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Author's Chapter Notes:
Sorry that took so long. I sort of was in Writer's Block and couldn't find my exit. :-D
Alex searched the library for anything he could find, anything that might help him discover why Kevin was after the child. Finally, he came across something.
‘Children are the source of the purest blood. Since the vampire law passed in 1720, no longer are vampires to drain randomly mortal children. Only children allowed are left outside and unwanted. Such a child is a rare find indeed and many would hunt for one.’
Alex slammed the book shut. So, this was how far Kevin stooped. He was hunting for an unwanted child to drain. Anger flooded him and he threw the book across the room. Tearing from the library, Alex was determined to continue his hunt for Kevin.
Across the room, the book he threw lay open.
‘A child born from the union of vampire and mortal, destined to fulfill prophecies, will be the undoing of the known world. Darkness will envelop the world and those who love life will be extinguished.’ The page read.
Brian gave up on looking for Nick, he had other plans in motion and did not need the twerp or the child he carried to finish his plans. He and May bought plane tickets to Hawaii. Now they sat next to each other on the flight. They would wait there until Nick made his appearance and then take the baby back. Brian made it clear he had to go through Hawaii to take the baby to the Creator.
May did not question where Brian got the money. He always seemed to have the money they needed for everything they did and May never once questioned where it came from. She sat staring out the window at the vast ocean under her.
“I’ve never been to Hawaii, but I’ve always wanted to go.” She looked towards Brian and then blushed. “…with someone I care about.” She added.
Brian smiled broadly back at her. “I hope we will be able to take in some sights after we find Nick and Caleb.” He really could care less about seeing Hawaii, even though he was immune to sunlight currently Brian thought Hawaii had too much sun and could not understand why the Creator made her home on these islands.
They arrived tired and ready to find their rooms and get some sleep. As they made their way upstairs Brian felt a presence he wasn’t sure he felt correctly. He swerved around looking everywhere for the vampire but he could not be found. He shrugged off the feeling and followed May inside the resort. They found their room and fell onto the bed. Brian wanted to sleep but he could tell May wanted to do other activities first.
He moved closer to May and held her in his arms. “Baby, I know you want to have some fun this first night, but I am tired still. I need to recover from my captivity still. Please don’t be mad.”
May pouted but didn’t push Brian. He was glad for that, the thought of making love to her again so soon repulsed Brian slightly. Mortal women were different from vampire women. How he longed to bite May like he would a vampire woman.
April and Kevin looked around the airport terminal ticket booths. Airport security allowed them no further without a ticket. “I have no idea if Nick came here.” Kevin started, “But I know the Creator does not reside in Florida most of the year. Perhaps there is a way we can find out if Nick flew somewhere, or even if Brian and May went somewhere. Brian would head towards the Creator after all.” He did not want to look at April and the sadness he knew would be on her face.
“I think I’ll try something.” April told Kevin as she walked towards a help desk. Kevin watched her walk away with a smile playing on his lips.
He watched as April talked to the attendant and then she nodded and looked back at Kevin smiling broadly. “She found out where they went, amazing.” A few minutes later, she motioned for Kevin to come forward.

“You have you ID don’t you Kevin?” She looked at him questioning, did vampires have any form of ID.

“Of course,” He pulled out a wallet and a Florida identification card. “Never had a reason to drive though so I just got one of these.” He smiled at April and handed the card to the ticket sales woman. When they finished and walked away Kevin put his arm around April and hugged her. “So where are we going.”

“Hawaii.” She stated.

Kevin laughed, “That’s a relief. I was afraid we’d have to go somewhere cold and dreary.” He looked at April’s shocked face and stammered. “Well also I don’t have my passport updated.”

“How do you update your passport?” She was curious how an immortal vampire updated a document that could not possibly have the correct birth date.

“We have those who,” he got quiet to make sure no one nearby heard. “Well they forge documents for us.”

April stared ahead, of course that made sense. “Well we are at gate 32. We should get there soon.”

The couple arrived at their gate after a forty-five minute wait at security. They sat down next to each other and waited until their flight boarded.

“Now boarding flight 1021 to Hawaii,” A voice over the loud speaker announced.

Kevin looked at April. “Ready?” He asked.

April nodded and stood up. “I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii.”