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I April stared at Kevin from across the room. He would not look at him since they got back from the run in with Brian. “Kevin what was he talking about?” She asked him for the second time since they arrived back at the house. Kevin sighed knowing he needed to tell April, it would be worse if Brian told her.

“I know why the Creator made me, I’ve always known.” He started.

“So what, she made you all different.” April stated.

“It’s not that easy April; I did not always feel that I was living a sham life. I believed that it was my destiny to rule in darkness alongside Antigone.”

“Is Antigone the Creator?”

Kevin nodded. “Like I told you before, she made us all different. She made me so that I would always be able to have children. I knew I could get you pregnant that night.” He averted his eyes, not wanting to see how April might be looking at him. “Antigone and I were going to rule together and she wanted a child to raise as a dark heir. It was my job to produce such a child. We found the perfect woman and it was my job to romance her and get her pregnant, after she gave birth we would simply take the child and kill the woman.”

April made a disgusted sound but kept her words to herself, she wanted Kevin to finish the story.

“I remember Olivia’s dark eyes, the sadness in them when Antigone slit he throat. It was then I realized I loved her. I kept my feelings hidden but could not stand by and watch Antigone raise Olivia’s child to be evil. I could think of nothing else April, you have to understand that. I did what I thought would be best at the time.” Tears welled in Kevin’s eyes and began to roll down his cheeks.

April moved closer to him and put her hand on his knee willing him to continue.

He waited for the tears to slow some before continuing. “She was out one night and I took my son, so small. He had his mother’s eyes. I took him into the bathroom and put him in a tub of water, let him slip down...” Kevin could not contain his tears anymore. “I…. killed… him….” He buried his face in his hands and let the wails sound.

April stared at Kevin, this new revelation giving her mixed feelings. She loved Kevin, but he did horrible things in his past including killing his own son; would he go that far now to keep Caleb away from the Creator? She stood and walked towards the door. “I need a moment to think about this.” She mumbled before exiting, Kevin only nodded but did not look up.

It was not a long walk back to where she was only a few hours before, where Alex and Brian fought briefly. She wondered if either were still there, she pushed the door opened slowly and gasped as she looked at Alex hunched over on the floor. “Alex?” She questioned, was it possible that Brian found some way to kill him with the Creator still alive.

The body on the floor groaned and rolled over. “April?” he asked. “What are you doing back here?”

“I could say was concerned about you, but you’d probably see through that ruse.” She said as she helped Alex sit up and then stand, moving him to a chair. “I wanted to ask you something.”

“I cannot tell you that, it’s Kevin’s story. I do know that his grief is real and he has never gotten over what he did. It is one of the main reasons he desires an end to this life.” Alex stated quickly.

April shook her head. “That isn’t what I was going to ask, but thank you for that.”

Alex stared at her, “What did you want to know then?”

“Where is my sister?” She asked determined. “She’s with Brian; Brian is my only lead to Caleb, despite him not really looking for him. I also want to save my sister.”

He nodded and told her where she could find the two, if they had not left already.


Brian charged through the door and grabbed May up from the couch. “We need to talk.” He looked into her eyes, his blue eyes shining. “I have a request of you, it is a large one so I will understand if you refuse, but just know I’m thinking of us when I make it.”

May caressed Brian’s face and kissed him lightly. “Ask.”

“I want to be with you forever May; I can not stand to think of my life without you by my side. Since I can not die so we could be together in an afterlife, I ask you to join me in my eternal walk on this planet.”

May looked at Brian shock showing on her face. “You are asking me to become a vampire to stay with you forever?” She could not hide the smile on her face.

“It is a huge request to ask you. I understand if you need time, but know that Kevin knows where we are, Alex betrayed us and I’m afraid that Kevin will try to capture me again. We need to move on.” He looked towards the outside window to help show the urgency.

“Brian,” May gasped. “It is like you were reading my mind.” She giggled remembering the dreams from before they met. “I’ve been considering how to ask you if I could become a vampire.” She leaned her neck towards Brian as an offering, expecting to be changed at the very moment.

Brian gazed at her neck longing to be the one to make this change, to take another thing from April, but he shook his head. “If I turn you, you can still be killed. Being turned by a child of the Creator is not strong; you need the Creator to turn you herself so that you have no chance of dying as long as she lives.”

May turned her head straight again and nodded. “Then what are we waiting for, let’s go to the Creator.” She grabbed Brian’s hand and headed towards the door.

They both hurried outside and hailed a cab, Brian gave the directions to the driver and they were off, unaware of the cab following them carrying April.