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"Shes in a hospital bed and all you can say is 'hey'?!?" Angel exclaimed.

"Hi?" He asked, turning back to face his sister, apparently irritated at her.

"How'd you drive over to your house so fast?" I asked, directing my question to Angel since Aaron's back didn't look like it had any magical powers of talking.

"I didn't have to," she answered, trying to turn her brother around to face me. "He was wandering around the parking lot."

"Was not!" He argued. "I was driving around nearby, and she called me screaming to get down here."

"It doesn't matter," Nick said, raising his hand to silence his brother, "You showed up."

"I was on my way here, though." he explained. I knew he was being defensive, I just couldn't tell if it was because he really wanted to be there and didn't want to admit it, or because he really didn't want to be there and was trying to behave himself. Either way, I wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth, so to speak.

"For what?" Nick probed.

"Tosheishamywashaiightshorsnot." Aaron mumbled.

"What? I can't hear you Aaron, I think I have alot of bullshit behavior in my ear." Nick interrupted.

"I wanted to see if Amy was alright or not, okay?"

"I'm fine." I stated. Why couldn't I be asleep right now?

"No thanks to you." Angel added. Aaron crossed his arms, an annoyed expression on his face. "If you're gonna be pissy with us, why are you here?"

"I just told you, to see if she was okay." Aaron replied. "What happened, anyway?"

The three of us looked at each other, unsure if we should tell him what had happened.

"What's going on?"

"Wh-what?" I said. "Oh, he attacked me. He broke into the house and attacked me in my room." Should I really be lying to him again? In for a penny, in for a pound. Besides, he doesn't seem to care all that much right now, anyway. "And stuff happened." I added, suddenly as pessimistic as he was. And why should I tell him when he was acting like he had severe bf-itis?

"Like?" He looked down on me, his brown eyes expecting.

"Nothing that you would care about." Angel interjected from her seat beside me, before I could open my mouth and answer.

"I'm SICK of you all telling me I don't care!" He exclaimed. He sat down in the chair farthest away from me. That shows concern, alright. "If I didn't care, I wouldn't be here."

"If you didn't feel guilty, you wouldn't be here." Nick stated. Aaron frowned as he got up from the chair and walked to the window.

"Guilty??" Aaron asked incredulously. "You both lie to me, I find out from two insane morons who kick my ass 'til I bleed, and I'm supposed to feel guilty??"

"Aaron, shut up." Angel said.

"No, I won't shut up! Yeah, I feel bad for making Amy walk home, but why should I feel bad for anything else that's happened??"

"Because Jack raped me, okay???" I finally said, tears flowing down my face. "Jack raped me, Aaron, so pardon me if I don't have any sympathy for you."

Aaron stood there, looking around at the three of us, his mouth gaping open. Angel rubbed my arm, looking up at her brother with an angry scowl, which seemed to sum up her current feelings towards her brother. I watched him with weary eyes as he stared out the window, silence banqeuting our room like an unwanted burden. Suddenly, he whirled around, his face troubled. "Why am I always the one who fucks up? Why is it me?"

My mouth seemed unable to form any words. What? Huh?

"What do you mean Aaron?" I finally got out.

He turned on me, and I noticed that his eyes were glassy.

Great. I knew I was always the big bad wolf.

"What I mean is, something happens and its all my fault. You kiss Nick - it's all my fault. You get into the hospital - it's all my fault. Why me?" Tears ran freely down his cheeks now, only adding to my guilt.

"Aaron... It's not your fault." I said softly. My voice broke as I saw how anguished he was.

"All I wanted was you. But then this happened." He turned and started for the door. "I'm sorry, okay?"

"Stop." I said. "If anyone's to blame, its me." I blinked again, letting the tears that were blurring my vision flow down my face again. "I could have stopped this all before it happened."

"Don't blame yourself." Nick and Angel said at the same time, looking at each other afterwards.

"You wouldn't have been in danger if I'd let you get a ride with us." He said, turning around.

"No, no one would have been in danger if I'd been honest with Jack when he first called and made him stay away." I replied.

"That wouldn't have mattered if I'd gone out with you and Nick that night he showed up."

"Can I point out that this is the third time we've had this conversation?" Nick interjected. "The point is, it happened, and it wasn't anyone's fault."

"So can you two just make up and move on already??" Angel asked, apparently weary from the ping-pong version of the blame game we were playing.

Aaron smiled as he looked at me and sat down in the chair next to me that Angel had vacated. "I don't know. I'm still a bit bothered by what Tony and Jack t-"

"But you're forgetting something." I interrupted.

"What?" he asked. I reached for his hand and held it tightly as I looked into his eyes.

"I love you." I said, tears in my eyes. Didn't I just stop crying?

Aaron stopped, and stared at me for a good minute before he let his guard down. His shoulders were shaking as he walked toward me, and his waterfall tears resumed their work.

"Amy," he whispered, hugging my so tight that I felt like the tubes and such they'd put on me would burst and explode all over him. But I wasn't complaining. Aaron's back.

"Aaron, I'm so sorry...I've missed you tons..."

"I'm sorry, too..." he replied, kissing my neck. I missed that soo much.

"Can we just get back together?" I asked, sniffling. He pulled back from our embrace and nodded, a big smile on his face.

"You guys, I dont think that the hospital dudes allow patients to screw on their expensive beds," Nick said loudly.

Aaron and I shot Nick identical looks of danger, and he smirked, leaving the room with Angel in tow.

"Amy, I can't tell you how sorry I am that I wasn't there for you." Aaron said, rubbing my hand.

I bit my lip and smiled. I mean, c'mon. Aaron, my first ever REAL love crying, rubbing my hands. Face it, we're all hopeless romantics. "Aaron...I'm sorry I got you into this too."

"But Amy, I'm sorry, alot more sorry." Aaron contradicted playfully.

"Look, are we gonna spend the whole hospital time until they get the results back arguing about who's more sorry?" I demanded.

Aaron grinned and his hand moved on to caress my hair. "Well, we could, or we could - wait, what results?"

"I think the doctor called it a-" I hesitated. Why'd they have to call it that? "Rape Kit. To see if Jack passed on anything to me."

Aaron frowned, and cringed at the r-word. "Oh." Aaron slowly sat down in the chair, still holding my hand. I knew how he felt: for a moment there, I'd completely forgotten what was going on, too.