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~Forty Minutes Later~

I was laying there in a hospital bed, and suddenly felt even more exposed than I had in my bedroom. Nick and Angel were with me almost the whole time, I guess they wanted to make sure I was okay and that Jack wouldn't find me again. When we got to the hospital, Angel called the police and told them what had happened, so not only were we waiting for the doctor's test results to come back, we were waiting for a police officer to file a report.

All I could think about was the last time I was here. Mom was in the bed, and I was outside worrying about her. I wondered if anyone told my parents what had happened. They didn't even know Jack was out here.

"My parents, did you tell them?" I finally asked.

Nick shook his head. "I don't know their number. I told Aaron to let them know when they got home."

"What did he say when you told him?"

"Nothing. Just nodded." Nick sighed. "Hes been acting like a jerk since he got home. He won't listen to anyone."

"He'll come around, Amy," Angel consoled, "He needs to cool down."

"I wouldn't blame him if he never did." I said, looking at the IV tube in the back of my hand. "Everything that's happened to him - to all of us - is my fault."

"Thats not true!" Nick exclaimed.

"Yeah, you didn't turn Tony into an obsessed moron." Angel stated.

"And its not your fault he met your psychotic ex."

"Maybe it is. If I had just told Jack when he first called that I was seeing someone, then maybe he wouldn't have come out here. We wouldn't have kissed, and none of this would have happened."

"Don't do this to yourself, Amy," Angel started.

"He would have come out here and found you eventually." Nick finished.

I tried to search my mind, but they were right. Jack was gonna do what he was gonna do, and nothing I did could have stopped him. He was gonna find out, and he was gonna find me.

"I just wish I could have done something to stop all this from happening." I said, trying not to cry for the thousandth time in the past 2 days.

"Me too." Nick added.

"Me three." Angel added. "Why don't you try and get some sleep?"

I shook my head. "No, I wanna be awake when the cops get here."

Angel nodded, and Nick got up from his seat near the window. "I'm gonna see if maybe I can find your parents before they leave."

We both nodded, and I watched Nick as he left the room.

"I'm sorry about all of this, Amy." Angel said. "Its not fair that all of this happened to you."

"Don't be sorry, Angel." I said with a sniffle.

The few minutes of silence that followed were broken by the sound of my parents rushing into my hospital room.

"AMY!" my mother exclaimed, hurrying over and hugging me tightly.

"Honey, what happened??" my dad asked.

"It was Jack, he-"

"Jack?" my parents said. And at the same time, too.

"Yeah, he 'surprised' me by coming out here, and after a series of dramatic events, he attacked Aaron and later he broke into the house and he- he-"

"I'll kill him." My dad said. I'd never heard him this angry.

"Can I help?" Nick offered. I could tell remembering everything that had happened was pissing him off, too.

My dad shot him an angry look, "This is not a game to playing around with, son."

"I'm not playing around!" Nick shot back indignantly, "I seriously want to kill him!"

"There's no need to kill him," I cut in softly, "The police are out looking for- well, getting him right now."

"Hopefully he'll go to prison." Angel said, getting up so my mom could sit down.

"Thank you, um-" My mom stopped short. I completely forgot my mom had never met Angel or Nick.

"Angel. I'm Aaron's twin sister."

"And I'm his older brother, Nick." Nick added.

"Nice to meet you... Speaking of, where is Aaron? Is he alright?" Mom asked. Angel, Nick, and I looked at each other for a moment, before Nick spoke.

"Hes not seriously hurt." Liar. "Jack didn't really get the chance to hurt him too badly," Oh didn't he? "But hes at home with our little brother, resting." One out of three ain't bad.

"Oh," my Mom looked confused and glanced at me, but I kept my expression blank. No need to tell her which apple had fallen and rotted.

"Is he coming later?" she asked.

I shrugged.


A salt and peppered haired doctor stepped into the room, his presence ordering all eyes and attention on him.

"Will everybody please evacuate the room -yes, her family too- we need to perform some tests on her just to make sure she hasn't contracted a disease."

My mom looked positively alarmed at this bit of information, and was at a loss for words. My father filled in for her. "Diesese? Amy, what happened? Jack didn't -"

His sentence laid incomplete as the doctor ushered him out with the rest of the group, pulling on latex gloves onto his hands as he did so.

Snap, snap!

"I'll tell you later," I called back.

If I could...

~Ten Minutes Later~

My mom was the first one into the room, and she once again pulled me into a tight hug.

"We told them what we saw, Amy." Nick explained.

"So he-" Dad asked. I could tell he didn't wanna say it. I don't blame him, I couldn't say it either. All I did was nod. Dad grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "I'm so sorry, honey."

"It's okay." I mumbled. Liar, liar! "I'm okay anyways." Pants on fire!

My mom smoothed down the hair on my forehead, and I suddenly realized that it was soaking wet. It was raining outside, it wasn't raining in here... Sweat? Maybe from exhasution? Wouldn't surprise me one bit.

"You guys should go home." I said, looking at my parents. "Mom, you need rest."

"I'll be fine, honey." Mom replied.

"No, Mom, you should go home and rest."

She sighed. I wasn't gonna give up on this argument. The last thing my mom needed was stress. "Fine." She kissed my forehead before getting up from the chair.

"We'll be back later." Dad reported, also kissing my forehead before walking over to Mom.

"I can drive her home." Nick offered. My dad nodded and shook hands with him.

"Thank you. Both." He said, looking at Angel, too.

"Bye." I said as they walked to the door.

"Bye, honey." Mom said before walking out.

"We love you." Dad said before following her out of the room.

I relaxed a bit after my parents left. I didn't want them to know the whole story, I didn't know what they'd do. What they'd say.

"You guys don't have to stay here with me, you know." I said to Angel and Nick. G-d, I sounded so ungrateful. "I mean, I'm really glad that you guys are helping me and staying by me," Without Aaron. "But I dont want you guys to think that I'm making you stay here."

"Amy, girl, you should know by now that we're your friends, that's what we do." Angel smiled.

Friends? I wonder where Julie and everybody else were...Oh yeah, school probably. Or what time was it anyways?

"Anyways, you're gorgeous. I love having a free show of watching you lay on the bed, alone, with only a hospital gown on..." Nick smirked as he list all the positions, I mean, attributes his 'free show' had.

Angel nudged him in the ribs. Quite hard, by the sound of Nick's deep groan. "Nick!"

"Watch it sister. I'm getting old here, and you breaking my poor bones here ain't gonna help." Nick grinned at me. "Anyways, I was just kidding."

"You're not old." I mean, I'm 17, 9 years younger, and we still kissed.


I couldn't help but grin back. But then I let my smile drop. Was I flirting with him? No, you're not Amy. You're not! You have a boyfriend. Or do you?

"I'm going to get some drinks." Angel announced. She must have caught on to Nick's and my playful banter. "You guys want anything?"

I shook my head, and Nick followed suit.

She shot Nick a warning look, and just before the door shut behind her, I heard her mutter a 'be good' warning to us.

I nestled back further into the soft -but not as soft as my sheets- covers of the hospital bed, ready for a little rest before...


I opened one eye groggily. Great Nick, just when I start to have my first great sleep in how long? Grrr. "Yeah?"

"So what's going on with you and Aaron?"

My other eye unlatched open. "What do you mean?"

"Are you guys still together?"

How am I supposed to know?

"I don't know." I lay contemplating the thought for a moment before saying, "He's pretty mad at me." So? "I don't think he wants to... be with me anymore..."

"So Amy..." Nick looked self consciously at his shoes. I glanced down at his shoes too, and could not find anything the least bit interesting about them. "If you and Aaron aren't together anymore..I mean, if you're ever not with Aaron anymore...Would you give me a chance to go out with you?"

I closed my eyes for a moment while mentally searching for a knife to stab myself for not steering the conversation away from this predicament. "Nick, I told you...jerk!" I exclaimed as I saw the smile on his face. Give me a heart attack, why don't you. Well, I guess it wouldn't be too bad. I mean, we are in a hospital.

"I already told you," Nick said, laughing, "I know how you feel about my brother. I thought I felt that way, I don't. It was just nice to see you smiling again."

The smile wiped from my face as I tried not to think about Aaron and how I felt about him. "I should have known when you asked me what was going on with me and him. I haven't spoken to him since you left the hotel."

He frowned. "Yeah, I know. I tried to talk to him, but hes just as mad at me as he is at you."

"Nick, you're his brother." I explained. "He'll forgive you. Its him forgiving me I'm not too sure will happen anytime soon."

"How would you know? You don't have any brothers. You've never seen Aaron pissed. When he's pissed, it takes alot to make him like you again." Nick explained.

"Thanks alot Nick," I said sarcastically.

He opened his mouth to retort when the door swung open again, Angel walking in carrying not a drink, but a tan white hand. Well, attached to somebody behind the door.

Saved by the swinging door.

"That doesn't look like a drink, Ang." Nick said, turning around in the chair.

"'Cause its not. I found something else that might make us all feel better." Angel explained. She seemed to be having trouble pulling the mystery person into the room. But, if I hadn't seen him with my own eyes, I don't think I would have believed he was really there.

"Hey." Aaron said simply, apparently having given up on fighting his sister.