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He looked at me, catching on to what I was really asking. "Amy, I'm not leaving you. I'd never do that."

It was somewhat relieving to hear him say that, but I wanted my first question answered. "That's not what I asked..." I said. "I asked if you were - or are - in love with her."

"I thought I loved her..." He saw the tears forming in my eyes. "I realized when I met you that I never loved her. Its wasn't love with her."

I nodded. Content with his answer. "Aaron, what if the baby is yours?" I asked, uncertainty heavy in my voice.

"Amy, I doubt it is. I broke up with her because she cheated on me three times," he said, taking my hand and kissing it.

"Okay, but what if it is yours? Then what will we do?"

"I'll pay child support," he said simply.

"And what? Be a dead beat dad?" I asked, tears rolling down my face at the thought of my own father never caring for us.

"No, Amy, of course not..." he gave my hand an extra squeeze. "I need you, Amy. Now more than ever. I need your help and support. I don't even wanna think of what the girls and Nick will say when I tell them... My head is spinning and I'm already getting a headache..." he stopped for a second and his head shot up, his face was full of worry. "Amy... You haven't been having any... Weird cravings or puking binges have you?"

I let out a tiny chuckle, "No Aaron, I'm not pregnant."

He sighed and fell back on his bed and said, "I can't take this kinda stress..."

"I'm sorry, baby..." I said, kissing his cheek.

"Don't be, it's not your fault," he said, kissing me back.

"I just wish there was something I could do..." I laid down next to him and gave him a concerned glance.

"There is," he said, taking his usual spot on top of me, "you have to help me stay sane through all of this."

I giggled as he began to kiss my neck playfully. "Woah," I said when I felt what being on top of me was doing to him. "Calm down, baby." I grinned and kissed him.

"That's like telling a dog not to eat a piece of ham that you're dangling right in front of his face..."

"Well, unlike that dog, this dog," I said pointing to him. "Can have his 'ham' whenever he wants."

"He wants it now," Aaron said with what sounded like a growl. I laughed again as he started kissing my neck. I was really beginning to like our alone time...Then I realized I need to stop saying things like that.

Knock, knock.

Aaron sighed. "Yes?" he asked the person on the other side of the door, giving me an exaggerated expression of annoyance that made me giggle.

"I'm going out with a few friends," Angel said from the other door. "Try not to wake the baby, he just went to sleep."

"Okay," Aaron called back. He turned to me and we went back to what we were doing.

"Aaron!" I said, still giggling, "Maybe we should watch a movie or something." He climbed off of me and sat up beside where I was laying.

"That's probably a safer idea," Aaron said, once again adopting a worried expression.

I sat up next to him and rubbed his back. "It'll be okay..." I put my head on his shoulder, and he kissed my forehead. "Did we ever finish watching Wedding Crashers?" I smiled.

"I don't know, you want me to go get it?"

"Yeah, we'll spend some alone time together that doesn't involve taking off our clothes," I smiled and he gave me a quick kiss before hopping off the bed and going downstairs to get the movie.

I was just sitting there, trying to think of what would become of mine and Aaron's relationship if that girl really was pregnant with Aaron's baby... We'd probably just have to watch it every once in a while... I guess that wouldn't be so bad...still. I don't think I like the idea of Aaron not being with the mother of his child...even if it's not me that's the mother. My cell phone interrupted my depressing thoughts, I reached into my pocket and pulled it out, checking the caller ID.

Beautiful you are
Yeah, you I choose
I look to the stars
For a girl like you

"Hey Kyle how's vaca?" I asked.

"Hey, it's not bad," he replied, sounding kind of concerned.

"What's wrong?" I asked sitting up, now I was concerned myself.

"Amy, are you okay?" he asked.

"Uh...yeah, last time I checked. Why do you ask?"

"Well...I called your house before your cell, I figured you wouldn't want me calling your cell during peak minutes, and your mom answered...she sounded like..." he trailed off, trying to find the right words to say.

"She sounded like what?" I asked, now I was really worried. If word got out that I was the kid of a drunk, it'd be all over for me at school.

"Like, she'd had too much to drink...when I asked if you were home she just said, 'No and I don't give a shit about where she is!' and hung up..."

"Oh. Sorry about her, Kyle." I sighed.

"Whats going on, Amy?" he asked.

"My- My dad left us..." I closed my eyes.

"Wow... Amy, I'm really sorry."

"Its okay..." I really didn't want to think about this again. "We'll be fine. Mom'll be fine, I'll be fine..."

"I get it, you'll be fine. But are you fine now?"

"Yeah. I'm at Aaron's. I know how my mom is when shes drunk, she'll be fine by the time I go home."

"Okay then..." I heard someone shout in the background on his end of the line. "I gotta go. See ya in a few days!"

"Yeah, see ya." Click.

"Who was that?" Aaron asked in the doorway.

"Kyle," I said as I got comfortable under Aaron's covers.

"What'd he want?" Aaron pressed as he put in the DVD.

"He called my house and got worried when he heard how my mom talks about me when she's drunk."

"How does she talk about you?" Aaron came over, DVD remote in hand, and got under the covers next to me, I snuggled into him, using his chest as a pillow.

"She calls me stuff like slut, bitch, whore... And that's not even the worst of it..."

"Well, the only thing I'll ever call you is 'baby'...." he said, planting a deep kiss on my lips. "....or 'beautiful' or 'sexy' or 'my wonderful girlfriend whom I love so much' - that one I'll use when I'm in particularly deep trouble..."

I laughed and squeeze him tight, "I love you," was the last thing I said before I nodded off to sleep... So much for watching the rest of that movie.

I woke up to the music playing in the end credits of the movie. I looked up and saw Aaron sleeping peacefully.

"Yeah..." I heard someone in the hall say. I got up slowly and quietly opened the door, peeking my head out the door to see who the mystery person was. "What time should I be there?" Nick. I saw a door open at the end of the hall, and a light was on inside. Nick's room, I guess. "Sure, no problem."

Who the hell is he talking to?

"Alright, see you then. Bye." See who when?

I carefully crept out of Aaron's room and walked down the hallway to Nick's room. I found him standing in front of his closet.

"Hey." I said, standing in the doorway. He looked up and smiled when he saw me.

"Hey." he said with a nod, then turned his attention back to his closet.

"What'cha doin'?" I asked.

"Looking for something." he answered without looking up at me.

"What're you looking for?"

"Something to wear. I'm going out tonight."

"Maybe I can help."

"I'd love you forever if you did," he said. "I need something casual, but I don't wanna look like I don't care enough to look good, ya know?"

"Yeah," I said walking over and going through the mess of clothes that was in his closet.

"I was thinking jeans and a t-shirt," he said.

"Nick that's what you wear almost everyday!!" I held up a pair of cargo shorts that had a huge yellow stain right in the crotch. I gave Nick a look and he said, "Mustard!! You sick little-"

"That's what they all say," I interrupted with a grin. He rolled his eyes and I managed to pull out a pair of khaki-colored cargo pants that were stain-free and handed them to him. "Try these."

He wrinkled his noses upon seeing those. "Eww. Get that away from me."

I tossed it onto him anyways, along with a preppy blue striped Hollister button up. "Why?"

"It probably makes me look like a prude. A nerd. A geek. A dork. A -"

I cut him off by pulling him towards the bathroom and thrusting him in there. "You are a dork. Now go get changed."

"But-" I stopped his sentence short by closing the bathroom door and laughing as I walked back to Aaron's room. When I got there, he was sitting up on his bed. He looked worried.

"I woke up and you weren't here, I thought you might have left..."

"I'm sorry, baby. I heard Nick talking to someone and I ended up helping him pick out some clothes." He looked confused. "For his date. He has a date tonight and desperately needed help."

"Oh!" Aaron said, much more relaxed than he had been a second ago. "Who with?"

"No clue, but I gotta' go finish helping him out, be right back," I gave Aaron a quick kiss and exited his room.

I went back into Nick's room and to his closet. I started looking for a decent pair of shoes for him. Finally, I came across a pair of Nike's that were suitable and threw them at the foot of his bed along with a pair of clean socks.

"How do I look?" Nick said, stepping out of the bathroom.

I looked at him and said, "Speaking as a third party who has absolutely no interest in you what-so-ever, I'd say you look great. Speaking as myself, I'd say Aaron would look better in that outfit."

He laughed and threw a pillow at me, and I said, "Now let's work on your hair..."

"My hair?!" Nick pouted and mock pretended to fluff his hair up.