Though it tortured Danielle inside to let her future husband leave, she knew that in order to be together, she would have to endure the separation.
His departure was quick, and she sat moping for the first hour afterwards, and then decided she needed to do something. She was about to pick up the phone when a knock came at the door. Confused as to who it could be, Danielle walked slowly to the door. She peeked out her peephole, scanning outside for anyone who might be there.
She saw no one, so she opened the door, keeping her bolt locked. "Hello?" She called out into the hallway. "Is there someone out there?" She still received no response, so she opened the door the entire way and scanned to the right and left of her door. She saw no one so she shrugged and started to move back inside when she happened to glance down, seeing an envelope with her name written in red ink.
She picked the envelope up, turning it over to look at the front and back. Again, Danielle shrugged and went inside with the envelope, opening it on the way back to her couch. She plopped on the couch and read the letter.
I'm watching you.
your dear fiancé to know about.
Danielle looked around her apartment and then looked out the window, noticing a blue metro speeding out of the parking lot. Quickly she got up and closed her blinds.
Finally, she shook her head and tossed the note in the trashcan. She chuckled at herself for being so scared. Her fiancé was Kevin Richardson, of course there were people who knew her name and that she was his fiancée. She smiled and shook her head. Why did she think she would not receive the threats or whatever they called them from his fans?
She went back to what she was doing before and picked up the phone. It rang a few times before Kristy picked up.
"Kristy, you will never believe what just showed up on my doorstep." She laughed remembering how scared she was for a moment, and then proceeded to re-open her blinds.
"What?" Kristy asked with curiosity in her voice.
"I just received my first 'threatening' note from one of Kevin's fans."
She could hear Kristy's laughter on the other end. "What did it say? Get away from my man or I'll have my Barbie attack your Barbie?"
"Close enough." Danielle glanced at the trashcan the note was sitting in. "So what are you doing tonight?"
The girls chatted for a bit longer before both had to go so that Kristy could get ready for work. Danielle busied herself cleaning. The next time Kevin comes in for the weekend, I am definitely not taking the Monday after off work. She thought to herself as she whittled away the hours doing odd jobs that called to be done around her place.
In what seemed like forever, 7 o'clock finally rolled around and Danielle, having finished all her work, was sitting, and waiting for Kristy to show up so they could go out.
She answered the knock on the door and smiled broadly at her friend who simply looked past her and into the apartment.
"What happened here? A tornado come through her in reverse?" She gaped at Danielle's now clean apartment.
"Ha Ha." Danielle replied shoving Kristy out of the door. "So where are we going again?"
Kristy threw her head back in laughter and drug Danielle to the car for a night out on the town Kristy style.
She watched the hotel, waiting for them to emerge. She got some inside information that told her they were going to be staying at this hotel and she was not about to miss her opportunity to meet Kevin, the man of her dreams.
She stood in the shadows since one of their bodyguards or the office manager, told her to leave. She could hardly remember who told her to leave the premise this time; she was always being told to leave by some person or other. How was she to know who had told her to leave this time?
Finally, she saw them walk towards the front doors. Oh how she loved to watch him walk. Everything about him made her swoon inside.
When he got far enough away from the building she made her move.
"Kevin," She shouted after him. "Kevin wait." She watched as he pulled to a stop, squinting towards the girl that ran towards him. "I just want to get a picture." She screamed at the bodyguards that approached her.
"Stop!" He ordered his guards. "Let the girl come here." His face warmed with a smile at her. "Well now, what is your name?"
"Tracy," The young woman smiled stepping more into the light so that Kevin could see that she indeed was a young woman and not a 'girl' as he called her. "I've been waiting for a picture with you for an hour." So, he didn't really need to know how long she followed him and waited for a chance like this.
Smiling she handed the bodyguard her camera with a sly grin and waltzed over to stand next to Kevin. A smirk came to her mouth as she quickly put her arms around Kevin's waist. The camera went up to the bodyguard's face and through her toothy grin she shot out what she was dying to tell Kevin. "I would make a better wife to you then that 'girl' you are marrying."
The bodyguard finished taking the picture and Tracy released her hold on Kevin. "Thanks so much." She smiled to them, slowly turning and starting to walk away. When she was a safe distance, her smile fell from her lips and she turned to look at the car Kevin disappeared into. "Believe me, you and I will be married before that bitch becomes your wife."