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"YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT, AARON!" Angel hollared, and I heard my room door swing open again, followed by the sound of pounding footsteps and someone sitting down in a chair. I turned around to find Angel, arms crossed and tears again straming down her face, sitting by my side. "Hes a fucking moron." She repeated to me.

"You're tellin' me." I answered. She smiled at me as I turned back to face her, wincing as I felt a pain in my side.

"Oh," she sniffled, "The doctor said you have a few bruised ribs."

A few? It felt like the lot of them were totaled! "Bruised doesn't begin to describe it."

She gave a small laugh and pulled the chair up closer to my bed. "I'm really sorry, Amy." Ya know, being really sorry is a fad that needs to end. Soon.

"'Sorry' should be a banned word," I smiled, feebly acknoledging that not all was lost.

"So should 'fighting'," Angel put in.

"Yeah..." I trailed off.

"Just- Why did he do this??" Angel asked, frustrated.

"Do what?" Momentarily lost, I fixed my eyes into a somewhat normal stance and gazed at her.

"Get high? Become a fucking idiot? Repeat his his dark moments of life?" Angel answered, throwing his porcelain smooths hands up in the air.

"This happened before? Oh yeah... What did you guys do to get him out of it before?"

"Well... We all just kinda..." Angel trailed off, trying her hardest to go back far enough in her mind to remember.

"We staged an intervention." Nick said, standing in the doorway. "Beej went and got Les, so they're sitting outside with him." He explained, nodding in the direction of the lobby. "He locked himself up in his room, at his own house, and we all just stood outside, waiting for him to come out on his own, 'cause we just figured he'd eventually get hungry." Nick continued on, sitting down beside Angel.

"Turns out that'd be forever, as we found out. I think the stuff he was smoking made him lose his appetite," Angel contributed and Nick finished her thoughts.

"And that was like, a wow, because usually Aaron eats a truckload every hour. Finally, though, he came out... But I don't think that'll work here..." Nick added.

"It apparently didn't work last time, either..." Angel said quietly. Nick sighed as he looked out the window.

I sighed too. "What's Aaron doing now?"

"Throwing a bf in the the waiting area. All the nurses and visitors are giving him strange looks." Nick answered harshly, his eyes turning cold.

"A bf?" All thoughts eluded me; What's a bf? A boyfriend?

"Aaron's throwing a boyfriend?" I asked cluelessly.

"Bitch fit," Angel explained, the edges of her lips advancing upwards in a smile.

"Oooh..." I said. I could hear screaming in the hallway, but I was trying to ignore it. The fatigue that was growing inside of me suddenly showered me full blast as I yawned.

Nick saw and walked over, giving me a one armed hug over my bed. "See you later, Amy. Hope you feel better."

Angel followed suit and gave me an encouraging smile. "Dont worry. Just rest."

"I'll try." I said, trying to wave to them as they walked out the door. I heard more yelling in the hallway, but it slowly began to get quieter as it moved farther away...

~While Amy's sleeping a couple hours later~

Aaron walked surreptitiously into the clastrophobic hospital room, feeling queasy from being screamed at and screaming while feeling the after effects of being high, and just by the closeness of all the walls.

Aaron sat down slowly in the chair Angel had left closest to Amy hours earlier. He carefully moved a piece of hair from her face, making sure not to disturb her. She seemed so peaceful while she was sleeping, he didn't want to interrupt that. Aaron knew how upset she'd be if she saw him sitting there when she woke up.

I need to fix this, big time. I can't lose Amy again. This time I almost lost her forever.

"What the hell are you doing here?" A familiar voice said quietly from behind him. He turned around to see the person to whom the voice belonged standing near the door to the small bathroom, arms crossed in front of them as they quickly glanced at Amy before returning their gaze to him.

"I wanted to see if my girlfriend was okay, Nick." Aaron spat out the name bitterly, still angry at the words that had flew out of his older brother's mouth only hours before.

"You didn't want to see her earlier," Nick pointed out, rooted to his spot. He really wanted to go see Amy up closer, to see if she really were okay, but he wasn't going to do it while his brother was being bitchy. Hence himself being bitchy.

"I was high. I didn't really comphrehend." Even as Aaron said it, he knew how it sounded. Bad. Really bad.

"Oh yeah. So being high is the 100% free excuse for everything. You get a girl pregnant. 'Oh, I was high.' You push your girlfriend. 'Oh, I was high.' You be an asshole. 'Oh, I was -"

"Shut up, Nick!" Aaron shouted in a loud whisper. "I know, I was being fucking stupid, I'm sorry! I know I can't take it back, but I'm trying to fix it!"

"Fix it?" Nick said, scoffing. "I've heard that before. See where it got everyone?"

"I mean it this time."

"Heard that before, too." This really is getting old, and repetitive...

"Nick! QUIT! BEING! SUCH! A FUCKING! PRICK! Let me explain!" Aaron screamed. Neither of them noticed that Amy had woken up during Aaron's nice little yell, and was watching them silently.

Nick made a shushing gesture by bringing his finger to his lips, "Quiet down here. And don't you dare call me that; Have you been looking at how you've been acting?"

Aaron nodded, his teeth gnashing together in anger. "I have, and I'm trying to let go of it! How is any of this going to stop if you don't forget the past?!"

Nick rolled his eyes. "You can't just forget the past when something like this happens. Even if you want the whole world to, they can't. It's not all about you when somebody gets hurt."

"I never said it was all about me!" Aaron exclaimed. "But these days, everything that fucking goes wrong in this family is my fucking fault! At least everyone makes it seem that way!"

"Okay," Nick said, fighting the urge to drag his brother out into the parking lot and beat some common sense into him, "Name one time in the past three weeks, with everything thats happened, when Amy," He motioned to her on the bed, still not having noticed she was awake, "Blamed you for anything that happened to her." When Aaron continued to be silent, Nick took advantage of that and continued. "When her mom got sick, when Jack came back and attacked her, when her dad left, when her mom kicked her out! Name one fucking time she said 'Aaron, this is all your fault.'." Aaron's crumbling silence continued and Nick gave a bitter laugh. "See?"

"You can stop rubbing it in my face now. I know I screwed up. I'm trying so hard to, like, figure out a way to do... Something to make Amy believe in me, and trust me, and make things better." Aaron stopped suddenly, feeling as though a rock and stone had eloped into his throat, and swallowed hard. "But I don't know."

"This ain't making me feel sorry for you," Nick stated.

"I'm not trying to make you feel sorry for me!" Aaron retaliated. Nick shrugged in answer. "I love Amy, more than I can ever show her, more than words, but if I can't make it up to her somehow, sometime... I'm just going to go away and leave. I know it might break her heart," Aaron added quickly, seeing Nick's mouth shoot open, "If she doesn't already hate me. Hurting her one last time, even though I'd hate to do that to her again, its better than hurting her over and over like a repeat offender." He blinked, staring at the conventional room, feeling trapped as the claustrophobia closed in on him once again.

Nick looked at him blankly.

"Unless you have a better suggestion?" Aaron asked hopefully. Nick just shook his head and Aaron made to get up from his chair. He turned and caught himself staring into Amy's green eyes. "Amy." He whispered.