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I went in and stood behind the chair that Angel was sitting in. Aaron lifted his hand, tiredly, and reached toward me. It took a second and a nudge from Nick, for me to realize what he wanted. When I finally did I took his hand.

"Uh...can you guys give us a second alone?" Aaron asked in barely a whisper.

They all nodded and left the room. "Amy, I'm sorry..."

"What did we say about saying sorry?" I said, smiling. "And you have nothing to be sorry for, you're sick and you didn't know your mom would do what she did." I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"She’s going home now... We won't have to worry about her harassing you anymore."

"Well, that's good to hear," I said. "Did you ever get a chance to ask her why she hates me so much?"

"I did, but all she said was 'because she's a witch that just wants you for you're money,' but I know that's not true," he said giving my hand a light squeeze.

"How are you feeling now?"

"A little better, thanks to the medicine, but I feel like I just ran a 10k or something...I'm totally drained."

"Can I get you anything?" I asked.

"No I want you to stay right where you are."

Nick poked his head in the room. "Can we come back in?"

I nodded and he opened the door, letting his sisters in before him. I guess chivalry isn't dead.

We sat there for a couple of minutes. Nick had gotten comfortable sitting on the floor with his back up against the wall. BJ and Leslie were both standing, and Angel and I had the chairs.

The door opened and a doctor came in holding a clip board, "Good news," he said. "The virus that Aaron has isn't a serious one so long as you get help in time. He'll be weak for a while and need antibiotics, but he'll be just fine in a week or two. However, just to be safe, we'd like to keep him here overnight."

Nick had stood up when the doctor walked in the room, he went over to shake the man's hand and said, "Thanks Doctor."

"You're welcome." He said, before leaving the room.

"I have to stay in the hospital." Aaron pouted, speaking to nobody in particular. "By myself. Alone. In a square room."

"Well, technically it's sorta rectangular shaped," I pointed out, teasing him.

He gave me another pout. I walked over to him and kissed his forehead, almost shivering at how warm it still was. "But then you'll be better."

"Sure, sure," Aaron rolled his eyes playfully. "Whatever."

I saw from the corner of my eye that his sisters were smirking at each other, and once again, I thought.

What was it with these Carter smirks? Was it hereditary or something?

We sat around, all of us, just talking until around 8 when Aaron's nurse came in and told us that visiting hours were over. She said that ONE person could stay a bit longer with Aaron. A unanimous vote decided that Angel would be the one to stay.

BJ, Leslie, Nick and I said our goodbyes and walked to our respective cars. Nick started his SUV and we began the short trip home to continue a very VERY long day.

"Thanks for the ride, Nick," I smiled when Nick stopped the car with ease and let me out.

Nick blushed.

“Hey Amy!" he called when I was half way up my front walkway.


"You wanna' come over and watch a movie. And I don't know about you, but I'm starving, we can order some pizza," he said sounding almost...hopeful?

"Uhh...Yeah sure, that sounds great!" I said. "But I have to take a shower first."

"Oh yeah, same here. I'll call you okay?"

"Okay, it's a date," I said with a wink. Nick blush deepened and he quickly pulled into his driveway.

*After Shower*

I pulled on my favorite band t-shirt, one of The White Stripes, and proceeded to zip up my pants and walk to the bathroom.

What to put on, what to put on?

I surprised even myself at thinking such a thing? Why would I even have to worry about that? Nick's Aaron's brother, for Pete Wentz sake. But I want to look nice! I thought indignantly.

I put on an outfit that was comfortable, but still looked good. It was a pair of flare bottom jeans with a black t-shirt that had a Superman logo on it and it complemented all the right spots.

I'd just finished drying my hair when my cell rang, "Hello?"

"Hey," Nick said.

"Hey!" I said excitedly.

"I'm out of the shower, so you can come over whenever."

"Okay I'll be right there," I said. "What movie are we watching?"

"You can decide when you get here."

"Okay be over in a sec. Love ya sweets," I said in a voice that resembled my Aunt Marge's.

Whatever Nick was drinking he promptly spat out, "Wh-What!?" I could picture his bright red face.

"I'm just messin' with you!" I said laughing. "I'll see you in a minute."

"Oh," he said, sounding relieved. "That's good. See you there."

I smiled and clicked off the phone, making sure everything in the house was all fit to leave before walking out the door to Nick's house.

I knocked on the door nonchalantly.

Nick opened the door 1 second later, leaving me suspicious that he had been waiting right inside the doorway on the inside.

I looked at him and gasped.