to feel nervous. Suddenly the phone was picked up.

“Hello?” he heard the voice of his wife answer.

“Hi honey…uhm…I was wondering where my family is” Brian said relieved that he had his wife on the phone.

“I’m still at the doctor. They had some kind of emergency when we came here, so I took Baylee for some ice cream, but now I’m waiting for some test results” she explained.

“Results? What kind of test was that? Are you probably not pregnant?” Brian asked confused.

“No honey, I am pregnant. You are going to be a daddy again. I’m already in the third month they estimate” she laughed a little at his muzziness.

Now Brian was even more confused “Shouldn’t you have noticed that earlier than? And still I don’t know what kind of test they did!”

“The doctor said it was totally normal that my periods even occurred while already being pregnant. It wasn’t a real test they did. It was a new method of ultrasonic-examination because they think that…” she trailed of.

“They think what, Leigh?” Brian now was worried. Maybe this second child of his had inherited this heard defect of his.

“They think we might have twins honey!” Leighanne exclaimed noticeably excited.

“Twins? Like….two babies? Are you sure?” Brian now needed to sat down.

“Not yet, that’s what I told you. I’m waiting for the final results. I tell you when I’m home. Maybe they can even tell the gender, but only with a likelihood of 70 per cent.”

“No call me…as soon as you know!” Brian demanded. He was already dying to know if the families habit of getting boys only would continue. Maybe two at the same time. Or a boy and a girl. Or maybe two girls…

“I might. I don’t know. I may surprise you…” she giggled a little girlish.

“NO! Leighanne, I wanna know…” he began, but was interrupted by his wife.

“I need to check on Baylee, I think he just wandered of to a….BAYLEE COME HERE! Brian, I gotta get Baylee back here, he just discovered a childbirth-room and I’m not sure that it is not in use. See u later. Bye.”

“Call me!” Brian shouted into the phone, but wasn’t sure if she had heard it before she had hung up.

Brian chuckled at his sons curiosity He always wanted to know everything and everyone. He always went like: “Hi, I’m Baylee…and you are?”

Brian decided that he needed to do something to keep himself from pacing until Leighanne called. He thought that they needed to celebrate this evening and headed for the phone again to order something to eat. Maybe Chinese, Leighanne loved that stuff. Or Pizza?

Twenty minutes later Brian had sat the table for three persons and was waiting for the pizza to arrive. He had decided that pizza was easier to keep warm than Chinese since he still didn’t know when his wife and his son would be back. The bell that showed that someone was waiting outside at the gates rang and Brian went to get their dinner.

When he was back at the front door he could hear the phone ringing. He almost dropped the pizza while hurrying to answer it. He noticed how nervous he was. The last time he had been this nervous was when Leighanne went into labour with Baylee.

“I'm going to be a daddy again!” he said out loud, took a final deep breath and picked up the phone.