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April groggily arose and looked at her surroundings. She wondered where she was until she turned and saw a body on the ground missing her head. She heard a scream and since she could see no one else around, she knew the sound escaped from her lips.

The Creator was dead at long last; her clan could now be killed. April sat down on a large rock and wept. Her son was not here, the Creator did not have Caleb but then April knew that before she came. Kevin and Alex could finally end their existence, but she still did not have Caleb.

She came to a decision; she would not tell Kevin and Alex that the Creator was dead until after she had Caleb back, she needed the two men to help her. Brushing herself off with a new found strength April turned towards the road leading away from the mansion determined to find her son and be done with the whole situation once and for all.


Alex and Kevin both began to pace about the room. Several hours had passed and April still had not come back.

“One thing Kevin, I don’t understand.” Alex stopped pacing and turned towards the other man. “If the Creator was not after the blood of your child, why did this whole thing start after you read the prophecy about a child that would plunge the world into darkness?”

Kevin shrugged and plopped into a chair. “I needed a reason to see April again; I needed a reason to get her help ending the Creator’s existence. I felt that excuse was as good as any. I did not expect Nick would take the child and May would run off with Brian.” He put his head in his hands. “I guess I should have just made myself known to April sooner, and then none of us would be in this situation.”

Both men sat in silence, jumping when they heard the door begin to open.

“Hi,” April said meekly. “Were you worried?” She asked after looking at both men’s haggard faces.

Kevin enveloped April into his arms and held her close. “Worried, does not begin to describe the feelings I felt with you not here.”

April breathed a sigh of relief and let Kevin hold her close.

“What happened?” Kevin asked curious as to why April was shaking.

April considered telling Kevin the truth right then and there, but that would not suit her purposes and she desperately needed Kevin and Alex’s help to get Caleb back. “Nothing really, I guess I was just frightened by seeing the Creator close again. I don’t think she knew I was there though.” She moved away from Kevin and kept her eyes averted so he could not see the lie in her eyes.

“I believe I know where Nick is.” Alex chimed in figuring it was the perfect time for some good news.

April looked towards him expectedly. “Where? How?” She questioned.

Alex took a piece of paper from his back pocket and showed it to April. It was a bill for electricity.

“What does this bill have to do with anything?” She asked, annoyed that Alex would assume she could figure it out. She wanted to be on a plane or boat or whatever she needed to be on to find her child, not playing guessing games.

“Well, see, when Howie was… killed. I took the liberty of getting all his bills mailed to a trust that we had set up in the mean time. As sort of precaution to find stray clan members when the time came to hunt them down.” Alex looked smugly at the others. “This bill is one of Howie’s safe houses.”

“Would Nick really go to one after all this?” Kevin mused.

“Why wouldn’t he? He really doesn’t know anywhere else to go. Howie kept that boy under lock and key for a thousand years.” Alex smartly spoke. “I say we go there, it is where I believe Nick is.”

“We can’t just go off of this.” April interjected. “What if another vampire figured he would use Howie’s place as a safe house knowing Howie was gone?”

“Good question, April.” Alex replied still looking smug. “That is why I did further research and discovered that the person that was taking over that house asked for a maid who would be able to fix several bottles of formula and have them ready before he arrived.”

The news excited and shocked April so much that she nearly fell over in happiness. “Caleb.” She muttered. “Let’s go!” She shouted towards the others already out the door.


May followed Brian into a large garden around the back of the Creator’s house. “Brian.” She called out to him. He did not stop, he kept fleeing. Finally he reached the center of a flower maze and sat down in the middle looking up at May.

“I wanted to be with her.” He said. “Everything I did I did to please her, to benefit her.”

May could feel rage boiling up inside of her. “You did it all for her? You felt nothing for me, after she admitted to us that she still wanted to be with Kevin, you would still go back to her wouldn’t you?”

“She is my reason for being.” His face was stern as he told May this.

“But what of me? Did our time together mean nothing? Did I mean nothing to you?”

“You were a means to an end.” He grinned evilly at May. “I had to do what I had to do.”

The rage boiled up in May, more so then when the Creator was killing her own sister. “You bastard!” She flew at him clawing at his face. He grabbed her wrists and stood, taking him with her, he easily flung her across the garden. She stood and brushed herself off and advanced towards Brian again.

“I loved you with my whole heart Brian, and you ripped it out and smashed it with your words.” Tears would stream down her face if her feelings weren’t starting to drift away as the Creator told her they would. She advanced on Brian again attempting to grab him by the neck; he easily shoved her aside forcing her to fly across the garden again.

“The Creator blessed me with this strength May, I hardly doubt you will be able to overcome me.”

May looked around her, looking for anything she could use as a weapon. Carefully she selected two objects and advanced on Brian yet again.