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Some days I wake up and wonder, “When will all the hard work pay off?” I have yet to come up with an answer to that question, but I’m still hoping that I’ll find out one of these days.

I’ve spent years pouring sweat, tears, and the occasional drops of blood into being successful. There have been the ups and downs. For every believer, there have been a hundred skeptics. There is little in life that I want more than to succeed and slap that in their faces. “Look at me! You said I’d never make it, and I have.”

Maybe one day.

This morning, I asked myself if I was happy. The honest answer I gave myself was “I don’t know.” I want to be happy quite desperately, but I’m afraid that, the second I achieve my sacred happiness, the world will yank it out from under my feet. So, for the time being, I’m sticking to reminding myself that I have people in my life that I love and who love me, I have a home, health, and, hopefully, some wisdom. Though the jury’s still out on the wisdom.

And hope. I have hope in spades. I have to believe that every sacrifice, every tear I’ve shed, every muscle I’ve strained has been for something. So I’ll hope.

For without hope, what do I, as a person, really have?