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Author's Chapter Notes:
I hope the sequel lives up to all my reviewers expectations. Here we go! :-D
April stared out the window of the copy room at work. She could not say she enjoyed her new job but the club was gone, burned to the ground and she didn’t know if she could ever set foot on those grounds again. A very hip restaurant moved into the lot where the club once stood and May tried to get her sister to go, but April did not want to eat and enjoy herself on the grave of the man she loved. A sigh escaped her lips as it often did when she thought of Kevin. It was a fling, she constantly told herself. It was a brief moment in time, how could she be I love with him, what was worse is he was a vampire. Part of her knew that if he were to walk through the door that she would drop everything, run over to him and vow to be a part of his life somehow.
April was glad, at least, for the fact that she could tell her parents that the father of her child died, though she said it was a car accident. May was the only person, besides herself, that knew what really happened to the child’s father.

After that, night April wanted to leave town but May insisted they stay. May convinced her that they would all leave us alone now that the Creator was no longer around. May also told her that she didn’t want to have to find a new apartment or a new job in a new city. April was glad that May convinced her to stay, though she knew Kevin was dead, if he were to come back somehow he would look for her here.

Without thinking, April put her hand to her neck where the Creator had taken a bite out of her. Though the skin healed, she could still feel something lying just underneath the skin where the puncture holes were. She let the doctors that looked her over believe that she ran into something and punctured her neck. The last thing she needed for her or her child was to let them think she thought vampires existed.

“April,” a male voice broke her concentration and she quickly turned her head to see who was addressing her. It was the guy who sat in the cube next to hers, the guy who asked her out last week who was still waiting for an answer from her.

She thought about turning him down since they were co-workers but as the days wore on April began to think it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to go on a date. She should stop thinking about sparing Kevin’s feelings, he was gone and she was alive, she needed to live.

“Bret, about that dinner you asked me about. Let me see if May can watch Caleb tonight and we can have that dinner if you are free.” April said it quickly so that she couldn’t take back her decision.

Bret smiled and nodded. “Tonight, yeah that would be great.”

April smiled back at Bret and grabbed her papers from the copy machine. She sat down at her desk and punched in the line to get May who answered her phone with her usual opening line. Even after last year, May stayed with the company she was hired on at, where Brian made contact with her. April thought it was strange, but May seemed different since the encounter.

“May, I have a favor to ask you.” April started after May introduced herself. “I decided to go out with Bret from work and I was wondering if you could watch Caleb tonight.” April twirled the phone cord having mixed feelings over what she wanted May’s response to be.

“Of course I’ll watch my favorite nephew tonight, especially if it means you are going about getting a life again.” May laughed on the other end of the phone causing April to smile awkwardly.

“Thanks, Sis.” Holding in her sigh of disappointment April hung up the phone and walked the brief distance to Bret’s cube. “She can watch him, where would you like to go?”

They made their arrangements and finished their day agreeing that Bret would pick her up around seven that night for dinner.


He scoured the books that lay before him, there had to be another way, there was no way it could be over the way it ended. Sounds could be heard from the restaurant above. The club burned but the deepest part of the dungeon remained intact and undisturbed by the new owners. He sat in silence, his only companion locked in a room down the hall.

Suddenly words jumped out at him, it was not what he was looking for but something he needed to help guard against, something that could undo all his work thus far. It was the child, the child of the girls he kept his eye on knowing every move they made. That child could be the undoing of the world.

He shoved the book away not wanting to face those girls again. He stood and marched to the locked room. He opened the door and stood looking at the man slouched in the corner. Laughter escaped the captive’s lips making the other cringe.

“She’ll know already.” The man on the floor said. “And now thanks to you reading it down here, I know now too. When I get out of here I’ll make sure you regret this time you have held me against my will, cousin.” He spat out the word that bonded them in the past.

“Brian, I will never let you go, and nobody knows you are here.” Kevin stared the captive man down before turning abruptly. He needed to find a way to warn April, without alerting her to his presence if possible, it was safer for her that way.